Chapter 654

"Don't they care?" Chu Tian raised his hand, and Qi Hanmo's hand had been taken back. He felt that there were some changes in his hair, but there was no other feeling at all. She touched her hair, and there was still rain standing on it.

"No, just let them watch."

"What about the contents of the box?" According to Rong Yan, the things in the express are very difficult to deal with.

"It's OK." Qi Hanmo's expression did not change, it seems that he did not pay attention to this matter.

She felt her wet clothes, and a cold wind was blowing and shivering. Clothes are also stained with a lot of gray and black dust, looking dirty. After talking to Qi Hanmo, she went back to her room to change clothes. Looking from the window, she could see several black cars parked outside the garden.

The sky is also rolling thick black clouds, rain is growing. Standing by the window for a long time, those people did not want to leave.

She changed her clothes and walked around the second floor without seeing anyone. Even the servants who were always cleaning were gone. It was estimated that Qi Hanmo asked them to go back.

What do those people want to do? Shaking God to the stairway, see those men in camouflage clothes are still around Qi Yingying, trying to take the box from her hand.

Qi Hanmo sits aside to discuss things with Xie Heng. The atmosphere downstairs is too dignified. She thinks for a moment that she has gone to find Chu Qi.

There are many guest rooms on the second floor of Qi family. She found a circle nearby, but unexpectedly she saw Chu Qi sitting in front of the computer in her study. She didn't know what he was doing. She only saw his hands beating on the keyboard.

"What are you doing, brother?" She knocked at the door.

"Xiaotian?" Chu Qi stops his hands and looks at him unexpectedly. Seeing her, she swiped the mouse and pressed it several times. When she came to her side, the computer interface was displayed on the screen. It was clear that she didn't want her to see what he was doing just now.

Chu Qi has changed his clothes. His hair is still half wet and looks messy.

She found a chair and sat down beside him. After a long silence, she asked, "brother, can you tell me what happened now?"

She always thought that Chu Qi went out on business as before, but now it seems that what he did was related to Rong Yan, otherwise Rong Yan would not have caught him and locked him up.

Maybe he knew that things could not be concealed any more. Chu Qi didn't hide as much as before, "I'll show you a picture." With that, he swiped the mouse again and entered a web site.

As a child, because his family was poor, Chu Tian had no contact with these electronic products since childhood. The first mobile phone was bought for her from her brother's first wage, but they couldn't afford to pay for it. She didn't dare to use it more.

As for computers, they never appeared in the home. Later, she followed a few friends to the Internet bar, only to get in touch with the computer for the first time. In her influence, her brother should be the same as her, and had no chance to contact the computer at all. But now, watching him skillfully slide the mouse to open a web page, and then input a group of addresses in the address bar that she can't understand. After a while, a webpage pops up on the screen.

There are a lot of photos in the website. Chu Qi opens one of them and signals her to look, "Xiao Tian, do you remember? This is Dad


Chu Tian comes over and is surprised to find that in addition to her father, there are several men in police uniform. It's so old that even the photos are black and white.

When her father passed away, she was still a child. She was not very impressed. She only kept a few photos at home, and still had some impressions. Looking around, she soon found a tall man standing in the last row. He also wore an old police uniform, smiling at the camera.

From the facial features, we can see that the man was about 20 years old, still very young.

"Come and have a look." Chuqi slid the chair aside and asked her to sit down.

I don't know why she felt uneasy in her heart. But when she looked at Shang Chuqi's eyes, she resisted the uneasiness in her heart and opened the next photo of her father in police uniform. However, the location of the photo changed from outdoor to indoor office.

Her father was wearing a white T-shirt, the sleeves were pulled up to the elbow, showing strong muscles. Chu Tian looks at the office behind his father carefully. He sees an office with simple decoration. On the wall, there are several words "serving the people".

On the desk in front of my father was simple office equipment, and in his hand was a pen with something written on it.

Seeing this, Chu Tian was stunned, "Dad, was he a policeman when he was young?"


Chu Qi takes the mouse and shows her all the photos below. In the first few pictures, my father was still working in the police station. In the back, a pretty woman began to appear beside him.

Chu Tian recognized this man as her mother, and her eyes became delicate.

Since her father's absence, she has heard a lot of gossip about her mother, saying that her mother is human. For so many years, my mother never explained. Sometimes she took her to the street to go shopping and heard these gossip. Every time, her mother just took her away in a hurry and never argued with those people.Naturally, she would not doubt her mother, but there were so many gossips that she felt uncomfortable. She didn't have a chance to ask her mother these questions when she was in primary school.

The woman in the picture is obviously wearing police uniform, which is slightly different from that of her father, but it is not difficult to see.

"Xiaotian." Chu Qi suddenly became dignified. "I know you have a lot of questions to ask. It's not that I don't want to tell you, but I don't want to implicate you. But since people from outside come to visit, even if I don't say so, you will know sooner or later."

"Dad was a policeman when he was young. He came to work as an undercover."

"Undercover?" She was surprised.

"Yes." Chu Qi nodded, "the man my father wanted to change at that time was Rong Yan's adoptive father. Rong Hetian was already a world-famous gangster at that time, and his father used to take great risks. At that time, he and his mother were married and had just conceived of me. My father didn't want to hurt her mother, so he asked her to quit her job in the police station and arranged for a fake identity

"Yes That one? " She hesitated. Although she didn't finish her words, she believed that Chuqi could understand what she was saying.

From childhood to adulthood, their two brothers and sisters heard the most about their mother's gossip. But she never believed that the memory of Livin and her skillful mother would be so bad as outsiders said, but neither she nor her father ever explained. If this was a fake identity arranged by dad to hide people's eyes, then all things could be reasonably explained.

"No Chu Qi shook his head. "In fact, mother's job is similar to that of her father. She used to stay in the dance hall for a long time in order to catch a criminal. Later, she moved home and was recognized for no reason. In order to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding, my mother decided not to explain

"Although it does attract a lot of right and wrong, this is the best way." Chu Qi looked serious. "Although dad didn't agree, he had already successfully infiltrated Rong Hetian's side. He couldn't come back often and worried that Rong Hetian would doubt us, so he didn't explain. Later, Rong Yan was involved in the investigation and was caught by Rong Hetian's opponents. Although Rong Yan was later rescued, he already knew his father's identity... "

"Father's accident has something to do with him?" Chu Tian leaned forward. For so many years, she thought her father died in a car accident. But what her brother said now has completely overturned her cognition.

"No, it doesn't matter."

Chuqi's face became complicated.

But it's no wonder that it has been several decades ago. Her father's work must be kept strictly confidential, even relatives can't disclose it. What's more, she still remembers that her father's accident happened suddenly, and many things must not be explained in time.

In her impression, Rong Yan is a grotesque person, seemingly elegant and noble, but there is a vicious in his heart, even he will not let go. , the fastest update of the webnovel!