Chapter 647

After getting on the car, she found that there were other people in the car that she didn't know.

They directly sent her back to the apartment. Qi Hanmo carried an umbrella and personally sent her into the room. "These days, you have a good rest. I ask for leave for you."

"Where are you going

The heartstrings were raised all of a sudden, and those people had already prepared. Would Qi Hanmo be cheated by them in the past?

"It's OK." He pushed away the hand she had seized, and his face was flat. "This is my task. It won't take long. I'll ask Zixuan to help me watch. "

"But --"

"I'll be fine."

Warm palm clenched her hand and squeezed it slightly. In fact, there is no light in the room. Chu Tian can't see Qi Hanmo's expression clearly, but the movements on his hands are very clear.

Just about to overflow the words, he was lightly interrupted by this action. She pursed her dry lips. "Well, you should be careful. I'll wait for you to come back." After the second half of the sentence, her face turned red.

Qi Han Mo seems to be stunned and suddenly raises his hand to probe. Chu Tian was frightened by his action. His head was blank. He turned around and went back to the room with the cold door on his back. After a while, he heard the sound of closing the door outside.

She sobbed and covered her slightly scalded cheek when she thought of the words she had just said. Fortunately, there was no light in the room. Qi Hanmo could not see her face.

What a shame. How could she say such a thing?

What's the meaning of Qi Hanmo's gesture of raising his hand? She calmed down a little, Qi Hanmo just seemed to want to touch her face, but she avoided it.

Finally, Chu Tian changed her pajamas and turned on her mobile phone. It was already early in the morning. It was still raining outside. The rain was pounding on the glass.

She left the hotel like this, wouldn't it be a problem? They also threatened her that if she left, she would not let go of her brother.

I don't know where my brother is now.

In a daze, she went to sleep and woke up more than seven o'clock. She was scared to get up and go to work. As soon as I had a move, I remembered what Qi Hanmo said last night. She didn't have to go to work today.

Looking around the dimly lit ward, it was still raining outside.

The humidity in the air made her feel uncomfortable. She got out of bed and put on her shoes to look at the window. She was surprised to find that the window was stained with a layer of water mist. Push the fog away, the gloomy sky comes into view, and it's still raining outside.

There are also some ingredients in the refrigerator. I made a simple breakfast and took out my mobile phone to wait for Qi Hanmo's information. After sitting for nearly an hour, there was no information on her mobile phone. She anxiously looked out of the window and didn't know when he would come back.

When you have nothing to do, turn on the TV and kill time. I wanted to buy some food materials in the supermarket, but the rain outside was so heavy that thunder flashed from time to time, so I had to stay at home.

At noon, I heard the sound of the doorbell coming from the door.

Chu Tian quickly stepped forward to open the door, but what he saw was Yang Zixuan's face. His mood suddenly sank, "manager Yang, how can you be?"

"You don't want to see me."

Yang Zixuan didn't mind, shaking the key in his hand. "This is the key of my brother's private villa. He asked me to take you there, but he didn't say anything to me. Anyway, he asked me to help you pack."

"Oh, yes."

Chu Tian is stunned. It should be because the people who brought her back last night knew about it. Moreover, the apartment area is really conspicuous, which is in the center of the city.

She didn't think much about it. She simply picked up her usual clothes. Looking back, Yang Zixuan stood at the door, smiling vaguely at her. Without waiting to ask, he went up to the suitcase and said, "is that all you want?"

"Yes." I always feel that Yang Zixuan's eyes are very strange, but for a moment and a half, I can't say where the strange place is.

After all, the other party is the boss, Chu Tian did not dare to trouble him for too long, quickly packed up some things and left.

Go outside to see, the rain is even bigger than she imagined, hail like rain hit on the umbrella, making a heavy sound. Yang Zixuan parked the car at the door of the community, a short distance, her clothes were mostly wet by rain.

She had never heard of Qi Hanmo's private villa. After playing for half an hour, Yang Zixuan parked his car in front of a double deck villa with a small garden outside.

"Why is this villa so familiar?"

Push open the door to see, soon found a strange place. As like as two peas, she had been here for the last time. She had been here before, and the villas were exactly the same.

"Have you been to this place?" Yang Zixuan frowned, "when did you come?"

"The last time group leader he asked me to send documents, it was raining at that time. Originally, group leader he told me that he could go back directly after sending the documents, but the customer said that there was a place that needed to be modified, so I sent the documents back to the company. "

"I seem to remember that, too." Yang Zixuan hugged his shoulder, "do you want to go in? I didn't think anyone else would know about this place. ""No more." The last customer was Rongyan? He may have known for a long time that Qi Hanmo lived here, so he dared to rent a house here. If she moved in, wouldn't she expose her whereabouts?

Although I don't know why, Rong Yan seems to think that she is a very useful person. If they find out, they will take her away again.

"Well, I can only take you to another place." Yang Zixuan shrugged and helped to carry the luggage back.

The heavy rain lasted for a whole day, but it didn't end. When the car stopped again, Chu Tian was surprised to find that Yang Zixuan actually took her to Qi's house!

"Manager Yang, this is not a suitable place, is it?"

"Why not?" Yang Zixuan looked suspiciously, "elder brother told me that I can't let you stay in the staff dormitory. Since his villa can't live, it's only here. What are you nervous about? "

"No, I'm not nervous."

Face slightly hot to avoid the man's banter smile, Chu Tian really can not find an excuse to leave here, can only eagerly watch Yang Zixuan carry her luggage in.

Qi's family didn't seem to know that she would come. They were surprised to see Yang Zixuan carrying the luggage. Yang Zixuan explained to them a few words. Yun Fangcai asked him to put the luggage in the guest room on the second floor.

"You go to have a rest first. I'll talk to my uncle."


Uneasy to follow Yang Zixuan to the second floor.

The guest rooms are cleaned up regularly. They are very clean. Probably seeing through her nervousness, Yang Zixuan put down her luggage and left.

Chu Tian was relieved and looked around the beautifully decorated guest rooms. She didn't expect to come to the villa of Qi's family. She was not familiar with the people here. She was afraid that it would be difficult to endure these days.


Outside the door came the crisp voice of the child.

Chu Tian was happy and walked quickly to open the door. Sure enough, he saw Rong Xiuyuan standing outside the door in a dinosaur Pajama, with a big tail behind him. "Xiuyuan, your clothes are so beautiful."

"My aunt bought it for me! Elder sister, I heard Xiao Fang's elder sister say you came to play. I don't have to go to class today. You can accompany me to play games. Brother Haohao is also here. "

"Play games?"

Looking at the room has not packed the luggage, she refused to Rong Xiuyuan, "Xiuyuan, you wait for your sister to pack up the clothes before you go to play with you."

"I'll clean it up with my sister!"

Rong Xiuyuan actively raised his hand. Without waiting for her consent, she dragged her tail into the room, looked around from side to side, picked up what she had put on the ground, and stood on tiptoe to put it on the table.

How dare Chu Tian let him clean up alone? There were not many things in the suitcase. They worked together quickly to get rid of them. Rong Xiuyuan dragged her to the study. There was a small room specially decorated with rongxiuyuan and lanchenhao's toys. A TV was hung on the wall.

Rong Xiuyuan turns on the TV and gives her the game controller.

The first day I came to Qi's house, I played games with my children. I was always worried that Yunfang would find that she kept looking out of the door. "Miss Chu, you're here with the fruit? Just now Madame wanted to see you , the fastest update of the webnovel!