Chapter 534

"This is what Mr. Qi specially found."

The police officer motioned for her to sit down and explained the details to her in a gentle manner. Qi family has a great influence in the city. It is not surprising that they can get involved with the police. The police must have been specially sent by Qi Yan Jun.

Under his explanation, LAN Yue quickly understood the process of the matter.

After she was picked up that day, Qi Yanjun began to look for clues to investigate, and soon found out the Hongyuan villa area. The man named Zhang Zhongze outside was the one who rented the house to his family. After he was taken to the police station, he was in a state of panic. He strongly claimed that he did not recognize Gu Qing and others, but rented the house to them only for the sake of his old friends.

Zhang Zhongze doesn't live here. His family's old house is in the neighboring city. He only comes back to have a look at it occasionally. So he doesn't know what Gu Qing and others have done after renting the villa.

These are Zhang Zhongze's remarks. As for the specific reason, the police have not found out.

"Miss LAN, wait here first. Mr. Qi will come soon. You can inform me whenever you need." The police officer closed the door and closed the door.

LAN Yue looks over the information on the table again. It is difficult to judge whether Zhang Zhongze's words are facts or lies. There is no way to prove whether he and Gu Qing know each other.

Just stayed for a short time, the door of the rest room was knocked. The police officer who had given her a guide pushed the door open and told her that Zhang Zhongze had finished recording his confession, but still needed to be sorted out. She would show her the confession later. After all, after spending so long in the villa, she would have noticed something. If Zhang Zhongze concealed something, she would have discovered it in the first time.

"OK, I see."

LAN Yue nodded her head and did not refuse to assist the police in the investigation. After all, according to her personal ability, it is difficult to find out the truth of the matter. Now it is best to get the help of the police station.

"Well, Miss LAN, I'll go out first."

The door of the lounge was closed again.

LAN Yue sat on the sofa for a long time, got up and strolled around and came to the window. The rest room is located on the first floor. Looking out from the window, you can see the small garden of the police station. Although the pruning is not exquisite, the plants planted in it are green and green. It is obvious that we have taken some thought.

A few days ago, there was a rain, the wind brought the unique taste of soil.

She came here early in the morning, and almost two hours later, she felt tired. LAN Yue leaned against the window and rubbed the bridge of his nose. He was about to relax. He caught a glimpse of a familiar black car parked on the opposite side of the road.

Waiting for her to see clearly, there were several cars on the road, which just blocked her sight.

When the road calmed down, the car parked opposite had disappeared, just as if it was her illusion.

LAN Yue frowned and couldn't remember where he had seen the car.

It happened that a policewoman came in and brought her a cup of tea.

LAN Yue pointed out the window and asked, "can the surveillance at the door see the situation across the road?"

"It should be. Miss LAN, please come with me."

The policewoman obviously knew why LAN Yue came to the police station. Her attitude was very polite. She took LAN Yue to the monitoring room of the police station. After explaining a few words to her colleagues on duty, she transferred the monitoring to her.

But unexpectedly, the opposite side of the road happened to be the dead corner of the monitoring. We could only barely see a black car parked there, unable to see the license plate number clearly.

"Miss LAN, is something wrong?"

The policewoman sees her light frown slightly, the expression changes suddenly, sharp go forward to ask a way.

"I saw a car parked on the opposite side just now. It looks suspicious. I remember that I saw that car somewhere. If you can, can you investigate it?"

"Yes, I'll arrange it right away."

The policewoman's expression a Lin, quickly left the monitoring room, should be to find other colleagues to carry out this matter.

LAN Yue continued to stay in front of the computer and watched the ten minute video repeatedly for several times, but no more suspicious places were found. She rubbed her dry eyes and looked at her wristwatch to realize that it was late. She asked the police officer nearby for a copy of the video.

As soon as he left the monitoring room, he saw a man in a black windbreaker standing on the corridor, looking down at a document. The sunlight outside the window fell on his back, and the color of his hair was lightened.

Her pace is slightly stiff, and she hasn't responded. Qi Yanjun looks over first. The peach blossom eyes are cold, but once his eyes are on LAN Yue, he has a smile in his eyes and comes over with the document. "Has it been a long time?"


LAN Yue looked at the things in his hand, and just the same document that the police officer handed to her. She did not ask more, and Qi Yanjun returned to the lounge together, standing behind the police also followed in.

After Qi Yanjun's permission, he sat on the single chair beside him and put the written records on the desk. "Mr. Qi, Miss LAN, this is Zhang Zezhong's confession. We have sorted it out, and the specific contents involved are still under investigation. Just now I have sent someone to investigate Zhang Zhongze's background and found some suspicious places. ""Say it."

Qi Yanjun nodded, with a magnetic low voice, feeling like it was stuck in the ear. LAN Yue listened to a burst of numbness, and moved to the side without leaving a trace.

Fortunately, Qi Yanjun's attention did not put on her body, so she did not notice her small movements.

With permission, the police officer took out a piece of paper folded several times from his pocket and opened it on the desk. "This is a copy of Zhang Zhongze's ID card. According to the information above, we found that he was once the blacklist of the bank. He borrowed a loan of nearly one million yuan and failed to pay it back on time. Even the house property certificate he handed to the bank was also fake The property has been sold off privately for a long time. "

"In this case, the bank can sue him."

LAN Yue unscrewed her eyebrows and remembered that as soon as he entered the door, he saw Zhang Zhongze kneading his hands and sitting beside the gate. He looked around in a panic. It must be because he had cheated the bank before. He was afraid that the police would come to arrest him.

"What Miss Lan said did happen, but the night before the bank took action, Zhang Zhongze suddenly had enough money to make up for all the debts. The bank had to cancel the accusation against him, but the blacklist remained here."

He pointed to a line of small characters next to his ID card, which clearly stated the name of the bank he had contacted with Zhang Zhongze, as well as the specific amount.

"After investigation, we found that Zhang Zhongze rented out the villa in the red garden shortly after the incident. The rent in their rental contract was reasonable. But I suspect Zhang Zhongze had already collected a sum of money in private. The contract was just a cover up. So I guess he should have known some inside information. Unfortunately, up to now, he is not willing to speak Words. "

The policeman twisted off his eyebrows and looked at Qi Yanjun in embarrassment.

Since the Qi family handed over the case to them, they had the responsibility to find out everything. However, Zhang Zhongze did not break the law, and there is not enough evidence to prove that he has done something illegal. If he does not take the initiative to explain it, the police will have no way but to detain him for a few days and then release the person.

"Please captain Li." Qi Yan Jun hooked his lips.

Captain Li's face was shocked. He seemed to realize something. Just about to open the voice, he restrained his look. "Mr. Qi and miss LAN sit around for a while. I'll deal with the rest of the things. If you need anything, you can give us orders at any time. We will try our best to cooperate."

"Captain Li, take your time."

Qi Yanjun stood up and held out his hand to the Li team.

Captain Li seemed to have not expected this scene. He was stunned for a moment and quickly pushed Qi Yanjun's hand away. "Mr. Qi, you are so polite. We should be responsible for these things within our jurisdiction. At that time, we will also trouble Miss LAN to provide more evidence."

He looks at LAN Yue like a cry for help.

After all, for him, one day did not catch the family members, he this captain is responsible, now Qi Yanjun is willing to do it in person, that is the best. , the fastest update of the webnovel!