Chapter 634

The white T-shirt on her body, outlines the exquisite section of the figure. Her hands were also tied behind her, because of the problem of lying posture, her hands were tied behind her, her chest slightly arched, up and down with her breath.

Just to extend out of the hand suddenly frozen, Qi Han Mo bent down close, faintly can smell her body with a faint smell of alcohol, as well as fragrance.

He tore the tape from her face and took the cloth off her eyes. Qi Hanmo sipped his breath and lifted the man out of bed. Delicate body in the arms, soft enough to make him stupefied, looking down at the arms of the woman is still sleeping, breathing a bit heavy.

Take people outside, people in the hall have been handled by Xie Heng, even Xu Li is not in.

"Captain --"

Xie Heng was waiting outside. When he heard the voice and looked back, his face showed a surprised expression. But he soon recovered and stepped forward steadily. "Xu Li is still waiting in the car. Do you want to get rid of her? I contacted the police in the neighborhood, and they were all taken away. "

"Take it first."

"Well, I see!" Xie Heng body a shake, immediately straightened the waist, immediately heard the deep meaning of his words.

What Qi Hanmo said was to take it back first. He didn't say that he let Xu Li off easily.

But he did not understand, Xu Li to Chu Tian hand, just for the upper position. This kind of thing is by no means the only one in a large company like Tiansheng. Why does Qi Hanmo only care about this matter?

After working with him for several years, he naturally knew what character Qi Hanmo was. Although Xu Li's goal this time is Qi Han Mo, but she did not succeed, this situation, Qi Han Mo usually does not pay attention to.

They have served in the army for so many years. They have met with everyone. In addition, Qi Hanmo's identity has also met many people like Xu Li who are unfairly close to Qi Hanmo, but none of them is successful.

Qi Hanmo generally doesn't bother to deal with these people. After all, they have a heavy task and don't have so much time to waste. They just let them throw people out, which is like Xu Li? Listen to tone, Qi Hanmo seems to plan to deal with it personally.

He didn't dare to say more, so he said, "I know. I've arranged it in the past. Captain, can you do it alone Hesitantly looking at the woman who is still in a coma, he would never question Qi's calligraphy, but now Chu Tian is still there, and he is still in a coma.

This is a suburb. It's too far away from their apartment. Qi Hanmo always feels a little bit Chaos. After getting along for so long, he could clearly feel that Qi Hanmo's situation was not very good at the moment, but he said that there was something wrong with him, probably because of Chu Tian.

He dare not say these words.

"It's OK. You'll take care of it first."

He put the woman in his arms on the back seat, and he covered her with a dress. Driving back to the apartment area is already more than 1:00 in the morning. I simply checked Chu Tian's body, but I didn't want to wake up.

I could smell the pungent smell on her face.

It should have been drugged and temporarily passed out.

To confirm that there is nothing wrong with Chu Tian, he went to the police station, and Xie Heng is telling the director what happened tonight.

Seeing him coming, I was very surprised. "Captain, how did you get here?"

"Mr. Qi, you are here!"

The director was stunned at first. Hearing Xie Heng's address, he immediately asked his subordinates to prepare tea. "Mr. Qi, why do you come back so late? Why don't we go to the room first? "

"No Then he asked Xie Heng, "where's Xu Li?"

"She, she's still in custody."

Xie Heng looked at the director of the eye, heart thump heavy.

Although Xu Li did too much, she did not cause too much trouble. The director of the Bureau planned to detain Xu Li for a few days at the beginning, leaving the case at the bottom of the case. Can Qi Han Mo suddenly come to intervene, the director in order to please her, certainly will not easily let Xu Li.

This is Deliberately? Xie Heng's eyes twinkled. When Qi Hanmo finished chatting with the director, he quickly followed up and said he would help him drive.

See no one to follow up, Xie Heng solemnly stopped him, "Captain, what's the matter with you tonight? In fact, you shouldn't get involved in it. "

For fear that he didn't like to listen, Xie Heng finished his words once and said, "things between Xu Li and miss Chu can be handled according to normal procedures. If you come here, you will make a big fuss about it, and maybe it will attract attention. Rong Yan's gang is not strong yet, and we don't know their current situation. "

After all, Rong Yan is an international criminal. They are good at hiding their identities. After checking for so long, Xie Heng just knows that they haven't left yet. He doesn't know where they are now.

But one thing is certain. Rong Yan and his colleagues must be paying attention to their every move so that they can come and take Rong Hetian away at any time. In this case, Qi Hanmo should keep a low profile, so as not to be seized by the other party.

This is what Qi Hanmo said to him before. Some time ago, Qi Hanmo didn't do anything special except seeing Chu Tian to and from work. These trips were of no use to Rongyan.But Qi Hanmo's behavior tonight may give Rong Yan a hint that Chu Tian is very important, otherwise he would not help her.

Chu Tian himself came first from Rong Yan. Who knows if they still keep in touch? At the beginning, he didn't agree with Qi Hanmo's helping Chu Tian, but he was afraid that Rongyan would take Chu Tian's hand, so he didn't say much. He watched Qi Hanmo give Chu Tian so many days.

Thinking of Chu Tian's brother, he was silent again. If you think so, Chu Tian is really important, because if something happens to her, it will definitely affect Chu Qi.

But is it really worth the trouble?

"It's been a long time." Qi Hanmo squinted.

"But -" words to the lips, Xie Heng has nothing to say.

Rong Yan has been hiding is really not the way, so Qi Hanmo deliberately revealed such a big flaw, let Rongyan they deceive? "Captain, it's too risky!"

"I have plans. You look over here."


Xie Heng dare not question too much.

Looking at his back, I always feel something is wrong, but I can't say it again.

A look at the watch has been more than two o'clock in the morning, he quickly back to the police station, and the director to explain. The director also probably knew how much Qi Han Mo cared about this matter, so he made a case to Xu Li that night, saying that she kept drugs secretly and abducted and sold women.

Xu Li didn't know it was going to make such a big noise at all. She didn't know until the police officer said that she would take her away for investigation. She was so scared that she tried to push away the people around her and screamed in horror, "this is a fake! I didn't want to hurt Chu Tian at all. The medicine that makes her dizzy is not mine. Why do you give me a random charge? When did I abduct and sell her? I just let someone take her away and didn't hurt her! And, and so on! Those drugs are not mine. Why do you wrongly treat me? "

"Let's go!"

The police officer took her away impatiently.

"I'm not going, you're wronging me!" Xu Li grabs the door frame of the detention room, and two female police officers work together to take her away.

She shivered at the sight of the prison car parked outside, and she even fainted.

When the director learned about this, he waved his hand and didn't intend to take more measures. "Let the doctor come and watch. Don't let her do some extreme behavior. This matter needs to be thoroughly investigated. Of course, it is impossible to deduct the charges with her. When the matter is found out, Mr. Qi will be satisfied and will naturally let her go back. "

"I know how to arrange it."

The deputy director nodded, and immediately went out to let people take Xu Li away, and then asked several reporters to come and release the news.

They also just temporarily set a charge, if Xu Li really did not do it, they can only release people, before this, have to give Qi Hanmo an account.

The next morning, the news spread.

When Chu Tian wakes up, it is already past noon. When she opens her eyes, she feels a dizzy swelling pain in her head. Hazy, she remembers that she was having dinner with her colleagues last night. How can she wake up and go back to her room?

Looking at the familiar scene around, she rubbed her temple, but how can't remember the details.

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