Chapter 655

"This is Rong Hetian's information." Chu Qi gets up and takes a pile of materials from the printer, sorts them out and hands them to her.

"What is this?"

Chu Tian came back from the sudden, subconsciously took over the information in his hand. I don't know when Chu Qi printed it. I always think he is familiar with Qi's study.

Should Qi Hanmo allow him to use the things here? In the heart doubt, open the information to check, which is written all Rong He Tian's information.

She had never heard of this name. After some explanation, she knew that this man was Rong Yan's adoptive father. He was a famous "big rich man" in the underworld. He was not only rich and powerful, but also deliberately made an entrepreneur's identity, which was related to the local ZF. It can be said that he covered the sky with one hand.

When Rong Hetian was young, he lost his fertility due to an accident. From then on, he became very grumpy. He also kept several concubines for him to play with. From time to time, it was reported that Rong Hetian killed one of his concubines. But even so, for Rong Hetian's wealth, there will be a lot of women to catch up with one another.

When Rong Hetian was young, it could be said that his scenery was boundless. When he was in his fifties, his brother betrayed him and wanted to take away his power. However, he was finally found out by Rong Hetian. At that time, Rong Hetian suddenly realized that if he died, all the power in his hands would be other people's, so he took a child back from another place, that child was Rong Yan.

Rong Yan is a son of his relatives, and He Tian is also related by blood.

It is said that Rong Hetian is very strict with Rong Yan. In the eyes of outsiders, this is the importance of inheritors. However, some people familiar with the matter said that Rong Hetian was so strict with Rong Yan because he was jealous that he could inherit his legacy without doing anything.

Although this statement is bizarre, it is not difficult to understand that Rong Hetian could not have children at all. He originally wanted to leave everything to his children, but because of an accident, Rong Hetian lost his fertility and had to let Rong Yan inherit it.

The information also says that after Rong Yan was captured by his opponent, Rong Hetian once thought about not saving him. Anyway, he was not his own son. If Rong Yan died, he would have changed his successor.

But Rong Hetian's subordinates have already saved the people, so Rong Yan has to continue to support him.

"No wonder the character of this man is so extreme." Recalling that Rong Yan was still smiling when he was pointed at his head by a pistol, Chu Tian murmured in a low voice, and suddenly asked, "but why should he aim at us?"

Rong Hetian doesn't care about Rong Yan and will certainly torture him by various means, so it's not surprising why Rong Yan's character becomes like this. But even if her father implicated Rong Yan and was caught by his enemies, he had no reason to involve his anger on them.

At this point, she had already guessed what her brother was going out to do every once in a while. Father left too suddenly, mother did not disappear for a while, probably went to deal with father's affairs.

And brother - also to do the same thing, they are afraid of implicating her, so they never talk to her.

"The man who took Rong Yan away once suffered a lot under Rong Hetian's hand. Originally, he wanted Rong Hetian to take out half of his power to replace others, but Rong Hetian did not agree, so he spread his anger on Rong Yan. When Rong Yan was found, he was wounded in many places. His character had a bit of revenge. After learning that these things had something to do with his father, he planned to revenge. "

"Is there something to do with dad's accident?"

"No Chu Qi was dejected. "Rong Yan was only a teenager at that time. Even if he wanted to revenge, he didn't have any power on hand. Dad's business - it's just an accident. "

She opened her mouth and her throat was sore. Her brother has suffered a lot of pain that she has never imagined in recent years. If you want to comfort him, how can she be qualified to comfort him?

Looking out of the window at the dark sky, from this angle, you can see those black cars parked outside, and their heartstrings suddenly tightened. "Brother, what about the bombs that those people just sent? There seems to be no way to lose it. "

"It's OK."

Chu Qi's eyes were cold.

She was stunned. She had never seen her brother show such an expression.

Just want to ask more, he stood up and went to the window, looked at the time, and suddenly said, "it's almost time."


Chu Tian walked quickly, only to see a few cars suddenly driving on the road in the distance, blocking them from the rear. Surprised, on the other side of the road also came a few cars, from another direction to stop them.

"What is this?"

"Go down and have a look."

Chu Qi called on her, and they quickly walked down the stairs. Then they found that the atmosphere in the hall was more dignified than before. In addition to the men in camouflage clothes trying to dismantle the contents of the box, Qi Hanmo and Xie Heng both went outside.

Xie Heng saw Chu Qi and said hello. Chu Tian felt strange.

In order not to let Ye Xin find out her relationship with Qi Hanmo, she used the excuse that Qi Hanmo knew her brother, but now it seems that they did.Chu Tian pursed her lips and did not speak. Although her brother had many things to hide from her, she did not know when to investigate.

The cars surrounding Rongyan opened their doors one after another. A middle-aged man in black walked in front of him, followed by several serious men.

"Captain, it's commander." Xie Heng reminded me in a low voice.

"Yes." Qi Hanmo nodded and said to them, "wait here first."


Chu Qi looked at the group of people outside and nodded, "Xiaotian, go back and wait."


Although I don't know who those people are outside, depending on the situation, those things are no longer her intervention. No matter what her father was before, she didn't know anything about these things, and her brother didn't want to involve her, so she would definitely not let her go.

Back in the hall, I just saw one of the men in camouflage clothes with red neck and sweat on his face. He took the express box from Qi Yingying's hand. At this time, the box suddenly vibrated, and Qi Yingying screamed.

"Get down!"

The man cried out, the people beside him immediately took Qi Yingying to the sandbag that had been set up in the early morning. Chu Tian has not yet responded, the arm was grabbed, along with a strong strength, someone took her to the door.

"Cover your ears!" My brother snapped.

She covered her ears at once.

After a while, a cheerful mechanical music came from the villa. She could feel the body of the person holding her slightly stiff and looked out of her head. A clown doll appeared from the box in the man's hand, twisting his body to make music. After that, the sound of music became more and more ugly, sharp as the sound of electric current.

"What is this?" Qi Yingying sat up in a confused place and looked at this thing. Her pretty face twisted. "Don't tell me, let me sit here for half a day. Is this thing inside?"

"It's impossible. I checked it with the instrument."

The man holding the box also looked surprised. He quickly took out the instrument from the toolbox beside him and checked the box. The instrument immediately made a sound. "The man's face is very ugly," he cheated! Dazhong, go out and tell the chief, "this is a fake!"


A dark man behind him immediately responded.

Just waiting for him to act, a group of people came outside, including Rong Yan. Looking at the smile on his face, Chu Tian's heart sank. If the bomb is fake, it means that they have been teased by Rongyan from the beginning.

"What happened?"

Walking in front of the middle-aged man in black, with a serious look.

"Commander!" A Zhong quickly made a military salute, looked at Qi Hanmo, hesitated and said, "I just unloaded the bomb, and found that It was found that it was just a very ordinary toy, and it was not harmful at present. "

"A toy?"

The commander blackened his face and stepped forward quickly. As expected, there was chaos in the hall. The toy that suddenly appeared from the box was still singing funny songs. , the fastest update of the webnovel!