Chapter 520

"Why is it so troublesome?"

The people behind him murmured wearily, but they did not forcibly drag LAN Yue to leave. They looked around to make sure that there was nothing to be a handrail. He despised the voice and held LAN Yue to the side of the grass with a black face.

Along the way, he looked cautiously behind him from time to time, as if wary of being discovered.

Before leaving the grass, LAN Yue saw a black car parked on the other side of the road. The neon lights in the distance reflected the dark sky into dark red. With the light, LAN Yue could see the shape of the car clearly.

Although the appearance of the car is very similar to the general van, at a close look, it is actually an off-road vehicle.

As soon as I got close, the door of the back seat was pushed open from inside. The man with a black mask leaned out half of his body and drank impatiently, "bring the people here quickly. What are you doing? You've wasted so much time!"

"She said her feet hurt. What can I do?"

The man behind him retorted discontentedly.

The person in front of her face sank and gave a stern glance. Before LAN Yue could react, she pulled her to the car. A strong smell of tobacco choked into her nose. She coughed twice, trying to get the smell away.

But have not breathed a breath, behind the door was "bang" a sound closed, in front of the eyes completely into the dark.

"Tie her up."

In the dark carriage, I don't know who said a word. The cold voice of magnetism shivered in my ears. It was like a cold weapon. I couldn't hear any emotion.


Then, a familiar voice came from behind!

"Who are you

LAN Yue's alert side over the body, as far as possible from the people behind. But the other side did not pay attention to her small movements at all, and stood up and covered her eyes with black cloth.

LAN Yue can only vaguely see a tall shadow face to face pressure, face immediately a tight, eyes were blindfolded.

The other side's action was a little rude, which hurt her.

LAN Yue takes a breath and tries to loosen the things tied to her face. Have not started, behind the person to aggravate the action, "settle down, move again, throw you out!"

The man's tone is full of cruelty, but LAN Yue doesn't feel that he is threatening her at all. Just now she just said that her feet hurt, and these people stopped to accommodate her. It can be seen that, at present, she is still valuable to this group of people, and they will not abandon her so easily.


The cold boy sounded again.

Because her eyes were blindfolded, LAN Yue's senses became more acute. The person who heard the speech accurately sat on the passenger's seat, and her mind could not help thinking of the man who had just run by with a mask.

The next second, she felt her hands tied together and couldn't even move the bomb.

The car started soon, and the speed was very stable. LAN Yue hardly felt anything. She would not have known that the car was running if the passenger in the passenger seat had not said a word.

It can be seen how high the performance of the car is. These people are definitely not ordinary people. What is the relationship between them and Gu An?

Are they also surnamed Gu?

LAN Yue remembers that when she went to gujia village last time, there were dilapidated red brick houses everywhere in the village. The economy there was not as good as that in the countryside. If the people around him were really from gujia village and they could drive such a car, it could be seen that the village's economy was not backward.

Maybe she was cheated from the beginning.

The preconceived view is that the people in gujia village are all closed and backward people with low ideological consciousness, and they hate ZF and are not willing to integrate into the society. Even if some people leave the village early as Gu CHENFENG, they will stay away from the village for some reasons, and they are not willing to go back to drive the development of the village.

But she was wrong.

Not only was the group not complacent, they had been waiting for an opportunity.

"Get out of the car!"

I don't know how long, the shoulder was pushed.

LAN Yue heard the door in front of her was opened. The cold wind blew in front of her. She couldn't help shivering. She got out of the car carefully and listened to the situation around her, trying to determine her current position.

But who knows that there is no sound around me! You can't even hear the car whistle.

It was impossible to meet such a situation in a big city. The only explanation was that she was taken to a remote place outside the city.

"Come on, don't play me any tricks! As long as you stay safe, I will let you go. If you want to die, don't blame me! " The man behind her kicked her leg, blue Yue was almost kicked to the ground by him.

It seems that the other party saw through her intention.

"Come in!"

With a sharp "thorn" sound, LAN Yue smelled a strong smell of rust. She choked two mouthfuls, and faintly could hear the rustling sound of mice. The smell of the smell poured into her nose by the cold wind.She held her breath in disgust. "Where is this?"

"Go in and ask so much what to do? You think you're here for a holiday The man's attitude was very bad, and he kicked LAN Yue's foot again.

LAN Yue had been prepared this time, and did not fall as he intended. Delicate face covered with a piece of black cloth, looking back at the person behind him, although his eyes were covered, he felt a cold line of sight fixed behind him, "what do you mean?"

"You --"

"let her pass."

The cold and magnetic male voice rings again, but this time the distance is a little far away. LAN Yue can feel that this person seems to be standing on the high ground. Maybe just now she stood by and saw that she resisted before ending this boring game.

She seems to recall the man's appearance, but just now he just ran past him with a mask on his face. In addition to a pair of eyes full of cold light, LAN Yue could not see the man at all.

"It's all from the blue family anyway. Isn't it just right for her to stay in it?"

The people behind him grumbled angrily, but they didn't dare to disobey the order. They dragged LAN Yue forward a few steps.

Because she couldn't see, she nearly tripped over and tried to find out that there was a staircase in front of her. However, the people around her did not tell her that if she had not kept her vigilance, she would have fallen to the ground directly.

"Go! What are you doing in a daze? What a trouble

The man gulped down.

She screwed off her eyebrows and decided not to talk about it. The other party not only had a bad attitude, but also kept making some small moves to embarrass her. She was very savage. She could not talk to such people at all. He was intentional from the beginning.

Blue Yue pursed anger, "is this your attitude?"

"What else do you want?" The man yelled and drank.

"Go out first."

As expected, the deep male voice over there rings again. The distance is much closer than last time. It rings behind.

"This woman is clearly trying to find fault!" The man was disgruntled.

"Get out first."

The man repeated what he had just said, and his tone did not even change.

LAN Yue vaguely heard the man's voice behind him cursing, "Dong Dong Dong" footstep sound immediately sounded, as if walking towards the gate. Soon, the room was quiet.

LAN Yue can hear the steady breathing of people around her.

"The handrail is next to you."

Cold voice indifferent said, at the same time tied to the hands of the rope was untied.

LAN Yue didn't expect that the person who brought her here would help her up the stairs by himself. She stretched out his hand and groped around. Suddenly, she touched a cold hard object.

She was startled, reflexively retracted her hand, and then realized that this was what the man called the armrest. She held out her hand again, quickly touched the armrest and took a step forward.

I think of the footsteps around me.

That man is right next to her! LAN Yue pinched the sweat in her hand. Originally, she planned to take advantage of this person's inattention, pretending that she was not careful to get the things on her eyes. However, the other party was more cautious than she imagined. This method was not feasible at all.

Although these people brought her here, they didn't mean to do anything to her, and she didn't want to wait for her death.

"Turn left."

Leaving the stairs, the man spoke again to guide her.

Lanyue rubbed on the floor with the sole of her shoe. On the one hand, it was to prevent something on the ground from tripping her. At the same time, she was also confirming the material of the floor, which could probably tell the specifications of the house. , the fastest update of the webnovel!