Chapter 612

She walked back uneasily, intending to explain the matter to the property.

But I didn't know that after she went in, a person came out of the shade of the tree not far away. After confirming that Chu Tian entered the apartment, he quickly withdrew. He took out his mobile phone and made a phone call. "Boss, I saw her go in with my own eyes. Yes - "

suddenly, he looked aside with vigilance, and saw a woman in a suit walking towards the building with a briefcase on her face and wearing earphones in her ears. She seemed to be listening to something, even if someone was walking by.

Seeing that the woman didn't seem to hear him, the man lowered his head and left quickly by the night.

Ji zirou takes off the earphone, looks back, and frowns gently. She happened to pass by the apartment building. From a distance, she saw the elevator door in front of her was closing. Chu Tian stood in the elevator and looked down at her mobile phone.

I don't know why, she looked back at the direction that the man left in a hurry, and seemed to hear the man mention Chu Tian.

It's a pity that she is too tired. There is a recording of English teaching on her earphone. She can't hear what the man said. But in addition to her, there is only Chu Tian.

Did Chu Tian offend anyone?

Have not thought through, Chu Tian took the elevator closed the door, complete news in front of you. She took a deep breath, trying to suppress her anger.

As soon as the contract with manager Xie was settled, her colleagues told her that Chu Tian left first and asked her curiously why Chu Tian didn't wait for her to leave each time since she and Chu Tian were friends and they still lived in the same apartment block.

She was so embarrassed that she got out of it by tiredness.

Perhaps in Chu Tian's heart, she has never been regarded as a friend! She clenched her fist and walked away.

For several days, Chu Tian often felt that someone was following her and called the security guard of the property to help. The security guard told her that she had not seen any suspicious person along the way.

Chu Tian believed that her intuition would not go wrong. She also told Qi Hanmo about it, but she did not find it.

"I can guarantee that I really feel someone following me, but I can't see anyone when I look back." For fear that Qi Hanmo would not believe her like the security guard, she explained in a hurry.


He said, "will you look down at them?"


Qi Hanmo looks around the environment of the apartment area. The afternoon breeze blows his bangs. His white T-shirt reflects the slight bulging muscle texture on his chest.

Although the design of this apartment area is elegant, the layout is too simple. A spacious road connects all the apartment buildings. There is a small garden nearby. The environment is quiet. In fact, anyone can remember the route here.

The apartment where Chu Tian lives is located in the No.2 apartment building. Just turn left from the gate. Even a child can easily remember the route here.

"What do you do now?" Xie Heng looked at Chu Tian, and his voice was very low. "What they did was totally different from what we thought. They thought they would go and take Rong Hetian back, but they spent all their time tracking Chu Tian. Captain, can't they know anything?"


Qi Hanmo looked around and said to Xie Heng, "you go back first."

"But --" he was worried. Seeing Chu Tian still watching, he quickly lowered his voice, "but they obviously followed Chu Tian purposefully. After so many days, they didn't look like they were going to act. I'm afraid they know - know Chu Qi." The last sentence, he pressed lower, except Qi Hanmo, no one could hear.

"Isn't it obvious? You go back first. "

"But - all right." Although he was worried that something might happen, Qi Hanmo seemed to intend to stay here in person. After all, Xie Heng had been with him for such a long time that he could still guess his mind.

I have been staying here, which is not helpful. I will go back first according to Qi Hanmo's instructions.

"Did you think of anything?" Seeing Xie Heng go away with a serious face, she was still a stable new, suddenly sank down.

Just now I saw Xie Heng and Qi Hanmo whispering, but their voice was too low. She couldn't hear anything, and she couldn't rush forward to interrupt them.

"It's them."


She was stunned and suddenly responded, "you mean the people who came to me before? But why are they following me, by the way She quickly took out her mobile phone, "I met a man in the KTV before, and found his buttons. When I returned the button to him, he still wanted to buy me a drink, but I refused. I felt that someone was following me since that night

"But I accidentally deleted my chat record with him. I wanted to tell you about it."

Although it has been several days, but she still clearly remember the strange behavior of the strange man."Can be fixed." Qi Hanmo took the mobile phone, warm fingertips in her palm, left a rough feeling.

She was trying to look up clearly, but the man put the mobile phone into his pocket, "go back first."

"Are you going back with me?"


Although he had already guessed what Qi Hanmo wanted to do, when he brought some simple luggage, she still couldn't help but get hot on her cheek, and hurriedly put away the clothes on the sofa. "I, I'm a bit busy these days, I haven't had time to clean up. You wait for me for a while, I'll go and have a good rest in the room."

"No, I'll just live next to it."

"This, this - I'm afraid!"

Seeing Qi Hanmo really took out his mobile phone, Chu Tian blurted out. "I don't know why those people want to follow me. Didn't you say they were dangerous? I have to work very late every day these days. What should I do if you are already asleep when I come back! "

She said with certainty, but a pair of men's deep eyes panicked again, "you, you'd better live here, the apartment is still quite large, I'll clean up the master room, you go to live in the master room, I'll live in the guest room. I usually go home to sleep, and I won't disturb you

As she spoke, her voice became lower and lower. Her face was full of blush, and she did not dare to look directly at the person in front of her.

Although she knows that Qi Hanmo can protect her even if she lives in the nearby apartment, she doesn't want to be so far away from him

"You don't have a problem, do you?" Hands tangled with the hem, she shook her lips and asked the exit.

“…… It's OK. "

Qi Hanmo was silent for a moment, bending down and carrying the suitcase into the guest room.

She wanted to stop it, but seeing that Qi Hanmo had already taken out his clothes, she rushed out again for fear that she would see something private.

Hearing the rustling sound coming from the guest room, she ran into the bathroom with her cheek covered. She turned red. Thinking that she could see Qi Hanmo every day when she got up, she couldn't help jumping up. She went to the kitchen to prepare food and washed the clothes that had been overstocked for a long time.

Lying on the sofa pretending to look at the mobile phone, in fact, his eyes have been lingering in the guest room. Whenever I see Qi Hanmo passing in front of him, he can't help but lift his lips.

Those people will suddenly move, Qi Hanmo these days are with her, even to work is driving a car to send her to the past. Over time, some clues will naturally be found by others.

In addition to Ye Xin's teasing of her several times, even Ji zirou saw some situations and asked her with a smile when she got off work.

Chu Tian refused without thinking.

Ji zirou doubts, "Xiaotian, I heard that some people pick you up for work these days. Your colleagues have seen it. Have you made a boyfriend?"

"No -" she subconsciously wanted to deny it, but as soon as she remembered what ye Xin said that day, Ji ziroufei had another plan to move to the apartment area. She stopped saying, "I'm not sure, but it's almost there."

"That's very nice. If Qige knew that, he would be very happy."

"How dare you mention my brother?" She glanced at the woman beside her and said coldly, "although I don't know where my brother is, I also know that this matter has something to do with you." , the fastest update of the webnovel!