Red posture's pupil at that time ruthlessly contracted.

He turned out to be

I'm not ready to take care of myself.

Although this life is abandoned by the thin grass life, but really loved so long when the general abandoned, red posture or shed tears.

"Posture is not afraid."

When a long arrow cuts through the air and shoots towards Hongzi, Wang Shang, who is several meters away from her, flies back for her, while another arrow pierces his heart.

Red posture looked at the Fallen King, completely in a daze.

She was red in the eyes, paralyzed on the ground, and the man in the arrow, but still with the sword in his hand to support the heavy body, step by step moved to her, his hands stained with blood, want to touch her but feel his hands dirty, finally the finger just fell on her shoulder, "not afraid, I am the king, I protect you, no one dares to hurt you..."

The general with high head and horse looked at the two people embracing each other and jumped down from the horse. The army made way from the middle and said, "Hongzi, kill him."

Hongzi looks at the man who still protects himself in his arms until now. The tyrant who is criticized by the world has not moved for a long time.

Wang Shang: "what's the meaning of coercing a woman? I'll fight with you."

Kick the general to the ground with a sneer.

There were deafening cheers from the army.

The king who once held the power of life and death was trampled on his dignity, but he was laughing. He said, "if you let her go, she is just a woman. You can't help coming and going. If you want to be king, you can't kill me."

General: "when you die, you still don't forget the woman. Well, you may as well tell you that you have come to this end today. The woman around you has made great contributions. Naturally, I will not treat her unfairly."

Say a pull the red posture on the ground, take to the bosom.

Hongzi is just like a wooden man. She doesn't dare to see Wang Shang's disappointed face.


"She's a spy. I've known that for a long time. Do you really think I'm a decoration in the king?"

The red posture is shocked turn head, follow the line of sight on the king.

The king supported his body and coughed up a mouthful of blood, "are you surprised? From the day I saw you, someone reported your identity to me. But how good you look, with a smile and a smile, I should have killed you But, in the end, it's not willing. "

He said with a smile, "if you die, I can't find a second one, so The beauty of a poor man should live well. "

Hongzi has been holding back tears. At this moment, she opened her mouth and tried to say something several times, but it was Nothing could be heard.

He faced the besieged army and said, "I am born noble, how can I be polluted?"

Then he killed himself with his sword.

Before he died, he took off the last red rope in his hand.

In order to please him, Hongzi learned from the palace people and coaxed him into saying, "it is said that even those who were separated in previous lives can find each other in this life by following the red rope in each other's hands I want to meet Wang in my next life. "

At that time, he was very happy.

Today, however, he told her that in fact, he always knew that her closeness had a purpose, and that her love words had a purpose

He knew from the beginning to the end that everything was her hypocrisy, but he still gave her endless love and glory.


Red posture can't help it any longer, but he has no breath. As like as two peas in the red

, the red box was hung on the ashes box. It was exactly the same as the one in her hand. She stood on the tall building and watched the palace wall far away.

Just like stepping into the imperial city for the first time and looking forward to the road when I came.

She was still in the red dress and jumped down.


Huang shouts with a trumpet.

Shen Liyang is slowly put down and the last scene falls perfectly.

"Good, very good. Once passed, let's change the scene. We'll try to make up the kissing scene today, and then we'll prepare to kill the green banquet!" Yelled director Huang.

There was a burst of cheers from the crew. After such a long time of work, it was almost finished.

Shen Liyang didn't see Fu Chaolang's shadow in the cheers of the crowd. Finally, he found someone in the dressing room.

Fu Chaolang's whole body is nestled on the sofa, powerless and listless.

Shen Liyang kicked his foot: "what's the matter? Did you hurt your vitality just now when you went to the battle to kill the enemy? "

Rare, Fu Chaolang that violent temper did not have a bit, have a pair of not a lift eyelid to see her: "I ask you a thing."

Shen Liyang did not have any image to sit down: "say."

Fu Chaolang: "Hongzi, in the end, did she fall in love with Wang Shang?"Shen Li Yang peeled an orange and threw it into his mouth. He stopped and said, "maybe she doesn't even know it."

Fu Chaolang smelled the speech board to rise a face: "fell in love with! Why else would she die with the ashes of the king? "

Shen Liyang was shocked by his angry appearance, "what are you doing so excited? She finally chose to die with Wang Shang's ashes, probably out of guilt, or because she wanted to have a companion on the huangquan Road, or because she was the only one in her lonely life who didn't ask for any return to be nice to her She lost his country and made him live in a strange place. Guilt is much more than love. "

"Nonsense! How can you not understand her at all? She just fell in love with the king. From her cry, it is clear that. " Fu Chaolang stood up and roared.

Shen Liyang was almost deafened by him, "what are you doing?! Now that you have the answer in your heart, what else do you ask? Do you want to be beaten? "

Fu Chaolang choked his neck: "if you beat me to death, Hongzi also fell in love with Wang Shang."

Wu Shihong passed by the dressing room. He thought they were fighting again when he heard the news inside. However, he didn't expect to hear their dispute about the outcome.

Are you in love?

This is a matter of different opinions. There are 1000 Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand readers, and there is no right or wrong in itself.

But Wu Shihong originally thought that after shooting the ending, it was Shen Liyang who needed to slow down, but he didn't expect Fu Chaolang to be excited.

Acting out and entering a play is a great test of an actor's ability to control.

When the director shouts "Ka", Shen Liyang will be able to leave perfectly. Such a strong ability is that many old actors can't do it. To put it bluntly A little perverted.

It takes time to let people's feelings go, but she

"What about people? Come on, let's finish the make-up, and we can finish work. " Yelled director Huang.

When Shen Liyang heard the voice and was ready to drag Fu Chaolang out, she was called out by a business manager.

When Fu Chaolang stood up and wanted to go out to have a look, a man suddenly appeared at the door. He hit the hand knife with a "Ka" and knocked him unconscious.