How long is the longest time limit for your girlfriend

On hearing the speech, Bo Xichen broke his fingers and calculated one by one, "the last time was a month, the last one and a half months, and the upper one was a little longer, as if Three months Up and up, up and up is Hey, brother, how did you go? I'm finished I remember, the longest is three and a half months. "

President Bo has already left the study with great strides.

He was really in a hurry to seek medical treatment. Everyone asked.

The disliked Er Shao scratched his hair and murmured in a low voice: "well, that little sister-in-law is not much better than me, OK? She has made a large number of boyfriends, none of them has been more than a month..."

Although They all associate as men, but that's also communication.


The cast of "spring in the palace" is about to be finished. Director Huang is unprecedentedly honest, and even the staff are speechless. This is probably Lao Huang's safest and most cost-effective film. The female star is as beautiful as the one in the picture, but it doesn't get any cheaper.

In fact, it's not director Huang who has changed his face.

Looking at Shen liyang's delicate little face, how can he endure it? But no matter how beautiful a woman is, she must have life to enjoy it.

At the beginning of filming, he was bagged with sacks and told him not to mess around in the crew, or his grandchildren would be ruined.

On the second day after he was beaten up and escaped from death, a wave of more ferocious came. He said that he should give him a lesson in advance and drill a hole in his body. Director Huang was immediately stunned. After waking up, he found that he had been made a smiling face with a dagger on his leg.

After these two rounds of tossing, director Huang did not dare to move his mind at all. He thought that Shen Liyang was a man who was not praised by others behind him. He would grow such an outstanding face and mix it up like this. Who knows the people behind him are so cruel.

Wu Shihong, a screenwriter, put out his cigarette in hand and took the script to find Shen Liyang and Fu Chaolang.

Shen Li Yang is now crazy about Fu Zhaolang, "what make complaints about you? A kissing scene is about to be killed. If you don't make up for it, do you think you have any hidden diseases

A man, especially Fu Chaolang, who is arrogant and coquettish, was doubted to have a hidden disease, and immediately his face turned black: "Shen Liyang, if you want to be crazy again, you really think I can't beat a woman, do you?"

Shen Liyang moved his wrist, then raised a finger at him and made a classic action in a film and TV play: "you, come here!"

Fu Chaolang stood up and saw that the war between them was about to break out again. Fu Chaolang's agent stopped the man and whispered, "Chao Lang, Chao Lang, you can calm down, you can't beat her, you forget Don't be impulsive. Don't be impulsive. "

Shen liyang's ferocity has been witnessed by her agent. Fu Chaolang's figure of rolling iron in the gym can't pass two moves in her hands and will be abused.

After a while, Wu Shihong can stop shooting. It's like two of you

After all, everyone can see that the relationship between them is the best in the whole crew, although Every time I can't say two words, I will turn over my face.

"Is there anything you want to see us for?" Shen Liyang restrained his arrogance and looked like a modest younger generation.

Fu Chaolang turned his eyes and said, "Shen Liyang, I'm also your predecessor. Why didn't you use a honorific to me?" Also every time with him no big or small hands!!

Shen Liyang didn't want to return: "what kind of elder are you? Play at the same time."

Fu Chaolang: "you, this, Ge, die, ya, tou!"

Shen liyang's wrist snapped "click" straight: force value warning.

Wu Shihong looked at the interaction between the two people, and suddenly asked with a smile: "you should know that the current crew will shoot some GAGs in private to broadcast it."

Shen liyang's face was shocked

Fu Chaolang's two faces were shocked and said

Shen Liyang and Fu Chaolang cried out with one voice: "what?!!"

Wu Shihong was startled by them, but he still said: "but you don't have to worry about it. The chance of broadcasting is half and half. If this movie hits the streets, there will be no follow-up. But if in addition to the results, in order to stir up rumors and news, it always needs to release something special, which is also a useful means in the circle."

Shen Liyang: is it still time for me to make up some pictures now

Fu zhaolang gritted his teeth: "every time I was beaten, I was also photographed in?"

Wu Shihong waved his hand helplessly, "OK, the shooting has been done. This matter will be discussed by you later. I want to talk to you about the last part of the play and the finishing touch of the whole movie."

The film is at the end.

Wang Chao was already in trouble both at home and abroad, but the king who was fascinated by beauty had no intention of national affairs.On that day, Hongzi brought his own painting of jiuxiao palace, saying that it was the scene in his dream.

The king smiles for Bo Meiren and immediately orders to realize what she saw in her dream.

In order to build the palace, he captured a large number of strong men and beat them to work day and night with whips, so that the common people suffered unbearably, and finally forced the people to revolt

"The final scene is both solemn and stirring, and the king is not a good king, but he finally And a good lover for Hongzi. "

Fu Chaolang and Shen Liyang have known the ending of the play for a long time, but it is still touching to be told by the person who created it.

When the scene is set up.

When the rebels who pleaded for the people rushed out of the city, the people spontaneously opened the gate, and the city guards couldn't stop them.

The battle between the two armies in the city was shocking, but the palace was still full of songs and dances.

After receiving the news, he ran into the palace in a hurry: "king, the general situation is not good!! The city is broken

When the music officials heard the news, they immediately ran around.

Red dancing in the middle of the dance floor had to stop the swaying dance.

Seeing this, the king put down his glass and held up his accessories. He said with a smile: "ignore and ignore. Don't be afraid of beauty. How about playing sword for you?"

Red posture shallow and smile, "I, listen to the king."

A door apart outside the hall is the sound of fighting, and the two people in the hall still care about me.

When the rebels surrounded the whole palace, the king took Hongzi's hand and stood in front of the palace, looking down at the numerous rebels below.

He raised his glass with one hand. After drinking half a cup, he fell on the ground casually. "All the people who should come have come, and all the people in the Imperial City have gone. Only the beauty is still left by my side. I might as well do something. Today, I will fight for you."

The red posture looks at the distance, the high head immediately a silver armor man, that is her this life faith.

At this time, the man called out, "archery!"