Chapter 633

"I, I don't know why that reporter came to see me just now, but tonight is really a dinner for our colleagues. I was drunk and had no way to go home. I rented a room nearby and planned to go back tomorrow."

"You see, there are room reservation records in the mobile phone, and the chat records between me and my colleagues are also in it!"

She doesn't know why Qi Hanmo wants to see her mobile phone. She should not know that she took Chu Tian's mobile phone to send him messages? But how did he know?

Even if Qi Han Mo can guess that the message is not sent to him by Chu Tian, he can't guess that someone took Chu Tian's mobile phone, right? But - secretly looking at Qi Han Mo's cold side face, she quickly withdrew her sight and did not dare to see more.

I've always heard that Qi Hanmo is a soldier, and his rank is not low. Maybe he is able to detect these small details, so he found her.

"Qi, Mr. Qi, I really don't know what happened. I --"

Qi Hanmo ignored her flustered explanation and directly handed the mobile phone to the man behind him. Xu Li found that there was a strange man following him, but he didn't find it just now.

The man took her cell phone and began to look through it.

Looked for a while then frowned, "Qi Shao, did not see, not this mobile phone."

"Look at her."

Qi Hanmo asked nothing, ignored the panic in Xu Li's eyes, and directly threw the man to Xie Heng and crossed the road to the winery just now.

"Mr. Qi."

Ji zirou sat on the sofa beside the hall and saw Qi Hanmo come in. She put down her mobile phone and went to greet her, "what's the matter? Have you found Xiaotian? "


Indifferent eyes in the woman's face at random swept a circle, he changed and looked into the winery, do not know what is thinking.

The first time I had such close contact with him, maybe the height difference between them was too big. Ji zirou always felt a pressure lingering in his mind. He steadied his mind and said, "it's almost 12 o'clock now. Why haven't you found it? A colleague and I just looked for Xiaotian in an independent convenience store just now, but I still didn't find Xiaotian. Could something happen to her? "

"You go back first."

Qi Hanmo left a word and turned to the gate.

Ji zirou originally wanted to follow the past. She could just step out and see a strange man standing outside waiting. Xu Li red eyes in the back sobbing, it is estimated that all the things are called.

Although not sure what Xu Li wanted to do, she took Chu Tian's baby from Ye Xin's hand by saying she wanted to help Chu Tian take her bag back.

Fortunately, her mobile phone has no password and can be opened easily. Her wechat also keeps a chat record with Qi Hanmo. Strangely, only Qi Hanmo said "good" in the chat record tonight, while Chu Tian said nothing. It can't be Qi Hanmo's inexplicable way of saying Chu Tian's words.

The only explanation is that Chu Tian first sent a message to Qi Hanmo, and then deleted the message. Therefore, in the chat record, we can't see what she said with Qi Hanmo.

Just when I went to the bathroom, I ran across Xu Li standing outside with a mobile phone. She looked like Chu Tian's, but Xu Li denied it. Until ye Xin said Chu Tian had not come back, she suddenly realized that maybe things were not as simple as she imagined.

After sending Ye Xin away, she called Qi Hanmo. She didn't expect the other party to come so quickly.

Quietly back a few steps behind the screen, she does not want to be Xu Li know that she told Qi Hanmo. Although I don't know what Xu Li wants to do, she failed to let Yunfang drive Chu Tian away last time. This time, Xu Li will definitely not give up.

After looking at the time, it's almost 12 o'clock in the morning.

See Qi Han Mo is still standing at the door, Ji zirou carefully around the back door to leave, do not want to face them, do not want to cause trouble.

Intuition tells her that Xu Li's intention this time is wrong, so she contacted Qi Hanmo. If Xu Li's purpose is to drive Chu Tian away, why not tell her? It has been known for a long time that the reason why Xu Li is a team with her is not to help her at all, but to take advantage of her.

There were only a few convenience stores near the winery, which were almost all closed at this time. Only a few street lamps were on the side of the road, enveloped in darkness. Ji zirou had already called for the car and asked the driver to wait for her at the intersection in front of her to ensure that she would not be found by Xu Li.

Along the dark under the house all the way forward, out of a distance, looking back, you can see Xu Li there wiping tears, trying to explain with Qi Hanmo.

Her eyes flashed, and she quickened her pace, and she didn't want to be involved.

"Mr. Qi, I really didn't mean to. I didn't know Chu Tian would be taken away. I, I just --" Xu Li tried hard to explain, but Yu Guang saw the man standing behind Qi Hanmo, and his face turned white.

"Where is she?" Xie Heng lowered his voice.

"I, I..."

She wanted to say that she didn't know, but Qi Hanmo was waiting beside her. She took out her mobile phone trembling, "in this address."Xie Heng took the mobile phone, looked at it and handed it to Qi Han mo.

They didn't speak, but they understood each other's meaning with one look. Xu Li stood aside, anxious with sweat on her forehead, and did not know what they would do with herself.

"Let's go."

Qi Hanmo takes the lead in getting on the bus, and Xie Heng takes Xu Li with him. Several people come to a rental room according to the address on the mobile phone.

Xu Li shook her hands and knocked on the door.

The people inside quickly came out and saw that she was surprised. "Sister Xu, why are you here now? It's not that you have to be able to get people tomorrow -- "

" stop talking! These are all misunderstandings. I, I came here to take my friend back

"Your friend?" The people inside obviously didn't believe it, but then they saw the two people behind Xu Li. Their eyes glared and they turned to run.


Xie Heng caught the man with one lunge. The other people in the room heard the movement and fled in a panic. They were quickly caught by Xie Heng.

The whole process didn't even take a minute. Before Xu Li could react, Xie Heng rushed into the room and caught everyone.

She felt numb in her back. The guess just now was true. This man was from Qi Hanmo. However, what went wrong and why did they know it?

Is it that she imitates the tone of Chu Tian, so Qi Han Mo can discover the clue at the first time! It must be! Xu Li wants to escape, but there is no place for her to hide. Write again, where can she escape?

People in the company might know what she did. A chill surged up. Xu Li sat down in despair and looked at the group of people being caught. It was over!

"Where is the man?"

Xie Heng weighs on the people under him.

"No, no, no! Big brother, I'm wrong "She's on the second floor, in a room on the second floor! Big brother, we really didn't touch her. We just knocked people out and locked them in the room. She's still OK. She just went over to have a look. Really, I don't believe you go and have a look. "

"All right, shut up!"

His men pressed the man's face to the ground to stop the howling scream. Looking at Qi Hanmo, he asked, "do you want to go up and have a look?"

Xie Heng doesn't believe these people when dealing with international criminals all the year round. But if he waits for someone to come here at this time, maybe Chu Tian will be in danger.

"You look here."

The indifferent boy overflowed from the corner of the man's lips. He went straight to the second floor, ignoring Xie Heng's surprised eyes.

The decoration of the rental room is very simple. The floor on the second floor is not even paved with tiles. There is a trace of friction on the gray cement floor. At the end of the trace is a room with a closed door.

Turning the handle, Qi Hanmo found that the door was locked. He took a steel pipe from under the window and forced the door open.

A cool evening wind blowing face-to-face, a glimpse of the room windows are open, outside the light reflected in the room.

There was almost nothing in it, just a bed and a wardrobe.

The woman lying on the bed didn't find anyone coming in. She was lying on the bed with her eyes covered with a black cloth and her mouth sealed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!