Chapter 472: 472: Xiaolang Slaps Baixin in the Face, Clarifying the Matter Publicly (Second Update)

Chapter 472: Chapter 472: Xiaolang Slaps Baixin in the Face, Clarifying the Matter Publicly (Second Update)

“This is the best way at present, for both you and me!” Yin Qin’s somewhat cold voice came through the phone, clear and distinct.

Ji Baixing snapped a cynical laugh.

“This may be the best approach for you, but not for me! For me, it’s the worst possible way. The best way, to me, would be to have Luo Xiaolang admit that she had malicious intentions towards you!” Ji Baixing said with a deep-seated bitterness that conveyed the extent of her emotional breakdown.

Yin Qin was left speechless.

At this point, he was having trouble understanding Ji Baixing.

Or rather, he’d never been with her, he’d never understood her.

He said, trying his best to remain calm, “Why must Luo Xiaolang be involved? Baixin, isn’t this our concern?”

“Why do you always insist that this is only our business? The emotional aspect is indeed between us, but the incident was instigated by Luo Xiaolang, why can’t they be dealt with separately!” Ji Baixing retorted harshly.

“So from your perspective, hurting Luo Xiaolang continuously is what I should do?” Yin Qin asked back.

“That’s what Luo Xiaolang deserves, isn’t it? Isn’t that the price she should pay for plotting against you?”

“Can I say that all you’re going through now is the price you should pay for betraying me back then!” Yin Qin’s suppressed emotions burst forth at that moment.

He shot back without mercy.

His words stunned Ji Baixing into silence.

She couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

She couldn’t believe Yin Qin would say such things to her.

She had always thought that Yin Qin loved her deeply, that he didn’t mind her past follies and was even grateful they were together now. She didn’t think he would still hold past grievances against her.

Was she too naive?

Was she too innocent?

She held the phone tightly, shaking uncontrollably.

Yin Qin said, “Baixin, since I’ve chosen to be with you, please don’t let me keep hurting Luo Xiaolang, I’m afraid I might lose control...”

Regret set in.

“In your eyes, and in my brother’s, I’ve become the bad woman, the one who always wants to hurt others.” Ji Baixing said coldly, “If that’s the case, why marry me? If this is the price I should pay, then let me bear it alone. I don’t need your help to bear it for this bad woman!”

Yin Qin clenched his lips.

He never thought that being with Ji Baixing would turn out like this.

Before they even started living together, they had already faced so many conflicts and misunderstandings.

Yin Qin said, he said, “You just think about it.”

At that moment, Ji Baixing completely lost control. “What did you say, Yin Qin! What did you say!”

Yin Qin didn’t reply.

“Are you trying to say you don’t want to marry me? Is that it! Are you regretting it!” Ji Baixing lost control of her emotions as if unable to accept what was happening.

Yin Qin gripped his phone tightly.

“Answer me, Yin Qin!” Ji Baixing’s cries came through the phone unrestrained.

Yin Qin was soft-hearted ultimately.

At this point, he was left with no room for regret. What he said was just out of anger.

“Baixin, calm down. I’m not regretting it. I just spoke out in anger. I don’t want our matters to involve Luo Xiaolang anymore. I don’t want her to keep getting hurt because of us!”

“Luo Xiaolang won’t get hurt, and you can’t hurt Luo Xiaolang!” Ji Baixin declared confidently, “She won’t help you. She won’t help you with the media. Do you really think you have a significant influence on her? Do you really think you can do anything to her? I’m just letting you see that Luo Xiaolang isn’t what you think she is. You don’t need to feel guilty to her! I even think that when Luo Xiaolang told the media that we were together after you called off the wedding, it wasn’t just a slip of the tongue, it was intentional!”

At this point, things had progressed so far, even if it meant exposing all her secrets, she was determined to make everyone aware of Luo Xiaolang’s shady side. Otherwise, she had to bear so much hurt, while Luo Xiaolang remained the victim. She couldn’t stand everyone thinking that she took Yin Qin from Luo Xiaolang and that she owed Luo Xiaolang an apology.

Luo Xiaolang shouldn’t be the object of everyone’s concern.

Yin Qin really didn’t want to talk about Luo Xiaolang with Ji Baixin anymore.

For a person who hurt her, was it worth going so far to help him?!

Was it worth risking her reputation to help that damned person?!

“I’m not helping him. I just didn’t want your daughter to be born without money for milk powder. Isn’t Yin Qin now the pillar of your family? If he doesn’t make money, then you guys will live poorly, and I don’t want you guys to live poorly.”

“How should Auntie treat you.” Qin Keqin’s eyes were red.

It was Yin Qin who wronged her, but why in the end was it her who was feeling grateful?

Why wasn’t Yin Qin hit by a car when he went out!

“Don’t worry, I don’t care about all this. What people outside say is their business, I don’t care.” Luo Xiaolang said calmly, “Auntie, don’t be angry and don’t be sad about me and Yin Qin’s matters. Truly, I don’t feel that Yin Qin has done anything particularly grave to me and I don’t hold a grudge. I will live my life well and I can take good care of myself and the little tiger.”

Qin Keqin felt her heart ache deeply.

If it wasn’t for the fact that Yin Qin was actually her biological son, she really wanted to adopt Luo Xiaolang as her goddaughter and move in to live with her. But because of her relationship with Yin Qin, she felt that having a deep relationship with Luo Xiaolang would taint Xiaolang and inadvertedly tie Xiaolang back with Yin Qin. She really didn’t want Yin Qin and Xiaolang to have anything to do with each other anymore. She feared that Yin Qin would once again hurt Xiaolang.

“Auntie, the little tiger is awake, I’m going to feed him.”

“Mmm.” Qin Keqin nodded.

She hung up the phone, still feeling a little uncomfortable.

She looked at the news, over and over again.

Luo Xiaolang really had shouldered all responsibility from when she was with Yin Qin. Silly girl, wasn’t she afraid of being attacked by the media?

Did she really not know that some worded injuries could shatter a person’s heart, and could be worse than physical harm?!

The more she watched, the angrier she became.

When she thought of the disgusting things her own son did, she really wanted to hack him to death!

She irritably dialed a number.

The call was answered, not by Yin Qin’s voice, but Ji Baixing’s.

Ji Baixing said, “Auntie.”

Qin Keqin suppressed her anger, which had almost reached her throat.

“Auntie, Yin Qin is in the restroom. Could you wait a moment?” said Ji Baixing.

Qin Keqin didn’t respond.

She simply held the phone, staying silent.

After a moment, Yin Qin took the phone, “Mom?”

“Did you see the news?” Qin Keqin asked him.

She asked him calmly.


All the anger she wanted to vent disappeared the moment she heard Ji Baixing’s voice.

It wasn’t because Ji Baixing had moved her, but because her heart had turned cold.

“I saw it.” Yin Qin responded.

That’s good if he saw it.

He saw it and was still at Ji Baixing’s place. How great!

She said, “It’s tonight, isn’t it? Having dinner with the Ji family.”

Yin Qin stalled.

He was somewhat in disbelief of what his mother was saying, “What did you say?”

“I said, aren’t we discussing your marriage with Ji Baixing? I’m free tonight.”

“Have you gone crazy? What about my dad?”

“No, I’m fine.” Qin Keqin said deliberately, “To quickly discard of a trashy man for Xiaolang, making sure there are no more opportunities for you two to be together, allowing you no way out even if you regret it – I’m more than willing!”