Chapter 648

"What can I do for Mrs. Qi?"


Maybe her reaction was too fierce, and the servant was surprised, "nothing. Madam just asked where you were. I thought you were in the room, so I told my wife, but miss Chu, you are here with the young master."

"I'll talk to Mrs. Qi now."

She doesn't dare to be so impolite. In case Yunfang really has something urgent to look for her.

"No, Miss Chu. Madame just went to see the master, and she won't be back until seven o'clock before dinner. Let me cut the fruit and give it to the young master. " The maid put down the fruit tray in her hand and left first when she saw that there was nothing she needed to do.

"Master?" Chu Tian doubts.

I've been to Qi's house twice. She's seen all the people she should meet, except for ER Shao and ER Shao's milk. How can she have an old master?

"My sister eats apples." Chubby hand handed her in front of her, "grandma went to see my grandfather, and my grandfather was not at home. My aunt saw TV in the room. We could play for a long time."

"Granddad Is it your uncle's grandfather

"Yes, my grandfather is not in good health. If he says he wants to cultivate himself, he won't live with us." Rong Xiuyuan picked up a strawberry and put it into his mouth and chewed it. "But my grandfather often comes to play with me. He says he wants to take a walk."

"For a walk? Is that my grandfather lives nearby

"Yes, I went there last time. I'll be there soon. It's in front of me." Rong Xiuyuan ran to the window with his tail on his pajamas. He pulled the curtain open and pointed out to a villa outside, "that's it! Sister, please come and have a look. My grandfather is over there

"So close?"

Along the direction of this little finger, you can easily see a villa with glazed roof. Even if it's raining outside, you can still see the villa. How close is the distance between them.

"Yes, sister, come and play games with me."

Almost all the adults in my family have gone out. It's raining heavily today, so I don't need to go to school. Rongxiuyuan can play all day. But it's not good for children to play too many games. Chu Tian made a rule with him to tell him what happened in the school every time he played.

Rong Xiuyuan was still naive and romantic. When he heard that someone was willing to listen to his story, he was naturally happy, but he did not find that Chu Tian deliberately distracted his attention.

After playing for more than three hours, they had just finished a game. They were just about to let Rong Xiuyuan tell her some interesting things about school. When they turned around, they found that the child was sleeping on the sofa with his mouth slightly open.

She took a blanket for him to put on, just want to quietly carry people back to the room, suddenly saw someone standing at the door of the study.

I thought it was a maid, but when I looked up, it turned out to be Qi Yingying, "Miss Qi?"

"It seems that you are still good at Xiuyuan." Qi Yingying Yang delicate chin, see her hand is still holding the blanket, intend to put Rong Xiuyuan up, skimming red lips show a little disdain, "come out, Xiuyuan sleep is not used to someone touch him, a touch to wake up. I have something to tell you. "

“…… All right

At the bottom of my heart, I don't want to get along with Qi Yingying alone, but the other party all said it. If Chu Tian refuses directly, she doesn't know what disputes will happen. And Rong Xiuyuan did frown and seemed to be about to wake up. She quickly released her hand and pressed the sound of her feet to keep up with Qi Yingying.

They arrived in the hall, but there was no one at the moment.

Qi Yingying sat on the sofa with her long legs folded together and poured out a cup of tea.

Chu Tian noticed that her fingers were smeared with delicate nail polish and decorated with crystal and other small things. She was elegant and beautiful.

Looking down at her fingernails, she pursed the heat in her throat and hid her hands quietly. "Miss Qi, what can I do for you?"

"Do you like my big brother?" Qi Yingying did not seem to have heard her finish speaking at all, so she asked.

Such a straightforward question made her heart beat to a halt, and subconsciously wanted to retort, "no, I --"

"you don't have to lie. The first time you saw my brother in a clothing store, I knew what I was thinking." Qi Yingying "tut" voice, look up and down, "I really don't know what my brother likes you, so many choices, but chose you."

I don't know.

The rest of the words did not speak, in time no matter how stupid, she can also feel that Qi Yingying does not like her, the tone always with a scorn.

What's more, Qi Yingying doesn't know, even she doesn't know why. Qi Hanmo raised his hand before he left last night. If he didn't guess wrong, he should want to touch her face.

This action is too intimate to pretend that you can't understand it.

Why does Qi Hanmo like her? She doesn't know.

Qi Yingying took a sip of tea. "Since I can't stop these things, I can only let it go. But you look like this. It's really not like my sister-in-law at all. I've been disgraced by LAN Yue. I don't want to do it again.""Lan Yue?" Who is this?

Qi Yingying obviously did not intend to elaborate. She stood up gracefully and looked at her with a commanding posture, "just now Yang Zixuan said that you are going to live here for a period of time. That's just right. You should change these clothes. I'll ask the driver to take us out tomorrow. You should be prepared to think, don't lose my face. "

"But I'm fine now."

Words just export, Qi Yingying turned to go, this temper is more prosperous than Yunfang.

But for Qi Hanmo's face, they would definitely drive her out.

After looking at her simple T-shirt and trousers, Chu Tianzhen doesn't know what's wrong with her, but seven young ladies have spoken. How can she refuse? If tomorrow does not appear on time, Qi Yingying also points out how to deal with her.

As the servant said, Yunfang came back before dinner.

Suddenly there was a person on the table, and her mood did not seem to be very good. After dinner, she said that she would have a holiday to rest. Although Qi Lin would chat with her from time to time, there was no news of this embarrassing atmosphere.

In the past, she and Qi Hanmo would not feel this way when they were eating in front of a narrow table


Qi Yingying just left, the child sitting next to her can't wait to pull her clothes, motioned her to put my ears together, "sister, are you going to play with your aunt tomorrow?"

"Yes, how do you know that?"

"Uncle Li, the driver, told me that." Rong Xiuyuan raised his head, just as the light on the ceiling fell into his eyes, which was very good-looking. "Sister, can you buy me some snacks tomorrow? If it doesn't rain tomorrow, I will go to school

"No, you have too many snacks."

She shaved her nose, and the child's mouth was full of grievances, which almost made her soft hearted and agreed.

But how could Qi family be stingy with a child? It's mostly because Rong Xiuyuan ate too much and didn't give it to him. But his expression is really poor, Chu Tian thought and said, "well, if you can guess me a question, I will promise you."


"Do you know why my aunt wants to go out with me?"

"Well --"

looking at Rong Xiuyuan, she was puzzled.

Qi Yingying said that because she disliked her, she planned to take her out for a walk. But how could Qi Yingying, such a proud person, want to go out with her? I heard a lot of gossip in the company before, saying that Qi Yingying is arrogant and overbearing. Many young ladies have known her for a long time, and she also scolds and teases mercilessly.

I'm afraid that Qi Yingying will make such a fool of her tomorrow. She has to be prepared in advance.

"Maybe because my aunt couldn't find a friend to accompany her, so she let her sister go out."

"What?" She almost thought that she had heard something wrong, "how could your aunt have no friends?"

"I don't know, but my aunt is at home all day and I haven't seen her go out."

"Is that so?"

The doubt in the heart is more and more heavy, but no matter how, tomorrow still has to accompany Qi Yingying to go out.

After dinner, she specially helped to clean up the dishes and chopsticks. Qi Lin told her several times that Chu Tiancai returned to the room. , the fastest update of the webnovel!