Even though her excited hands were shaking, Gao Shanshan quickly took several photos.

Shen Liyang held the little guy in his arms and said in a soft voice, "dear baby, you should go back to the car first. There is something wrong with Ma Ma that needs to be dealt with first."

"Is there a bad person who secretly photographed mom and Xiaobao?" the little guy asked her

Shen Li Yang was surprised for a moment, "do you know?"

She could realize that thanks to her unknown training abroad, how old was Xiao Bao? He could feel it just like her?

Shen Liyang was shocked.

Xiaobao nodded obediently and said clearly: "in the Northeast 45 degrees behind the hemp."

Shen Liyang was stunned at first and then chuckled. Her son was really gifted, and he was a little genius Like her.

"The number of sheets, go and deal with it." Thin cold voice looks at the intimate and warm two people, to the driver in front of the deep voice.

The driver heard the conversation between Shen Liyang and Xiaobao, and without any hesitation, he accurately saw Gao Shanshan, who was lying behind a tree and secretly taking photos.

"Get in the car." After Zhang Shu got out of the car, Bo said in a deep voice to Shen Liyang.

"Uncle Zhang will catch people." Lying on Shen liyang's shoulder, Xiao Bao explained for his father.

For Bo president's ability, Shen Liyang naturally does not do any doubt, when even on the car.

Gao Shanshan looks at the man approaching her side and subconsciously wants to escape, but However, she was robbed of her mobile phone in her hand. After deleting the photo, she threw her mobile phone on the road.

A car sped by and was crushed to pieces in an instant.

"My cell phone! Why do you break my mobile phone Gao Shanshan widened her eyes and demanded an explanation from him.

Zhang Shu snapped his fingers and soon came out two big men, covering his mouth directly and taking him away.

Shen Liyang on the car saw this scene and was stunned: "where did you let her go?"

President Bo said lightly: "it won't delay your shooting progress tomorrow."

When Shen Liyang heard the speech, she nodded and did not ask more questions. She did not like to be a Virgin Mary. Gao Shanshan wanted to take advantage of her. Naturally, she did not do the kind of thing of returning good for evil.

Soon, all Shen liyang's attention was occupied by Xiaobao.

Well, it's soft and creamy. It's really comfortable to hold.

Thin cold voice side eyes looked at the girl who couldn't let go of her son. The thin lip corners unconsciously bent for a moment, "Xiaobao, what's the thing for mother?"

What did you bring?

Shen Liyang curiously looks at the little guy in his arms.

"Shen Ma's head is warm in the chest, and then she puts it out of her mouth

Shen Li Yangdun for a moment, surprised to look at two people: "how do you know, I did not eat?"

President Bo looked at her unfathomably Guess. "

Xiaobao looked up at the lying voice of Bo, and betrayed him in a few words. "Dad asked the second uncle's staff to look at his mother. He didn't let you have a relapse with your ex boyfriend. He said "No, no, no..."

President Bo's eyelids jumped. The next second, he pulled the little guy to the front of him. His fingers covered his small mouth. His eyes were dark and with warning.

Xiao Bao's eyes were wide open.

But Shen Liyang has heard everything she should listen to. She is used to it freely. What she dislikes most is being supervised, even if It's the same with thin voice.

Originally to the mouth of the delicious, now seems to have become a little tasteless.

Thin cold voice to her eye son, pause: " Not in the future. "

Shen Liyang raised his eyebrows, "really?"

President Bo struggled and resisted for a moment, but finally he said "um" in a deep voice.

Shen Liyang looked at him carefully for a few seconds, and then he did not care.

Who said that President Bo would not judge the situation, just to see whether he would like to.

Before Shen Liyang left, he gave Xiao Bao a good night kiss and told him, "go back and have a good sleep. If the production team finishes work early tomorrow, I will go and listen to my father's words. Do you know?"

What she said, Xiaobao nodded obediently. She could not be obedient any more.

When she wants to get off the bus, the little finger still reluctantly hooks her sleeve and looks at her eagerly.

Shen Li Yang pursed his lower lip, and after kissing him on the forehead, he got off the bus.

"Man has gone far."

The thin cold voice looks at the son outside the window, deep voice way.

But until Shen liyang's figure disappeared, Xiaobao took back his sight.

"Dad, why can't you film mom?" The little guy suddenly turned around and said, "are you poor? But if you are very poor, I have a lot of money to help the poor... "He has a small mouth, where there is a tendency to be autistic.

President Bo's temple drum, big palm buckle on his forehead, "poverty alleviation?"

Bo Han Sheng never dreamed that one day these two words would be pressed on him.

Xiaobao took out a prepared card from his pocket: "you don't have to be sorry. This card has 100 million yuan. You can take it first, and I can do it again tomorrow..."

If this is not his son, Bo's first thing to do is to throw people out of the car, but now he can only murmur: "take it back!"

The little guy couldn't see his anger, and continued: "although it's a shame to spend my son's money, it's not so hard for me to spend my son's money. I can let you eat my soft rice. Who makes dad useless..."

"Bo, Zun, Bao!"

"Mr. Bo, the young master is still young. Don't worry about him in general..." The number of cars in front of me quickly advised.

In this world, if you dare to say that President Bo is a poor man, I'm afraid the young master is alone.

Shen Liyang stealthily returns to the hotel. As soon as he opens the door, he sees Jiang Wan sitting on the sofa.

Jiang night heard the sound of opening the door, lifted his eyes and looked at her, but he didn't speak.

Shen Liyang some of the guilty chat smile: "night sister, you haven't sleep."

Jiang evening pressed the position of the eyebrow: "where did you go?"

Shen liyang's brain turned quickly: "I Before I want to sleep, I feel a little hungry, so I go to Something to eat. "

Jiang Wan: "didn't you go to meet your boyfriend?"

Shen Liyang: "I don't have any boyfriends."

River deeply took a deep breath: "DKNY men's perfume, before you go out, the body has not yet taste."

Shen Liyang subconsciously went to smell, forced to explain: "may be..."

"as far as I know, a person loves the smell of this perfume very much." Jiang Wan said, "Bo Hansheng, the leader of Bo's group."

When Shen Liyang heard the speech, his eyelids immediately jumped several times, "yes, right..."