Jiang Wan looked at her for a few seconds and did not speak for a long time.

Just when Shen Liyang hesitated whether he was going to explain the last two sentences, Jiang Wan himself gave up the absurd idea, "I think too much, Bo Han Sheng is famous for not close to women."

Moreover, according to his status, if Shen Liyang really has anything to do with her, she will not be just a newcomer.

However, Yaoxing entertainment suddenly took a stake in Xinyue entertainment, which made her thoughts deviate.

This is a ridiculous idea.

In this regard, Shen Liyang said:

In fact, you may, can, bold, play their own imagination.

The ready-made gossip was put in front of Jiang Da's agent, and he was so plain to fail.

The next morning, because the shooting of "beauty is hell" happened to coincide with the director's birthday, so today's part shooting only took place in the morning. In the afternoon, the director waved his hand and said that he would invite all the crew members to the restaurant for dinner.

Since it's a birthday celebration, it's not easy to go empty handed. Shen Liyang thinks about it and doesn't think it's appropriate to send anything. So she rides her motorcycle and starts casting nets around. Finally, she walks into an antique shop.

She is not very good at antiques. She is inferior to the top experts, but she can barely be a master.

To put it bluntly, one bottle is dissatisfied, the other half is clanging.

She was in the shop to pick and choose for a long time, this just saw a set of tea set is still good, just when she was ready to buy it, asked the price, silly eyes: "you say 500000?"

The boss is a young man in his twenties, but he smokes an old-fashioned pipe, like a second uncle. "This lady, you really have a good eye. To tell you the truth, this tea set is the treasure of our shop. It's already very affordable for 500000 yuan."

He pointed to the tea set and said, "look at the color and the historical sense of the antiques of the Damin period. If it wasn't for you, miss, that you had a predestined relationship with it, I would not have agreed to offer you a million yuan."

Shen liyang's "ha ha ha" fake smile two times, she can pull, there is a more than she can make up, "I'll see, I'll see."

Half a million, she is a small actress of eighteen lines, all wealth does not necessarily have these.

The boss didn't say much. He continued to hold on to his old chair, smoking his pipe and crossing his legs.

When Shen Liyang continued to choose, he came to the door and thought that the male customer had chosen a kind of pendulum clock with strong sense of age, "boss, how much is this?"

"Half a million Sir, you really have a good eye. To tell you the truth, this pendulum clock is the treasure of my shop. It's already very affordable

heard as like as two peas Shen Liyang: "..."

Big brother, you can use this kind of speech and prepare a routine to go around the world, right?

The boss seems to have noticed her sad eyes. After a slight cough, he continued to point to the pendulum clock and said, "look at the beauty, the historical massiness, this is an antique of the Damin period. If it wasn't for Mr. Zhang, you were destined for it, I wouldn't have agreed to offer a million yuan."

This time the customer, obviously very rich, paid for it without saying a word.

The boss swiped his card and said with a smile, "look, you come again. I'll give you a 9.8% discount next time."

After the male customer left, Shen Liyang leaned against the table and asked him, "boss, how many treasures do you have in your store?"

She intended to tease him, but the boss was not red faced and did not jump to answer her: "antiques have any distinction between high and low, into my shop, they are all treasures of the town."

It is said that high-end and classy.

Shen Liyang was the first to see such a fresh and refined way of saying, "you can give me a real price, that set of tea set in the end..."

"It's him who smashed this store for me!"

Before Shen liyang's words had been finished, he rushed into several aggressive men, rolled up his sleeves without saying a word and was about to smash the shop.

The second boss said it was late and that was fast. He pulled Shen Liyang over.

Seeing this, Shen Liyang just wanted to say with emotion that this man is still a little conscience when he is -

the boss of the second uncle is direct He pushed her out and said, "if you can get rid of these people, I'll give you that tea set for nothing."

Shen Liyang eyebrows a pick: "seriously?"

The second boss: "take it seriously. If it's fake, you can change it."

"Li Yiming, you are more and more bullied. Pull a girl out to block things. You are not. You haven't been weaned. Ha ha ha." The first man burst out laughing.

Several people nearby also laughed.

Li Yiming hides behind the cash desk chair, "nvxia, go up!"

A second uncle boss who pushes others, a little girl goes out to block a gun, and has not the slightest sense of guilt.

Shen Liyang looked at the tea set, moved his wrists and wrists, and hooked his fingers to several people at the door: "come on...""Wait, go out and fight, don't damage my things!" Li Yiming suddenly put his head out from under the table and yelled.

To be honest, if it wasn't for the face of that set of tea set, Shen Liyang was the first one who wanted to beat him up.

However, this is not the whole operation of the second boss. After Shen Liyang went out, he set up a posture to start, and heard the door "click" behind him.

Perhaps it was the little conscience left that made Li Yiming show two eyes from the crack of the door and yelled: "nvxia, for the sake of safety, I'll open the door for you when you win."

Shen Liyang:

The troublemaker said:

The onlookers said:

Is this the lack of human nature or the decline of morality?

Five minutes later, when Shen Liyang stepped on the leader with an absolutely overwhelming posture, she asked, "why did you come to smash the shop?"

It's not like a person who dares to stir up trouble just because she looks at Li Yiming's advice.

"He, he played tricks on our boss. He cheated our boss on purpose when he gambled on stones, and pocketed our boss a lot of money So, that's why we're here. Nvxia, spare your life

Shen Liyang stepped on his back and touched his jaw: "gambling stone? Do you think Li Yiming can play with gambling stone

"Yes, yes, he once fired the priceless jade. Our boss is just looking for him. Who would have thought that he would even play dirty."

As for the gambling stone, Shen Liyang also played for a period of time, relying on luck. Otherwise, there would be no saying that "immortals can't break inch jade".

It seems that she picked up a treasure by mistake today.

One foot will kick the people under the feet: "go away, later, do not come to him again, do you know?"

"Yes, yes, yes."

Several people in a hurry to escape.

The scene rang out the warm applause, Shen Liyang waved his hand, and then kicked open the door of the antique shop.

Li Yiming, who was sitting on the couch and smoking, "be gentle. That door is also very expensive. What you want is on the table. Take it by yourself."

This time, however, Shen Liyang wanted more than tea sets.

She walked to Li Yiming step by step, with a sly smile on her face, "boss Li, discuss something."