Chapter 611

"Zirou, bring your papers."


Other people urged, Ji zirou quickly put her mind down, but her eyes did not feel to look out of the door, want to know where Chu Tian is going. But she had not done her job well, so she couldn't leave at all. She could only force her mind to converge.

The meeting was held at 7:30. It is said that Mr. Xie and his colleagues arrived at the hotel early in the morning and planned to finish their meal before going to the meeting. Seeing that the time was almost up, they wanted to go to the conference room to find out the situation first.

On the way, I saw Chu Tian coming out of the elevator.

"Manager Xie." In a hurry to say hello to them, Chu Tian took some bags and ran to the terrace. Seeing the man was still waiting for her, she was relieved, "sorry, you have been waiting for a long time."

She took out a neatly folded tissue from her purse and gave it to the man. "This is the button I accidentally rubbed from you last time. I always carry it with me for fear of losing it. You can see if it is this one."

"What a trouble." The man took the thing, but didn't look at it directly. Instead, he pointed to the chair on the opposite side politely. "I asked the waiter to bring a bottle of wine just now. There's nothing to thank you for. Would you like to give me a face?"

Thanks for helping to get the buttons back? The man's expression did not change at all. It didn't look like the joy that he had lost. In addition, she had never heard of his voice before. It was hard to understand what he said for a moment and a half.

Looking at the past, I saw a bottle of open red wine and two empty goblets on the table, one of which was placed in front of her.

Confused, she sat down.

Until the man poured her a glass of wine, he suddenly responded and quickly waved his hand and refused, "no, I can't drink. I have to go to a meeting later."

The man stopped to look at her, heard her explanation with a smile, "guess miss may not like to drink, so specially selected a bottle of red wine with heavy fruit flavor, you can try it, very suitable for women to drink."

"This --" looked at the man's face, and thought that he had already sat down. It seemed that he was sorry to leave in such a hurry. Chu Tian picked up the wine cup and sniffed it in front of his nose. As expected, he smelled a strong smell of alcohol.

Probably for fear that she would not believe it, the man also poured a glass of wine, drank a small half in front of her face, and gently shook the glass, noble and elegant.

She looked a little dazzled, but also more strange, why did this man invite her to drink? Just to thank her for getting the button back?

However, during this period, she went out with her colleagues to entertain clients, and she also met many young talents with a value of tens of millions. These people treat people with gentleness, but in fact, they are more arrogant than anyone else. They look down on people who are not on the same level with them.

At present, although this man did not report his own door, he knew that he was of extraordinary origin. And they were twice, and each time she seemed to be in a hurry. She knew at a glance that they were not from the same world, but the man was polite to her and offered her a drink?

Chu Tian looked at the red wine in her hand, and suddenly remembered the rule that she could not easily drink other people's things. She immediately put down her wine glass and showed an apologetic smile on her face. "Sir, I'm really sorry. The meeting for a while is very important to our department. I just remembered that our manager had already explained that we could not make mistakes before the customers signed the documents."

"I'm not good at drinking. I'm afraid I'll make a mistake. The button has been returned to you. I'll go back first." Mr. Chu, I don't have to say thank you for standing up

"In that case, I won't be forced." The man put down his glass and got up to see him off.

Seeing that he didn't mean to be embarrassed at all, Chu Tian was in a dilemma. Is it really his heart, this man just simply want to thank her.

But I've seen too many people of three religions and nine grades before. It's really hard to believe a person without precaution. After a simple thank you, Chu Tian leaves quickly, silently reminding himself not to get into these troubles next time. It's too difficult to deal with them.

When she was gone, the man untied the tissue on the table and threw the diamond button into the red wine.

"Boss, what if that woman is not deceived?"

"Then find a way to get her fooled." Rong Yan reversed his glass and watched the bright red wine drip on the floor.

Standing behind him subconsciously want to retreat, but see his expression, immediately face a Lin, bow to stand in place, let the splash of wine wet shoes.

"Get rid of it."

He put down his glass and left.

The button clanged into the corner and no one asked.

The meeting was originally scheduled to be cancelled at more than 10:00, but the customer still had some things that she didn't understand. Ji zirou almost asked her questions many times. Her expression on her face was somewhat unable to hold on, and she could answer them.

Manager Xie, they nodded and whispered for a long time before they decided to sign the document.Ji zirou breathed a sigh of relief, but she found that Chu Tian was looking down at her mobile phone and didn't care about what happened around her. Even if she was repeatedly asked by manager Xie, Chu Tian didn't look up and didn't care about her.

"Zirou, what's the matter with you?"

A colleague next to her hit her.

Ji zirou subconsciously smiles and wakes up. Seeing manager Xie's face puzzled, she also stands up and apologizes. She shakes hands with manager Xie, saying that she will try her best to deal with the project.

No one saw her. The palms of her hands were covered with nail marks.

The meeting didn't end until more than 11 o'clock, and he still had to go to work tomorrow. Yang Zixuan didn't say much. He just told them to go back to have a rest earlier.

"Chu Tian, don't you really need me to take you back?" Yang Zixuan has been carrying her several times, see time is not early, Chu Tian is a person to go back alone, he asked.

"No, manager Yang. I can go back alone."

Chu Tian refused his kindness and stopped a taxi on the side of the road. He looked down at his mobile phone and wanted to delete all the information accumulated before. Turning to the information about the strange man, she stopped and carefully recalled the man's words and deeds. She did not know if she was too thoughtful. She always felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't figure out what was wrong.

By accident, she deleted the information in her mobile phone.

Surprised "ah", originally wanted to cancel this instruction, unexpectedly pressed the confirmation deletion, helplessly watched the information to be deleted.

She was a little annoyed. She thought it was just a small matter to pick up someone else's things and return them back, so she didn't mention it to Qi Hanmo.

But the man suddenly said that he wanted to invite her to drink, so she felt wrong. She wanted to leave the information to Qi Hanmo and ask him to help him investigate. Who knows the wrong hand deleted the information.

"What can I do for you, miss?" Maybe he heard something strange and the driver looked back.


Chu Tian sighed. Now she can't recover the deleted information, so she has to delete other useless information. After a short rest in cheshan, we soon arrived at the apartment area.

She didn't wait for Ji zirou to come back together. She was the only one around.

It's getting late. Most of the people in the apartment area have already gone to sleep. Chu Tian walks on the path, quiet enough to hear her footsteps reverberate around.

A gust of night wind blowing, can not help but play a shiver, suddenly look back, there is no one behind.

But that kind of creepy feeling has not faded, always felt that someone was staring at her in the dark shade of the tree. Chu Tian clenched the bag in his hand and walked quickly.

The closer she was to the apartment building, the faster her pace became.

I thought someone would suddenly come out from behind and drag her away. Who knows, when she strides into the apartment building, there is still no one behind.

Is it her illusion? no Chu Tian pursed her lips, just for a moment, she could be sure that someone was following her!

Just don't know why, that person tardy did not hit her.

Is it a thief? , the fastest update of the webnovel!