Chapter 482 Destroyed

Name:My Celestial Ascension Author:
Chapter 482 Destroyed

"Are you finished bluffing? A mere human like you thinks you can defeat me? Don't make me laugh, insect!" The monster glared at Yuan, its red eye radiating with an endless amount of killing intent.

"Oh, are you underestimating me?" Yuan frowned at the monster. However, his expression didn't change a bit despite the monster's provocative words.

"Looking down on you, don't make me laugh. Just because you've defeated one of our brothers, don't think that you've won the war." The monster laughed at Yuan's words.

Yuan looked at the monster for a moment before bursting into laughter. "Haha! This is the first time I've met a monster as arrogant as you, not to mention your ugly appearance."

"Indeed. This is the first time we've met such an unsightly monster. It's making me feel like puking..." Lily said as she arrived beside Yuan, her gaze fixed on the monster.

The monster's expression turned extremely dark upon hearing this, and it fumed with anger, looking at Lily with murderous eyes.

"Oh, is this female your mate? In that case, I'll put some extra effort into torturing her before your eyes." The tentacle monster said, focusing its gaze on Lily as its expression turned extremely cold and murderous.

"Are you that desperate to die that you're trying to provoke me? Well, since you want death, I'll gladly fulfill your wish." Yuan said as he retrieved his sword from his system storage, and his wives became very excited upon seeing the sword in his hand.

"That monster is quite an idiot to provoke my darling like that. He could have lived a bit longer, but alas... he brought this upon himself!" Grace mumbled in a low voice and sighed heavily. She wanted to torture this arrogant monster herself, but it seemed that it wouldn't be happening.

Anna and the others nodded their heads upon hearing Grace's words. They strongly agreed with her and shared the same thoughts. After all, Yuan loves them so much that he won't stay silent if someone dares to think of harming them.

The monster then narrowed its eyes at the sword in Yuan's hand and spoke, "Oh, you have quite the fascinating sword, human. Is this why you're so confident in defeating me?"

"Do you think I need to rely on a weapon to defeat a lowly monster like you? Well, since you're doubting my strength, I won't use my sword now."

The sword suddenly vanished from Yuan's hand as he put it back into his system storage, and he began to approach the monster with a confident smile on his face.

"I commend you for your courage to face me with your bare hands, human. But you're making a big mistake here..." The monster's face turned extremely cold. "You'll die before you know it."

"I see... Are those your last words? Because you're about to die now!" Yuan's face turned very cold, and suddenly he vanished from his spot, as if he had teleported.

Everyone was shocked seeing Yuan vanish into thin air. They almost couldn't believe their eyes and felt as though their eyes were playing tricks on them.

"Where did he go?! Look for him!"

The monster with tentacles on its back shouted upon seeing Yuan disappear, thinking that Yuan had run away in fear, leaving everyone behind. Thê source of this conte/nt n/o/v/(el)bi((n))

The other monsters immediately became alert and looked around searching for Yuan, as they couldn't afford to let him escape. Their queen had ordered them to bring the killer of their brother.

"Where did he go?! I can't find him!!" One of the monsters shouted, unable to find Yuan anywhere.

Before the corrupted monsters could react, another few thousand were killed by Yuan's other wives as they joined the battle.

"And don't forget about us," Anna said, standing beside Grace with a sweet smile on her face, her sword dripping with fresh monster blood.

While his wives dealt with the low-level corrupted monsters, Yuan focused his attention on the guardian monsters, who were staring at him with furious looks on their faces.

ROAR! The three guardian monsters let out a furious roar before dashing at Yuan, all three jumping at him simultaneously with the intention of killing him in a powerful combined attack.

"Too slow..." Yuan muttered before disappearing from his place.

"Burning Heavens Fist..."

Suddenly, the sky turned crimson red and a massive fist began to descend from the sky toward the three remaining guardian monsters.

The three monsters stared at the sky with baffled looks on their faces. They felt like they had lost all their strength to move away, as if some unknown power was restraining them in place.

However, suddenly their eyes turned as red as the crimson moon, as if they had gone mad from fear of death or something else entirely.

ROAR! The three guardian beasts let out a roar that made King Richard and the others kneel on the ground as the monsters' aura soared high into the sky.

"Did they go mad or something?" Yuan looked at the monsters in a puzzled manner, but then he showed a creepy grin.

"But it doesn't matter now, as I'm going to kill them anyway..." Yuan clenched his fists tightly and launched himself high into the air.

The three beasts did the same, attacking him aggressively as if they had lost their minds and gone berserk. However, Yuan dodged their relentless attacks easily and launched his own counterattacks.

Sensing the fist about to hit the ground, Yuan disappeared and reappeared at a safe distance, moving so fast it appeared as though he had teleported.


A massive explosion shook the entire place as the fist landed on the three monsters, sending powerful shockwaves and gusts of wind in every direction.

Both the mages and the warriors were baffled by the massive explosion and looked at the cloud of dust with curious expressions.

"D-Did it kill them?! Are they dead?!"

"W-What a powerful explosion!!"

People were shocked by the power of the explosion and waited for the dust to clear, unsure if the monsters were dead or alive at this point.

A few minutes later, the dust cleared, revealing a massive crater at the center. There was nothing else in the crater, only distorted ground, with no signs of the monsters at all, as if they had been vaporized by the explosion.