Chapter 527

"I came back in advance."

LAN Yue wrapped up the blanket and looked at the clock on the car. Now it's just past nine o'clock. It's still raining outside. She leaned back in the chair and rubbed the bridge of her nose wearily.

After a day's hard work, her limbs were numb, and now she has almost exhausted her physical strength.

"Xiao yue'er, if you are tired, you should have a rest first?"

As soon as Guan Xiaoxiao got on the bus, she saw LAN Yue leaning her head back on the car chair. The tea yellow light was still on. She fell gently on her gentle face, and her smooth forehead was still covered with a few wisps of broken hair.

Looking at her clothes, Guan Xiaoxiao frowned. Today's temperature is only seven or eight degrees. LAN Yue is wearing a black down coat and zipped to her chest. You can see that she is wearing an apricot sweater, a pair of black jeans and a pair of gray and white sports shoes on her feet.

Guan Xiaoxiao can see at a glance that although the clothes are all brand names, they are totally different from LAN Yue's usual dress up. When she first saw them, she was scared.

But seeing that Lan Yue was so tired, Guan Xiaoxiao could only swallow it temporarily and stepped on the accelerator. "Xiaoyue'er, do you want to go back to Qi Yanjun?"

"I'll go to your house to rest first."

LAN Yue closed her eyes and her voice was full of tiredness.

"Why don't you --"

Guan Xiaoxiao was just about to ask her why she didn't go back to Qi Yanjun's villa. When she turned around, she saw that LAN yuejing had already gone to sleep, and there was a faint shadow under her eyes.

After a while, the sound of breathing came from my side.

Guan Xiaoxiao frowned and started the car to go home. He woke up LAN Yue and prepared a new set of pajamas for her.

LAN Yue simply took a bath and went back to the guest room to sleep. It seemed that she heard Guan's mother's doubts outside the door. "Xiaoyue, did you sleep? I've also prepared supper for her

"Mom, she's too tired. Let her sleep and prepare breakfast tomorrow." Guan Xiaoxiao gently persuades.

"Well, you young people are really unhappy if you don't feel tired and dizzy all day. You don't know how to cherish yourself at all."

"Yes, I know. You don't have to talk about it. The reason why xiaoyue'er is so tired is that she has just come back from a business trip. Can she not be tired... "

The sound of footsteps outside gradually drifted away, and it soon became hard to hear what Guan Xiaoxiao said.

LAN Yue wants to get up and have a look, but her eyes are too heavy. She can only vaguely open a slit. The room is dark and she can't see anything.

Hand just out from the quilt felt a chill lingering, blue Yue played a shiver, curled up back to the quilt. When she was half asleep and half awake, she suddenly felt a dry heat in her body, which made her feel uncomfortable.

"Little yue'er, why are you so hot?"

Hearing Guan Xiaoxiao's exclamation, LAN Yue tried to open her eyes, but her eyes seemed to be burned by fire. Her throat was blocked and she couldn't speak.

"Little yue'er, don't move, I'll get you some medicine!"

The arm seemed to be pressed, LAN Yue opened her eyes with difficulty, and her sight blurred to see a figure running towards the door. She tried to sit up with the sheet on her back, but as soon as she moved, a strong feeling of dizziness came up.

Blue Yue body a soft, and fell on the bed, humming to touch the forehead, starting the temperature is very hot, she subconsciously took off the hand, and soon fell asleep.

After a while, I felt someone lift her up. "Drink some water first."

At the same time, a cold and hard thing against her lip, LAN Yue subconsciously wants to push it away. The warm water slides into her lips first, which just eases the heat in her throat.

She gulped a big gulp, and then a bitter taste approached her nose. "Xiao yue'er, take the medicine quickly. My mother has gone out to see a doctor. How can you be so sick that you have a high fever."

LAN Yue hears this is Guan Xiaoxiao's voice, but she really has no strength to reply, and sleeps in the past.

The second time I woke up, I saw a man in a white coat standing by the bed, chatting with Guan Xiaoxiao. Guan's mother was sitting on the edge of the bed, listening to their conversation nervously.

LAN Yue is dizzy with fever. She can't hear what the doctor said to Guan Xiaoxiao. She can barely catch the words "catching cold" and "over tired". Guan's mother sits nervously by the bedside and looks at the doctor and Guan Xiaoxiao, trying to interrupt their conversation and ask her about her.

"Wait a minute, mom!"

Probably annoyed by Guan's mother, Guan Xiaoxiao motioned to her to sit down and continued to say that the doctor talked about her condition.

Looking at the white hair of Guan's mother's ears, LAN Yue feels a pain in her heart. She wanted to make Guan's mother not to worry. She moved her hand under the quilt, but she found that she couldn't move because of the pain all over her body, and she couldn't even make a sound in her throat.

After struggling for a while, she finally couldn't hold on to her body's fatigue and went to sleep again."Xiaoyue, wake up."

I don't know how long I slept. Meng felt that someone was patting her face gently. She opened her eyes and looked at Guan's mother worried. "You eat something first and then sleep. You've been sleeping all day, and you didn't eat last night. It's not going to work like this."

"No, auntie. I don't want to eat it."

Blue Yue moved to the side of the past, pale face seeping cold sweat, because of excessive drying of the lip also appeared to crack.

Guan's mother was heartbroken. She immediately prepared a wet towel to help her clean her face, and then made the pillow, so that she could sit on it and feed her porridge carefully.

Looking at the worry in Guan's mother's eyes, LAN Yue feels warm in her heart. Even if she doesn't feel well in her stomach, she still drinks nearly half a bowl of millet porridge. She shakes her head with disgust in her throat. "Auntie, I can't eat any more. I want to have a rest."

"Well, go to bed first."

Guan's mother quickly stood up and helped her to tidy up her pillow. "I heard from Xiaoxiao and the doctor that you caught a cold because you caught a cold. In addition, you were too tired in the past few days, and just came back to have a rest and fell ill, which scared me a lot."

"Fortunately, Xiaoxiao brought the doctor here. The doctor said that you should have a good rest for a few days. If there are no other problems, you can be cured." Guan mother looked at her reproachfully, "Xiaoyue, even if you are busy next time, you have to consider your body. Haohao, they are still going home!"

"Aunt, I see."

LAN Yue lies on the bed with Guan's mother's strength. She only feels her limbs stiff and limp, unable to make a trace of strength. She looked up at the snow-white ceiling, but it was time to drink a bowl of porridge, and the scenery in front of her began to whirl around, dizzy to crack.

"Xiaoyue, you can sleep for a while. I'll ask you to take the medicine later." Guan's mother helped her to make the quilt. As soon as she wanted to get up and leave, she turned around and said with a smile, "I almost forgot to tell you that Xiaoxiao called Haohao's father in the morning, and he would probably come over."

"Is he coming?"

LAN Yue is surprised to want to hold up, just move, the feeling of dizziness is more serious, she pale face lying back on the bed, turned to see mother Guan is bending down to clean up the debris on the table, did not see her just small action.

She pursed her dry lips and looked askance at the window not far away.

It was still gloomy outside and there was no need to close the curtains. Blue Yue looked out of the window, one can see the dense rain curtain, slightly distant scenery is also blurred.

Thinking of Qi Yanjun coming, she pinched her sweaty palms.

In the days after she was taken away, she had thought that Qi Yanjun would come to find her, but the group was so cautious that they did not listen to the change of place. Even Qi Yanjun could not catch their movements at once.

Originally, I wanted to have a night's rest before meeting with Qi Yanjun, but I suddenly fell ill, which is different from what she imagined

She thought wildly and unconsciously went to sleep. She dreamt that she was shut up in a dark room with several tall and strong men guarding the door. She tried to escape, but she was caught every time. The other party threw her savagely back into the house, which made her whole body ache,

LAN Yue moaned bitterly, and a warm touch fell on her forehead, along with her Eyebrow eyes swam, "it's OK, sleep a little more." , the fastest update of the webnovel!