Chapter 471

"How do I think he's nice to you?" Guan's mother didn't doubt her hesitation. She put the picked vegetables in and washed them. She said, "although Mengmeng told me before that Haohao's father is not good here and there, the most important thing is to see how you feel when you get along with each other

"Xiaoyue, you must think clearly!"

Guan's mother also knows that she and Qi Yanjun are divorced and have not remarried until now. After all, she is an elder, and she can understand some things.

LAN Yue's father is very busy, and her mother has been away for a long time. After getting familiar with Guan Xiaoxiao, she often went back to Guanjia for dinner.

Guan's father and his mother are warm-hearted people who have already regarded her as half a daughter. They are afraid that she will listen to others and miss her own happiness.

"Is he good to me?" LAN Yue's heart beat, stunned.

"Isn't it?" Guan's mother looked across the Presbyopia mirror, and saw her face was surprised. She shook the water on her hand in a funny way. "Just now my aunt was sitting beside me, but I could see clearly. Haohao's father has been looking at you all the time. In those days, before I got married with Meng Meng's father, I picked a dish, and he wanted to watch it. It looked like something. "

"Of course, I have to watch. My wife looks so good at picking vegetables. What should I do if she is also liked by others?"

Guan's father just came over and cooked the dishes and joked with his mother.

"Go, go! Don't get in the way here Guan's mother blushed and scolded angrily.

Looking at the two people getting along, LAN Yue is envious. When she was a child, her mother was gone. Her father was busy outside all day. Her lunch and dinner could only be prepared by herself. Before she met Guan Xiaoxiao, she never knew what it was like to have a home.

Qi Yanjun was not bad to her at that time, and often brought some delicious things to her.

However, after all, she is the daughter of the security guard. She can't eat at the table of Qi's family.

Every time she goes to Guan's house to help Guan's father and mother prepare food, she also respects them very much. After listening to Guan's mother's words, she was very hot in her heart, and she had a strange feeling. She was moved by Qi Yanjun.

At dinner, Guan's father and mother were polite to Qi Yanjun. In addition to Guan Mengmeng's ugly face, a dinner was safe.

Before leaving, Guan's mother specially put the sugar water that had been prepared early in the morning into the thermos pot for her to take back. She also prepared one of Qi Yanjun's, which made Guan Mengmeng's face even more ugly.

After being warned by her mother, she didn't say much.

"Thank you, grandma!" Rong Xiuyuan happily took over the things and ran to the car in a hurry. He couldn't understand the things between adults.

"Mom, I'm going to sleep with you tonight."

Just out of the door to close the house, LAN Yue feels the sleeves of the clothes being pulled. She lowers her head and sees LAN Chen Hao staring at Qi Yanjun with a black face. Then she looks up to see her. Her face is full of stubbornness.

She some accident, blue Chen Hao since sensible, seldom can take the initiative to sleep with her.

But soon understand the meaning of blue Chen Hao, he is just afraid Qi Yan Jun will take him back to the villa of Qi family, so, preemptive, to follow her back together.

"Yes." She nodded and didn't want the child to be angry on the first day.

"That's like you."

Qi Yan Jun lengbu Ding to her ear, chuckled, low voice to listen to her ears numb.

Blue Yue does not leave a trace to avoid, did not pay attention to Qi Yanjun.

The driver directly sent them to the downstairs of the apartment. LAN Yue got off at the front foot, and Qi Yanjun followed him! "What are you doing here?"

"Sleep with you." He vaguely came over, cold not Ding grasps her waist, pressed her to the bosom, "small Yue son, these days the matter is specially many, I want to be together with you to be at ease."

His words were very light, and his thin lips hardly opened and closed.

From a distance, the two people seem to be in the ear, very intimate.

"You -" she tried to push Qi Yanjun away, and she heard this sentence, and then remembered that before leaving for Beijing, her purse had been deliberately bugged.

Those people can meet her in the supermarket near the community, maybe they have made arrangements, maybe those people are nearby!

It happened that a cool wind blew over. LAN Yue's slender body trembled slightly. Then she was surrounded by a warm arm. Qi Yanjun took a step forward and stuck her lips on her sensitive earlobe. "Now, you have to listen to me."

"What --"

before she was surprised, Qi Yanjun hugged her and walked to the apartment. The long wind blows his bangs, showing a firm forehead, thin lips still hook smile, how to see is a pair of triumphant appearance.

Thinking of their intimate gesture, she raised her hand to take Qi Yanjun's hand away, but did not resist his action.

After all, Qi Yanjun is right. She can only listen to him now.

All the banquets are arranged by her side. Now back, she can only listen to Qi Yanjun's arrangement. She has no idea about those people and why they want to install a bug on her.Their last mission failed, the next time also don't know whether the target will be transferred to blue Chen Hao and Rong Xiuyuan two people. They're just kids. They're easier to deal with.

In order to put an end to these accidents, she can only cooperate with Qi Yanjun.

But LAN Chen Hao didn't know the inside story. When he turned back, he saw Qi Yanjun also followed him. Moreover, he was so intimate with her. He immediately turned black and looked like a small animal with hair blowing. "Mom, why should he follow me! We don't have so many rooms in our house! "

"You sleep with Xiuyuan."

Before LAN Yue explained, Qi Yanjun reached out and pressed LAN Chenhao's head, making him unable to speak. He glared angrily, "I don't want -"


See the child also want to talk, blue Yue stretched out his hand and held his palm to comfort a few words. Just allow Xiuyuan to hold an almost bigger than his face Thermos Pot ran past, blue Yue let blue Chen Hao go to help.

When she got home, she changed her clothes first, and then she checked the door. The mother specially prepared to drink the sugar water. After taking a rest for a while, she asked the children to take a bath and get ready to go to bed.

Blue Chen Hao but at this time make a temper, hold the shoulder to sit on the bed with a stiff face. LAN Yue had to excuse Qi Yanjun to take a bath with Rongxiu first.

"If you can't handle it well, let me do it." Qi Yanjun reached out and lifted up the broken hair in her ear, which was quite gentle. It's like a couple of little couples who worry about their children's education.

Blue Yue was scared by his own ideas, quickly avoid Qi Yan Jun, "no, I can deal with it."

Qi Yanjun smiles, the peach blossom eyes always contain a trace of uncomfortable doting, she did not dare to see more, for fear that she would sink down.

Fortunately, Qi Yanjun did not say much, and led Rong Xiuyuan to the bathroom.

Rong Xiuyuan also seems to have found something, three steps a look back, Qi Yan Jun reminded sentence, then ran into the bathroom.

The door of the bathroom was closed and the sound of running water came from inside. Blue Yue sat on the edge of the bed and didn't speak in a hurry. When the blue Chen Hao's face looked better, he said softly, "Hao Hao, how do you want your mother to deal with this matter?"


He was surprised to look over, probably did not expect that Lan Yue would give him the decision-making power.

LAN Yue picked up the child. Originally, she wanted to let him sit on his thigh as he did when he was a child. When he was hugged, he found that the blue Chen Hao was heavy again. She reluctantly picked him up. If he was allowed to sit on his thigh, it was really too reluctant.

"Mom can't hold it." She put the child down with a bitter smile, and looked at the blue Chen Hao and Qi Yan Jun by the orange bedside lamp in the room, more and more like five senses, and felt a feeling in her heart.

Was pushed into the operating room to announce abortion, as if it was yesterday's thing, a twinkling of an eye the child grew so big.

"Mom." Blue Chen Hao knows what she wants to do and takes the initiative to sit up and hold her. Although she couldn't hold her in her arms as easily as Qi Yanjun did, her small body was still very warm, which made LAN Yue feel at ease.

She placidly rubbed the head of blue Chen Hao, thinking how to explain this matter with him. The child has grown up, and those old sayings are no longer needed.

After thinking about it, she still felt like telling him directly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!