Chapter 533

"Is this Gu Qing?"

She put the middle finger and ring finger on the plate to enlarge the photo, and the young man's appearance became clearer.

The man looked like he was only eighteen or nine years old. Although his facial features were handsome, he was still a bit childish. A pair of long and narrow Danfeng eyes were full of sharp eye light, and the eyes were inner eyes, which were more slender.

This photo is obviously a certificate photo on a certificate. The young man can see every detail on his face clearly by looking at the camera without expression.

She reduced the size of the photo, and beside it there was information about the teenager, but the content was very simple, only the name, date of birth and the address filled in when applying for the certificate.

She had never seen this address, and did not know whether it was made up temporarily.

The name is indeed Gu Qing, age and she guessed, only 19 years old.

"Does he have no other information?" LAN Yue looks down the page suspiciously. Generally speaking, some more specific information should be written on this kind of information. For example, the school where the teenager once studied, but there is nothing here.

"That's all."

Qi Yanjun along the blue Yue action slightly side over the body, just pillow in her head, one hand across the quilt, from the back around her waist, will people into the arms.

When LAN Yue found that it was too late to resist, the nose was full of fresh mint flavor with strong hormone breath, which made her not used to red face for a moment.

"The information recorded on the record is designed and will not reveal any important information." Qi Yanjun takes out another hand to slide on the screen, and then some trivial information appears, which interrupts LAN Yue's action in time.

She looked at the man beside her in amazement. From this angle, she could only see his firm chin.

Pursed lips silent for a while, she refused to resist, anyway Qi Yan Jun will not allow her to resist, why waste energy?

Blue Yue pale black face, did not pay attention to the people next to, just moved to the side of some, as far as possible to free up some space. Lower your head and focus back on the tablet. As like as two peas Qi Yanjun said, there is no important content in the data. Only

can barely confirm that the teenager she met before is Gu Qing. After all, their eyes are the same. Even if they wear masks on that day, they will recognize their eyes.

"Here's the computer. You can go out."

LAN Yue kept the information well, and returned the tablet in his hand to Qi Yanjun. His white chin raised toward the door, indicating that he could go out.

"So late?"

Qi Yanjun stretched himself, looked at the watch time, opened the quilt and slept beside lanyue. He also turned off the bedside lamp with special consideration.

Blue Yue eyebrow tip light pick, this man's skin and thick a lot, she has definitely let him go out, he also pretended not to understand to rely on here.

She didn't want to say more. She was about to get out of bed. But as soon as the leg was stretched out, the hand on the sheet was held. The palm of the other party was warm and dry, and he specially scratched the back of her hand with his hand. "Little yue'er, we haven't had a good chat for a long time."

"What are you talking about?"

She got out of bed slightly stiff, unexpectedly looking back at the poor man lying on the bed.

The plain color quilt just covered his neck, only showed a face, the outline of chin was more sharp, a pair of upturned peach blossom eyes were slightly bent, and the eyes were staring at her without blinking.

In the heart does not know which string is plucked, blue Yue subconsciously returns to the bed, waiting for her reaction to come over already lying on the bed, Qi Yanjun smiles at her.

She was upset in her heart, but she couldn't find a suitable excuse to leave. Her cheek was a little red, "you..." Just want to open his mouth to let Qi Yanjun go out, suddenly he saw another circle of shadow under the man's eyes, slightly conspicuous against the dim light.

Qi Yanjun's skin even compared with women also has certain advantages, but recently, the shadow under his eyes has not faded, although he did not say much, LAN Yue can also guess that he is for himself.

The soft place in her heart was touched gently. She closed her lips and turned her back to Qi Yanjun. She didn't want to talk to him more. She reached out and turned off the last lamp. The room became dark. She could only hear the low breath and magnetic smile of people around her.

The warm breath seemed to fall on the sensitive neck. She turned over unnaturally and faced Qi Yanjun with her back.

Strangely, she didn't feel uncomfortable. Maybe she believed that Qi Yanjun would not touch her. LAN Yue quickly fell asleep.

When I woke up, the person who had been sleeping next to him had disappeared, leaving only a mark on the pillow.

She arranged the quilts and went downstairs after simple grooming. She had planned to go to LAN Jun after eating and show him the information of last night to learn more about Gu Qing.

Just as she was about to go out, the maid ran over in a hurry and pointed to the door. "Miss LAN, there are several police officers outside who want to look for you and ask you to go to the police station. This is their ID card."The maid took out the certificate, frowned and said, "they said, this is arranged by Qi Shao. You can call and ask."

"Police station?"

Blue Yue took things, did not think why Qi Yan Jun will suddenly let her go. Through the window, I saw a police car parked outside. Two men in police uniform were waiting by the car.

"You tell them to wait."

Explained to the maid, blue Yue took the coat back to the room to Qi Yanjun, confirmed that the person outside is indeed he found.

Although it is not clear what Qi Yanjun means, but the police have been waiting outside, she changed her clothes and joined them, took the police car to the police station.

As soon as she entered, she saw a man in a black wallet sitting dejectedly in a row chair in the hall, with a policeman watching him seriously.

The man should be in his forties, with a bald patch on his head and a shiny scalp.

Maybe it is because the cold wind is too strong beside the gate. The man's face is pale. His hands are on his knees and he keeps rubbing his palms. He looks very uneasy. When he sees LAN Yue coming in, he shivers and his face shows panic.

But LAN Yue's first attention is the clothes on the man. The black wallet is not cheap. He thought that the man should have some financial resources, but he was detained in the police station, looking strange.

"Miss LAN, please go there and have a rest. Mr. Qi will come soon." The police officer in charge of guiding her politely pointed to the rest room in the police station, turned his head and motioned to the colleague standing by the door.

LAN Yue did not react to see them pat the middle-aged man on the shoulder, "Zhang Zhongze up, you have a last chance, hurry to clear the matter, otherwise the responsibility is on your head."

"Wronged, police brother!" Zhang Zhongze was so anxious that his eyes were red. "I really didn't know that those people would make such things in my house. If I knew that they would dare to kidnap, I would never rent the house to them!"

"All right, all right. Don't talk about it. Go in and record your confession. Tell me the truth."

The policeman gave him an impatient push.

Zhang Zhongze stopped talking and sighed in a hurry. There were more wrinkles on his face.

"What is this?"

Looking at him dejected to follow the police officer to leave, blue Yue keenly aware of the unusual. Before she came, the man was kept in the hall. As soon as she came, the police would take him to take a confession. In any case, it had something to do with her.

"Miss LAN, this is arranged by Mr. Qi."

The police helped to open the door of the rest room and explained, "the man just now is the head of No. 169, Hongyuan villa district. I believe you still have an impression of this villa."

He took a file from the side of the cabinet and put it in front of LAN Yue. He found several photos for her to see.

The photo shows a villa with red tiles on the roof.

LAN Yue didn't recognize the villa at first, but after a close look at the surrounding scenery, she immediately found that this was the place where she had been locked up. , the fastest update of the webnovel!