Chapter 528

The deep soft voice is close to her ear. LAN Yue seems to feel the warm breath, and then the brush falls on her cheek, which makes her itchy, but it is not painful.

She was so tired that she soon went to sleep again.

Wake up to see the light yellow sunlight across the slit in the curtain, sprinkle on the light blue quilt, bask in the quilt warm.

She kneaded her still sore head and sat up. She did not see anyone in the room, but on the bedside table beside her, she saw a thermos bottle with a small package of medicine under it, which should have been prescribed by the doctor.

Although LAN Yue was very ill yesterday, she could still hear what Guan's mother said at the bedside. There is also a white incubator beside the thermos, which contains millet porridge, which should be prepared by Guan's mother.

LAN Yue drank the porridge and finished the medicine, went back to the bed and had a rest for a while. After feeling that her head was not so dizzy, she put on her coat and wanted to go to the bathroom.

Her room is a guest room. There is no bathroom. She can only turn out from the door and go down the stairs to the toilet downstairs.

It's just that she didn't see Guan Xiaoxiao all the way. Even Guan's mother was not at home.

Guan's mother and father have retired several years ago, and most of them will stay in the room to prepare lunch when they come back in the morning.

Are they all out today? LAN Yue looks suspiciously at the wall clock and wants to check the time. When she looks up, she finds that the wall clock on the TV is missing?

Where is this? Blue Yue heart a tight, look around a circle to find that the hall around the furnishings and close the house is not the same, here is not the Guan family.

"Miss LAN, you are awake."

Just at the moment of suspicions, a strange female voice suddenly rings from behind.

LAN Yue quickly looked back and saw a woman in an apron standing at the door of the kitchen. She still had vegetables in her hand. See blue Yue looked over, the woman immediately put the things in her hands, "Miss LAN, Qi Shao explained, wait for you to wake up and immediately tell him."

The woman said, with the apron to wipe her hands clean, posturing to go to pick up the landline phone.

"Where is this?"

Blue Yue Huang God pressed the temple, the surrounding furnishings are very strange to her, is she has never been to the place.

And when did Qi Yanjun come here?

"Miss LAN, don't you know?" The woman looked at her in surprise, "this is Qi Shao's villa. Qi Shao asked me to take care of you last night, but you have been resting. I will prepare lunch downstairs first."

"Do you want to inform Qi Shao to come? Qi Shao said he would come back at noon. "

The woman asked her with the microphone.

"What time is it?" She rubbed her temples. She had no impression of these things. She thought she was too tired last night. She didn't feel that someone had brought her to this villa.

Just before going to sleep, Guan's mother told her that Guan Xiaoxiao had informed Qi Yanjun that he had come to take her away in the middle of the night.

"It's over nine now, Miss LAN. Would you like something to eat?" The nanny looked at the clock hanging on the hall and looked at LAN Yue with concern, for fear that her body had not recovered.

Blue Yue in addition to the pale face, the spirit is still OK.

Hearing the nurse's words, she shook her head. "I'll go back to my room and have a rest. Please prepare some warm water for me."


The nurse said, and took the initiative to help.

Blue Yue is not good to refuse, then follow her anger back to the room, and sleep again.

I don't know how long after that, she was awakened from her sleep by the intermittent voice of conversation in her ear. When she narrowed her eyes, she saw a long shadow standing in front of the glass door of the balcony.

Warm sunlight penetrated through the glass and fell on his face, depicting the outline of his handsome face.

He's talking in the middle of his phone. He's talking in a low voice.


LAN Yue wanted to get up from the bed, but when she moved, she felt a pain in her limbs. She couldn't help but take a breath of cool air, and then attracted the attention of the people in front of the window.


Qi Yan Jun hung up the phone, bent down to help her up, warm and powerful hands just against the sensitive back waist. Blue Yue did not have time to avoid, Yu Guang saw Qi Yan Jun lowered his head and took the pillow beside her to cushion behind her.

Realizing that the other party is unintentional, LAN Yue breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that he was too sensitive, "when did you come back?"

"Just now."

Qi Yanjun naturally sat on the edge of the bed, reaching out to touch her forehead, as if to give her temperature. After a while, he released his brow and took the thermos bottle on the table. "First, drink a drink. The doctor said you should drink more water. Do you feel any discomfort? "


Blue Yue slightly side to avoid his breath, took the kettle at the same time, squint at the past. The afternoon sun happened to fall on Qi Yanjun from behind, and covered his face with a faint darkness.He lowered his head and put the lid of the kettle in his hand. LAN Yue could not see his expression completely.

Two people are still in the cold war before, Qi Yanjun suddenly so gentle to her, blue Yue some not quite used to.

But considering that maybe it was because she was ill, Qi Yanjun was so nervous. She relaxed her vigilance and drank several mouthfuls to relieve the dryness in her mouth.

"Would you like something to eat?" Qi Yanjun took the kettle and put it in a thoughtful way. His deep but gentle eyes were fixed on her.

"No more." She adjusted her sitting posture, "how about Haohao and Xiuyuan?"

After coming back for such a long time, she did not see the two children. She did not know whether the children were worried when she was away.

"They're in school, they'll be back later."

Qi Yanjun is next to him. When he talks, he can smell the fragrance of a woman. His eyes fall on her pink lips with water light, and his eyes are more deep.

But LAN Yue was still sick, so he had to resist the desire in his body. He took some photos from the table and spread them out to LAN Yue. "Xiao yue'er, do you still remember this place?"

"This is --" Lan Yue was surprised. The villa's as like as two peas in the

photo, the appearance of each villa is the same, and the red tile top is very conspicuous. At the first glance, she recognized that this is the first place she was imprisoned.

Never admit it wrong.

She was kept here for nearly a week, and she could see the scenery outside the window every day. She was very familiar with these tile roofs. "After the group took me away, they came here. Where is this?"

"A villa area in the suburbs, ZF's project."

Qi Yanjun took out the photo indifferently and put it on the table beside his hand. His tone was obviously cool.

LAN Yue looked at his face and didn't intend to say more.

Before the group let her go, Qi Yanjun had found her for a long time. I believe he was also angry by the group. She didn't advise much about it, and she didn't like those people either.

"What about this place?"

Qi Yanjun took out the second photo.

In the photo, there are several residential buildings with white external walls, surrounded by a piece of yellow grass nearby. There are also several abandoned iron sheet factories not far away. The iron sheet is rusty, and some places have faded, showing a large amount of rust.

"A little familiar."

LAN Yue took the photo and looked at it carefully. She only felt that the iron sheet factories in the distance were familiar, but she couldn't remember for a moment.

She was blindfolded almost all the way, and those people only moved at night. When she was removed her blindfold, she could see nothing but darkness and could not remember her surroundings.

"If you can't remember, don't think about it. Take a rest." Qi Yanjun saw that her face was pale, and he came to help her to tidy up the pillow.

"No, I've been sleeping for a long time." LAN Yue frowned and had an idea. "This place seems to be where I stayed a few days ago. There should be several abandoned factories nearby, but I'm not sure."

When she left there, it happened to be a rainy day. Dark clouds and rain curtain blocked her sight. In addition, she was hungry and cold at that time. She had no mind to pay attention to the surrounding environment. She just remembered that the farmer's wife told her that there were many abandoned factories in that area.

"Well, I see."

Qi Yanjun took the photo from her hand and leaned over.

LAN Yue did not respond, the people in front of her would lean to embrace her, "you -" she was just about to make a sound, but felt Qi Yanjun holding her arms shaking. , the fastest update of the webnovel!