Chapter 521

Across the sole, blue Yue can feel the floor is very slippery, should be wooden floor and so on. She thought it should be an abandoned house in the suburbs, but now, she can feel that the floor is still very clean, there is no debris on it, it is estimated that there are often people to clean up.

This group of people is really not simple. I guess they have been waiting for her.

"Go in."

This time, the voice sounded from the side, blue Yue Leng for a moment, cautiously grope forward. As soon as she took a few steps, she felt the air around her had become a little more repressed.

She reached out to the side and accidentally touched a cold wall. She was so frightened that she wanted to retract her hand. There was a low sound of closing the door behind her.

Yeah? She habitually looked behind her, and suddenly remembered that the black cloth on her eyes had not been removed. The people who took her over did not say that she was not allowed to take down the black cloth.

LAN Yue untied the cloth strip, and the white light pierced into his eyes, resulting in temporary blindness. It took a while for the eyes to recover.

Looking up, the lights in the room have been turned on, and there is a beautiful crystal lamp hanging on the ceiling. The falling crystal is shining in the background of the light, and you can see it for a while.

LAN Yue was quite surprised. Although she had guessed that the decoration of the house would not be too simple, she did not expect to be so elegant. She even put a set of beige sofa in the room.

The double bed was placed in the middle of the room, and the white quilt was neatly spread without any wrinkles.

In a trance, she almost mistook this as a hotel.

Even the pillow is in place.

She went to the window, carefully lifted the beige curtain, the dark night first came into view, looking forward, blue Yue was suddenly scared! In front of me is a dense light, looks like some residential area.

The courage of these people was far beyond her expectation, and they even took her to a crowded place? Don't you worry that she'll turn to someone else for help?

She pushed open the glass door of the balcony and went outside. The cold wind blew in her face and lifted up the broken hair beside her ears.

"Woof, woof, woof!"

Before I got to the fence, a fierce dog barked at the bottom.

Looking down, there was a dark shadow beating in the dark corner below. On closer inspection, it was a black hound with an iron chain around its neck.

Seeing her retreat, the hound roared more fiercely. If it had not been chained, it would have rushed up and bit her.

LAN Yue returns to the room and closes the glass door. Are these people not even tying her? It turns out that the reason is the hound downstairs. Even if she can escape, the trained hound can use the scent to find her whereabouts in a short time.

If a hound catches up with him, he will be bitten.

She looked through the room, and there was nothing more than some essential daily necessities. Although there is a landline phone on the bedside table, it can not dial the external number, only dial the internal line.

LAN Yue doesn't want to tell them more. Anyway, these people will never let her out. She took a bath, stood on the balcony to dry her hair, and observed the surrounding environment.

The hound downstairs kept barking at her, causing people in the house to come out to check and yell at her. Seeing that she ignored, she took out food from the house and fed it to the hound.

But the dog was obviously trained to eat the food in the bowl and grin at her. The dog's mouth was threatened by "howling" and its pale canine teeth were terrible in the night.

Seeing this hound, she basically had no way to escape directly from here.

But the people downstairs didn't seem to be enough. They brought two other stronger big hounds from other places. They also looked down on her side badly and thought that she was planning her escape route.

But she did not think so, squinting in the cold wind to see the surrounding environment, but the night was too thick to see anything except the light in the room.

The Road downstairs has been leading to the road, and finally covered by the night, nothing can be seen.

Maybe we can see where it is after dawn.

Feeling her hair almost dried, she went back to the house, locked the windows, pulled the curtains, and moved a chair to block the door to make sure that no one would suddenly run in while she was sleeping.

She didn't turn off the light and lay in bed wondering what to do with these people tomorrow. They didn't lock her up for sure.

But it is strange that she has collected so much information that it is almost certain that her enemy is the blue family. If they had not guessed wrong, they were the ones who cared for their family, but they didn't mean to hurt her before they brought her here. They seemed to be waiting for something.

Isn't she their target?

Blue Yue suspiciously props up, covers on the body quilt to fall in front of the chest, the cool evening breeze through the gap into the quilt, cold body a shake.

Although looking at the heating in the room, the outside temperature is very low after nightfall, and the indoor temperature difference is not big. She put on her coat on the chair and walked quietly to the door. After waiting for a while, she did not hear any sound coming from outside.Everyone out there has gone to rest? She reached for the cold door handle and gently unscrewed it. The "click" lock sound was very abrupt in the silent room.

She wanted to look outside the group of people, but after hearing the sound, LAN Yue slowed down. This group of people made her feel so weird.

She was specially brought here, and she was not guarded outside the door. Only three hounds were raised outside the house.

Were they convinced that the hound would watch her, or did they think that even if she ran away, it would not affect their plans? Maybe they are waiting for her to escape!

Blue Yue calm face to re lock the door, in the absence of clear their purpose, can not be random.

She has left so many signals on the grass, and her car is still there. Qi Yanjun should soon find out.

She went back to bed to rest, waking up several times, watching out for the people outside.

But until the next morning, there was still no movement outside. Occasionally, there were a few barks. It was estimated that the hound downstairs had found something suspicious.

On the whole, nothing happened all night.

Just after seven o'clock in the morning, the door was knocked, "breakfast boy, are you up?"

It sounds like a woman in her thirties, but she didn't hear a woman's voice last night.

"Wait a minute."

LAN Yue put on her coat carefully. Although she didn't rest all night, she didn't feel tired at all. She also picked up the glass vase for decoration on the table and hid it behind her in case the other party would carry weapons.

When I opened the door, a woman in an apron was holding a plate and smiling at her. "Miss, your breakfast is ready, and I'll bring it to you. If you need anything, just tell me."

"Who are you?"

LAN Yue clenched the bottle in her hand and glanced at the breakfast on the dinner plate. There was porridge on it. It was steaming hot. It should have been cooked just now.

"Me?" The woman said with a simple smile, "I am a part-time worker here and have been here for several years."

Years? LAN Yue frowns, so to speak, the person who brought her here last night lives here? It turns out that they didn't find the house temporarily.

"That --"

LAN Yue wanted to get more information from her husband's population, but as soon as she lifted her lips, she stopped. The woman is only a part-time worker here. She should not stay here. She did not hear a woman's voice last night.

And the other party does not seem to know her identity, trade rashly asked some inappropriate questions, may anger people downstairs.

She had already found out the situation, and if they were angry, the other party might take her to another place, which would be very bad for her.

"Can you bring me some clothes, please?"

LAN Yue took the dinner plate and was still wearing the clothes of last night. Although the weather was still very cold, she stayed in the grass for so long last night, and her clothes were stained with withered yellow grass.


The woman nodded and agreed without saying much.

Until the other party turned to leave, LAN Yue was still a little surprised. She didn't expect that she would easily agree with her request. I thought these people would not agree. After all, they didn't intend to lock her here?

Not long after breakfast, the door was knocked again. The woman held a shopping bag and handed it to her. "Miss, these are the clothes you want. I don't know what your size is, but if you look at your figure, you should look good in whatever clothes you wear. I asked the clerk to help me choose a few. Do you like it or not?"

"All right, auntie. I'll trouble you."

LAN Yue took over the clothes, deliberately looked at the other side of the stairs, and saw a figure at the corner. The other party is wearing a black coat. He can't see his face clearly, but he can see that he is lowering his head and taking out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. He holds one of the cigarettes in his mouth and opens the lighter to light the cigarette.

It's supposed to be her keeper.

"Do you need anything else, miss?"

The woman probably did not see her line of sight, asked her suspiciously, and her eyes were calm.

But LAN Yue couldn't believe the people here easily. After saying "no", she closed the door and opened the shopping bag to check it. She found that the bag had been replaced by a common bag. There was no address on it, even the name of the clothing store.

They were very cautious.

Those people don't seem to care about her, but they are very strict.

She poured out the clothes and, as expected, all the brands were cut off. She's a little frustrated. She can't be kept here all the time.

When LAN Yue folded her clothes, a small card suddenly fell out of her brown coat and fell right beside her feet. , the fastest update of the webnovel!