President Bo's brows and eyes were dim, and he swept the third man's body. It was just a light glance, but it made the whole man's scalp numb, and he shrank back unconsciously.

Bo Hansheng: "Zhang Bureau, gathering people to fight and disturb public order, especially The bully is still a girl who has no strength to tie the chicken. According to the regulations, a half year sentence can be given as an example to others, so that other gangsters can be deterred from keeping their own way, don't you think? "

Director Zhang wiped his sweat, "yes, yes, Mr. Bo said that half a year has been a bargain for them."

Smell speech, Bo president just satisfied nod, "since Zhang Bureau has made a decision, my fiancee is delicate, I will take the person back first, the night is cool."

The old three covered his head, which was simply bandaged up, and stared in shock.


The woman who almost lifted the heaven cover of them with her bare hands?!

In his clamor did not have time to ring that moment, Zhang Bureau has had people with a baton standing in front of him, warning him to shut his mouth first.

The priority now is to send these two ancestors away.

Princess Bo Hansheng held the drunken Shen Liyang in her arms. After the girl drank the wine, she behaved badly and asked him to hold tightly.

She put her hand around his neck, rubbed her head over his shoulder twice, found a comfortable position and closed her eyes.

Such a gesture made president Bo more convinced that the group of people in the police station were all lies and shirking words.

His girl is too weak to take care of herself.

After watching the two leave, Zhang returned to the police station, sat in a chair and had a cup of tea, which was a relief.

The police officer who handled the case came forward and asked, "chief, these people How to deal with it? "

Director Zhang raised his eyes and looked like a child who could not be taught, "how to deal with it? What else can I do? I'll close it for half a year. "

Police officer: Is this too heavy? "

After hearing the speech, director Zhang said meaningfully: "heavy? It's our police that saved their lives. "

Those who offended the master are safe and sound. It's a good luck to have food and drink for half a year.


Shen Liyang in the car, sleepy, likes to rub against him, rubbing left and right, but when he pushed people back to his seat, he looked at him with eyes full of water.

Straight to see his heart are soft, can only by her random.

Soon he was tossed out a body of evil fire by her. Seeing that there was going to be an accident again, he could only hold her hand temporarily, "don't move around."

Drunk Shen Li Yang blinked his eyes twice, raised him to hold his hand, and kissed on the back of his hand. His red tongue also stretched out and gently touched it.

The thin cold sound is like a breath of electric shock, the deep eyes are dark, and there is no background color. It seems that she can be absorbed in the next second.

He asked the driver to put down the curtain in the back seat. The driver pressed the button, but he was curious. At the moment when the curtain was about to be lowered, he took a look through the rearview mirror.

He saw that Bo Zong, who always seemed to be a flower of kaolin, who was totally indifferent to the female sex, was buttoning the girl's neck, just like a young boy with a love affair Hunger and thirst.

A word of self-examination came out of the driver's mind.

How can he put such vulgar words on Mr. Bo's body? It's defiled.

"Well." Shen Liyang can't breathe and struggle under the kiss.

Thin cold voice slightly released her, the hot lips moved to the corner of her lips position, two people breathe alternately, his hoarse voice with a slight pant, voice line sexy and charming, "seduce me, huh?"

Shen Liyang blinked his eyes, as if thinking about the meaning of his words, and then quietly lay down in his words, "meow.".

Keep rubbing your head.

"Rippling?" he said

"Well, it's meow..." She is a cute little cat.

With his super strong brain, Bo Hansheng associates her actions after getting on the bus, including The kiss (lick) that aroused his male evil thoughts and wanted to bully people well

Then he came to a conclusion that kept him silent for a long time.

Shen Liyang, drunk, thinks of herself as A cat.

So will be around him, constantly with the small head in his arms.

Such a conclusion, let Bo cold voice in the heart He sighed heavily and warned himself that the quality of a gentleman should not be to take advantage of others' danger. He should not do too much to a woman who is drunk and has no idea what he is doing.

He has done psychological construction for himself over and over, and let the evil fire in his heart gradually settle down, but

When Shen Li raised his cheek and went to kiss his Adam's apple, all of these collapsed in an instant.So, when the cold sound of returning home carried people to the bedroom, Shen liyang's whole cheek was flushed, and his collar was still messy. Even

"The numb mouth is bleeding."

Knowing that Shen Liyang was brought back, Xiao Bao, who came to see Shen Liyang at the first time with shining eyes, saw Shen liyang's strangeness at the first sight. Her face was wrinkled and worried, and wanted to take a paper towel to wipe her.

At the same time, I still don't forget to tell the servant who followed me and called the doctor uncle.

Thin cold voice smell speech, big hand a wave, stopped the servant, "you go down first."

Then he bent down and picked up the son who was going to lie down on the bed, "numb and sleepy, please be good and don't disturb him."

Xiao Bao puffed his cheek, but he didn't disturb him. He was concerned about numbness.

"But my mouth is numb Why

As soon as he looked up, he saw his father's mouth as if It's bleeding.

"Dad, why is your mouth bleeding?" Xiao Bao's boots glared round his eyes and asked in a voice.

Thin cold voice, the back of his hand to cover his lips, a light cough, was caught by a child, Rao is how calm he is, now also can not help some embarrassment.

"On fire, it's dry recently."

Small treasure Du Du Du lip, "but, when you go, still did not get angry."

Sometimes, the son is too clever It's really hard to fool.


Shen almost looked at a man sitting on the edge of the bed and was not dizzy

President Bo gave up his son in his arms.

When Shen Liyang saw him coming, he immediately opened his mouth.


The target is not him.

She suddenly opened the quilt, barefoot on the ground to the small soft little guy in her arms, "Oh, so cute, so soft And milk. "

One side of the thin cold sound was directly into the cold palace, even a look did not fall.

Kneaded in his arms, Xiao Bao smiles and bends his eyes: Ma Ma really likes him best.

"Bo Zunbao, it's late. It's time for you to go to bed."