Chapter 470

Qi Yanjun also went with her, sitting beside her, lifting his hand can hold her hand. LAN Yue didn't like the distance very much. She put her hand on her knee without leaving a trace.

Looking out of the window, I just saw Gu An carrying his luggage onto another silver car.

Gu An is not with them. He is going back to the Qi family now.

Therefore, Qi Yanjun specially arranged Gu An to go to the capital to take care of her two-day itinerary? She looked suspiciously at the man beside her.

As soon as his eyes settled on his resolute side face, Qi Yanjun noticed that he turned his head and looked at him. The peach blossom in his eyes was full of tiny smile. It seemed that she had already noticed that she was looking at him.

LAN Yue's cheek is slightly hot, and she quickly withdraws her sight. She is in a panic and doesn't like the feeling of being exposed.

"Yiyao will send someone to watch."

Qi Yanjun suddenly opened his voice, as if to explain to her. LAN Yue did not react, the hand was held. She subconsciously wants to get rid of it. However, Qi Yanjun's strength is not big, but she can't get rid of it.

Just at this time, the car started and passed in front of Gu An.

LAN Yue looks out of the window, but Gu An is also looking at her. At the moment when their eyes were on each other, Gu An bowed his head respectfully, as if to say goodbye to her.

But just before she bowed her head, a cold glance seemed to flash through her eyes.

If she is not wrong, Gu An's should be staring at her. But the other party's mood converged quickly. Before she could see clearly, Gu An's face changed into a respectful look.

Are you wrong? LAN Yue twisted her eyebrows. Although she and Gu An Su did not know each other before, after two days of getting along with each other, Gu An gave her the feeling that she was very down-to-earth and capable. She was a typical girl from the countryside.

No matter how hard or tired, you won't complain.

However, her eyes just now let blue Yue feel cold. Originally thought Gu An is to Qi's people, now it seems that she is also one of Gu An's goals.

But these are her guesses, and there is no evidence at present.

"Don't be nervous." The man holding her hand suddenly pinched her palm.

The feeling of crispy hemp let blue Yue immediately return to God, turn head to see Qi Yan Jun showed meaningful smile. He didn't look at her, but he had a plan in mind.

"Do you see it?" Blue Yue asked questions.

Qi Yanjun did not answer her, but increased the radian of the lip. All of a sudden, he sat down to her side and hugged her into his arms. "It's OK. I've arranged everything."

If Qi Yanjun only talks and doesn't move, LAN Yue will believe him more. However, the man took advantage of her swaying God when she poured into his arms, how to see is intentional!

"Don't lean on me!" She pushed people away with a dark face.

Qi Yanjun, with a smile but no words, came to the corner of the car and stretched out her long arm to hold her in her arms. She knew at a glance that she was playing a rogue, but there was a natural expression on her face.

Let blue Yue blame words blocked in the throat, swallow is not vomiting is not. Push him away, but after a while, Qi Yanjun comes over again, making them seem to be flirting.

Fortunately, Guan Xiaoxiao's home is not far away, from the highway down, soon arrived.

She called ahead of time and pushed the door open to see the closed door open.


As soon as I got out of the car, a small figure came out of the room. I could see it was rongxiuyuan. He is also wearing a western style Plaid school uniform and a schoolbag on his back, which should be shortly after school.

Rong Xiuyuan ran over with a smile, opened his hands and threw himself into her arms. The bangs were still stained with sweat, "Auntie, are you back so early? It's six o'clock in the evening, isn't it His eyes were bright and full of surprises.

This makes blue Yue can't help but think of the appearance of blue Chen Hao when he was a child.

The blue Chen Hao of childhood still did not have this mature now, always can wait for her at the door of home, see her excited to rush over. But do not know from when to start, blue Chen Hao will do these actions again, but will be obedient, waiting for her at home.

Now see Rong Xiuyuan so intimate to her, blue Yue heart a burst of warmth, squat down to help him tidy up the bangs, "there is no traffic jam on the way back in advance. Have you and brother Haohao packed up the things? "

"It's packed up!" Rong Xiuyuan nodded hard, and suddenly frowned in embarrassment, "but last night we told my grandparents that we would not be home until six o'clock. They said they would help us prepare for the evening, and now they are in the kitchen."

"Let's go back after dinner."

She rubbed her slender head.

The child is a soft-hearted child. He certainly won't let Guan Xiaoxiao's parents get busy. LAN Yue can also take this opportunity to thank even an old man.

If they hadn't helped take care of the two children, she would have given them to Yun Fangli.

Yunfang will not let her contact with the two.

"Well, auntie, uncle Qi, let's go in quickly." Rong Xiuyuan also showed a smile. He grasped her hand with a soft little hand and turned around to catch Qi Yanjun's hand.LAN Yue remembered that there was a man behind him!

I was so happy just now that I forgot about it! Guan Xiaoxiao has a good relationship with her. Before seeing that she was despised by Qi Yanjun, she couldn't get angry and didn't dare to scold Qi Yanjun directly, so he talked to Guan Mengmeng.

Guan Mengmeng has a good relationship with her parents, so she tells her parents about it.

It can be said that the Guan family did not like Qi Yanjun.

But she had promised her child that she could not offer to go out for dinner at this time.

Rong Xiuyuan couldn't understand her expression at all. He grabbed Qi Yanjun's hand and dragged them to the house.

Looking at his red smile, LAN Yue felt sad. Although they had little contact with each other after their marriage, she also knew that Rong Yan and his wife preferred to lead Rong Xiuyuan from left to right.

No matter how happy the child laughs, it is impossible to completely forget the past.

She holds Rong Xiuyuan's small hand and swallows the words in her heart. Yu Guang looks at Qi Yanjun quietly. Unexpectedly, she finds that he is also looking at Rong Xiuyuan. She doesn't know what he is thinking of.

Blue Yue's tongue is bitter, drooping her eyes, and she doesn't want to think about it.

When LAN Chen Hao was still a little baby, he suffered a lot. When he grew up, LAN Yue knew that he was his own son. Even if he tried his best to make up for it, the lost time could not be recovered.

In contrast, Qi Yanjun to more regret, he did not even know what his son looked like when he was a child.

What's more, blue Chen Hao is not close to him at all. Although the mouth did not say, but his heart, should be more or less some regret.

Walk into the room, see blue Chen Hao to sway two crus to sit on sofa, follow close mother to pick vegetables together. At this time, Guan Xiaoxiao's two sisters have not come back, and Guan's father is busy cooking in the kitchen.

Gusts of food wafted out of the kitchen.

"Brother Haohao, Auntie is back!" Let Xiuyuan release her and Qi Yan Jun's hand, run quickly to the blue Chen Hao in front of, look up at him.

Although the age of two children is only two years old, but the blue Chen Hao whole high half head. "Qijun, when she came back, she was so happy that she put down her eyes. I was picking leaves with grandma just now. Come and have a look

Blue Chen Hao donates treasure like to pull her past.

Usually in Qi's family, there are servants to do these things. This is his first time to do these things. He is excited as if he has completed a great handicraft.

Rong Xiuyuan didn't know what happened between them. He also took Qi Yanjun's past, moved a small bench around Guan's mother and said that he wanted to learn with her.

Guan's mother is more than 50 years old. Usually, Guan Mengmeng and Guan Mengmeng have no time to accompany her. Seeing so many people coming together, she looks at her two children happily with old flower glasses on her face. But when she saw Qi Yan Jun, she always had some exploration and precaution in her eyes.

Taking advantage of blue Yue to help in the kitchen, Guan mother also followed behind quietly asked, "Xiaoyue, that is Hao Hao Hao's father?"

“……” Blue Yue is surprised, for a time hard to speak. If you're willing to have a relationship with Qi Jun before.

But now, she even hesitated. , the fastest update of the webnovel!