Chapter 483 The Monster Queen Appeared

Name:My Celestial Ascension Author:
Chapter 483 The Monster Queen Appeared

"T-There is nothing in the crater! It seems that the monsters got vaporized by the powerful explosion!"

"D-Does that mean the monsters are... dead?!"

"It seems that way, but we cannot be sure... after all, the corrupted monsters are nearly immortal and cannot be killed easily."

"Indeed, we still need to keep our guards up. Who knows what will happen the next second? There are still a few million corrupted monsters inside the monster nest. We cannot let our guard down."

In the large crater that had just formed due to the massive crimson fist falling from heaven, there was only smoke and scattered debris. Not even a bone could be found.

However, since the corrupted monsters are very hard to kill and almost immortal, people still weren't a hundred percent sure that the monsters had been killed by the explosion.

"I can't sense any movement from there... I guess the monsters were killed by the explosion," Archmage Isadora spoke a moment later.

Archmage Eldrick also nodded, confirming Archmage Isadora's words. "Indeed. I also can't sense any movement from there, and not only that, but the presence of those powerful corrupted monsters has completely disappeared."

Archmage Eldrick was a much older and more experienced mage compared to Archmage Isadora, so the others immediately took his words for granted.

Since the death of the three powerful corrupted monsters was now confirmed, people began to relax and sigh with relief, knowing they didn't have to fight such powerful beings anymore.


Suddenly, another massive explosion shook the area as Rose used her elemental power to create a huge blast, killing tens of thousands of monsters at once.

Upon hearing the explosion, people's expressions turned serious once again, and they looked at the other side of the battlefield where Yuan's wives were slaughtering monsters like cabbages.

"Everyone! The fight hasn't ended yet, so don't relax now!" Crown Prince Daniel shouted, attracting everyone's attention to himself.

Then he took a deep breath and shouted, "We have to make sure that every monster is dead, so kill any monsters that managed to escape from them!"

"Yeah!!" People shouted in excitement as they readied their weapons and magic spells to slaughter the escaped monsters. Everyone began searching for any corrupted monsters that had managed to escape.

As soon as they found any escaped monsters, they would gang up on them and kill them instantly with their combined effort, while the experienced hunters would kill them alone.

In just a few minutes, they killed more than a hundred monsters that had managed to escape from the wrath of Yuan's wives. Although those corrupted monsters had managed to escape, their conditions weren't good, as their bodies were heavily injured from the ruthless slaughter.

After an hour of relentless slaughter, Yuan's wives finally managed to defeat all the monsters that had come out of their nest. More than tens of thousands of dead bodies were scattered throughout the place.

All the dead bodies had one thing in common: their chests were either ripped apart or had a massive hole in them. Some of them were even frozen in huge ice blocks before their bodies turned to dust.

People were speechless upon witnessing the tens of thousands of corpses lying all over the place, creating a mountain of bodies, and the entire area was covered in the blood of the corrupted monsters.

"It doesn't matter if she is angry at us or not. The only thing that matters here is that we clean this place as soon as possible and leave this forest for good," Lily added with an irritated voice. She was getting bored fighting weak monsters, and the atmosphere of the forest didn't suit her at all.

"Great Protective Barrier: ACTIVATE!" Suddenly, King Richard tossed a strange triangular device into the air and shouted. The object was made from gold and some other rare materials, and there were many strange symbols on it.

The symbols suddenly glowed with a bright light, and a massive multi-layered translucent barrier covered everyone in the vicinity. The pressure vanished inside the barrier, allowing them to stand up again.

BOOM! A massive explosion took place, and the ground burst open. A massive figure began to emerge from the hole, covered in a thick, sinister aura that made everyone feel sick.


The monster let out a powerful roar that shook the entire place and caused cracks to appear all over the barrier created by King Richard, frightening most of the people.

Some of them even peed their pants out of fear. The monster's sinister aura made it hard for them to breathe, and they were having a hard time keeping their cool.

"YOU INSIGNIFICANT INSECTS! HOW DARE YOU INVADE MY TERRITORY AND KILL MY CHILDREN?! I'LL KILL YOU ALL!!" As soon as the Monster Queen emerged from the cave, she shouted, looking at everyone with a murderous expression.

The monster had a massive body comparable to the size of a double-decker bus, with massive long limbs that it used to move its heavy body. Its claws were sharp enough to tear through almost anything.

"S-Such a massive and powerful are we going to defeat it?!" Both the mages and the warriors panicked upon witnessing the massive figure of the monster. They felt shivers down their spines upon hearing the creepy voice of the monster speaking to them.

Everyone had a pale expression on their faces, as if they had witnessed a frightening ghost in broad daylight, except for Yuan and his wives, of course.

While everyone else was frightened by the Monster Queen, Yuan slowly walked toward her with a calm look on his face.

"As expected of the queen, you're quite strong...but it's not enough. How very disappointing..." Yuan retrieved his sword from his system storage and gripped the handle tightly.

Upon hearing this, the Monster Queen focused her gaze on Yuan and narrowed her eyes at him.

"Oh, are you perhaps the one responsible for my children's deaths?" the Monster Queen questioned Yuan, demanding an answer.

However, whatever Yuan said to her, she had already decided to kill him. His answer held no importance to her; it was completely meaningless.

Yuan chuckled before responding, "Indeed. I'm the one responsible for everything...and now I'm going to kill you too."

"Hmph! Such arrogance for a mere human...!" She attacked Yuan without any warning with her sharp claws.

Whoosh! As the claw was about to hit him, Yuan moved to the side and dodged her attack easily.

Slash! Suddenly, a sharp noise was heard, as if something was being cut by a very sharp object.

Thud! The limb used to attack Yuan fell to the ground. When the Monster Queen realized that one of her limbs had been severed by Yuan, a sharp pain assaulted her, making her scream in agony.