Shen Liyang was surrounded in the middle, the curly long eyelashes gently shook, "how, want to go together?"

The man on the ground was picked up by his companion, covered his chest and coughed twice, saying, "now do you know that you are afraid? As long as you sleep with me, I'll take it as if nothing happened. "

Shen Liyang takes a look at the bartender. The flashing light in the bar hits her face, which makes her delicate eyebrows and eyes more beautiful, and even has a kind of enchantment that is almost demon in an instant.

"A four loko, thank you."

Four loko ready-made do not need any blending, Shen Liyang opened a can, drank two, suddenly raised his hand and dropped the jar on the man's head.

The man immediately had blood on his forehead.

The commotion caused here has gathered many people's eyes.

"Damn it, call me. I'll be responsible for anything." The man hugged his head and exclaimed.

I've tried to call the police, but I've tried to stop them.

People who want to come to the theatre don't think it's too big. When they see Shen Liyang, who is skillful in the middle, they start to whistle and cheer to remind her that there is someone behind her.

"This woman, this woman is a practitioner." Said the companion who was kicked to the ground.

When the scene was in chaos, the police who received the call from the police came to control the scene quickly and charged with affray Took all the people away.

Shen Liyang, who was taken to the police station, began to drink slowly. After the police learned that she had singled out a number of adult men, he was really impressed with her.

Because of the testimony of the bartender and the on-the-spot monitoring, Shen Liyang is just in self-defense. He could have left after making a record, but She was drunk and lying on the table with a crimson cheek, obviously I'm drunk.

Shen liyang's drinking capacity is not bad in fact, but no matter how good he is, he can't resist drinking two or three kinds of spirits. Now his whole brain is dizzy, almost like Cheng xian'er.

But she looks good-looking, drunk Huhu blinking eyes staring at you, can give people to see crisp.

Since she was brought in, there have been many young policemen who have walked and glanced at her from time to time.

"And the family? friend? Do you have your cell phone? Call someone and get you back. " The police officer who asked was a middle-aged man. There was also a daughter in the family. Seeing her drinking like this, he couldn't help worrying.

I dare not let her go back alone.

When the middle-aged police officer asked for the third time, Shen Liyang finally reacted. He took out his mobile phone and called out obediently.

Seeing that it was already dark, thin cold voice has not yet been waiting for people, mobile phone also has no any movement, the whole person's face is gloomy.

The servants in the villa all know that President Bo is in a bad mood today.

When the mobile phone rings, the thin cold sound has been connected.

Drunk, Li didn't know he was drunk? Hello, Hello, hello Please answer when you hear me. Please answer when you hear me. "

Looking at the police officer she was calling: --

"Well, why don't you talk? Thin cold sound! Hello, hello Well, it's hard I'm not comfortable with the cold sound... " She lay on the table and complained to him in a soft voice.

Hearing the drunken voice, Bo's face was black and she was uncomfortable. The whole person's nerves were raised: "where is it?"

Seeing that she couldn't say anything clearly, the police officer simply took her mobile phone and said, "this is Xincheng police station. Who are you from?"

A cold voice said Fiance. "

Police officer smell speech a sigh of relief: "that's good, come to pick up a person, she had a conflict with people in the bar, it seems that she is drunk."

Thin cold sound smell speech, grab coat, want to go out.

But without two steps, there was a weight on his leg, which was a treasure holding his leg.

Thin cold voice low eyes one eye, "I go alone, will soon be able to pick up people back, you go to delay time."

Xiao Bao, who was regarded as a little trouble, puffed up his cheek discontentedly.

"You can delay a little more, but If anything happens to her outside, will you be responsible for it? "

When he fooled his son, President Bo could always keep his face and be serious.

Xiaobao was worried about Shen Liyang and naturally let go of his hand.

The cold voice of Bo left quickly.

Half an hour's journey, President Bo compressed half.

When he appeared in the police station mixed with a chill, the director who knew the news also welcomed him for the first time, "Mr. Bo, the person you are looking for is in it now."

Thin cold sound strides into the room, eyes as if with a scanning system, the first time to see lying on the table, do not know if the girl is asleep.

The director is still talking about the story of why Shen Liyang was invited to the police station. Bo's cold voice has come to Shen Liyang.Lying on the table, Shen Liyang, who was in a daze, saw him coming, sat up straight and stretched out his hand to him: "hug."

Bo cold voice for a moment, in his stupefied, did not get any response Shen Liyang has slowly red eyes, as if the next second will cry out.

Thin cold voice see, subconsciously on the front, holding her in the arms.

Feeling his familiar breath and warm embrace, Shen Liyang sniffed, "someone bullied me." She turned her head, scallion white fingers, straight pointed to a few men squatting in the corner, "it's them."

The voice of thin chill looked in the direction of her fingers.

The men who were beaten black and blue by her could not bear it at all when they heard her saying this. They pointed to their own faces and called out, "officer, who bullied who is this

They didn't touch her a hair, instead, she repaired them one by one, and there was no way to see people. When they turned around, she still complained?!

Is there any reason for this?

For such a result, police officers have been handling cases for many years, and it is the first time that they have seen this kind of scene. They are beaten up if they can't make a molestation. Moreover, they are beaten so badly. Really Rare.

"Director Zhang." Thin cold voice cold eyes micro MI, "how should these people deal with?"

Director Zhang: "Mr. Bo can rest assured that we will gather people to make trouble in accordance with the rules, detain them for three days first, and then carry out ideological education."

For such a result, Bo Han Sheng is obviously not satisfied: "frighten my people into such a way that they will be detained for three days?"

Scaring his people like this?

This time, let's not say that they were beaten to be black and blue, but the police officers who handled the case were stunned.

In the face of President Bo's open eyes and telling lies, director Zhang can only continue: "according to general Bo's meaning..."

"Three months."

"Who are you? Do you own the police station? " The most ferocious old three who was beaten couldn't squat, stood up and roared.