When did I make fun of you, Xiao Li Yang

"When?" Shen Liyang, who was holding a mobile phone, looked dignified

From the other end of the phone came a low, deep laugh. He said, "since it's a surprise, I told you in advance. It's a surprise."


Shen Liyang wants to say something more, but the phone has been hung up.

Shen Liyang holds the mobile phone, can't help but send out a low mantra, is really afraid of what to come.

On the other side of the ocean, phophorus, who hung up his cell phone, looked sullenly at the video call still going on on on the table. Two men kneeling on the ground inside were shaking all the time.

Photherus sneered, obviously not looking at this timid appearance, "get out."

The two kneeling on the ground at the end of the video communication moment, when the whole person collapsed on the ground, they looked at each other, as if they could not believe that they had escaped so much.

You know, in accordance with the ruthless style of phopherus, those who fail in the task will be abandoned even if they are immortal, and they You're safe?

"It's the woman we're following..."

"It was her call that saved us," said one of the more intelligent

"You mean The fierce woman who hit our car with her helmet? "

At the moment when his companion nodded, the man who asked questions couldn't help but say, "I thought there was only s for women who could get into the eyes of photherus, but s seems to disappear in recent years. Is it because of the transference of photherus and the abandonment of S?"

If Shen Liyang hears their conversation on the spot, he is afraid that he will directly vomit blood and die.


Back to Nanshan No.1 Hospital.

Shen liyang's mood is a little complicated. When playing LEGO with Xiaobao, he seems absent-minded.

President Bo, who is studying the ups and downs of the stock market, looks at his son. Then he puts down his plate and sits on Shen liyang's side.

"The crew didn't shoot well?" He asked softly.

Shen Liyang heard his voice and shook his head. "It's very smooth."

"It was In a bad mood? " President Bo continued.

Shen Li nodded.

Thin cold voice saw this, put her LEGO on the table, stood up, and held out his hand to her.

Shen Liyang: "hmm?"

President Bo said with a faint smile: "the lion has just been sent back today. Let's go and have a look?"

"But..." Shen Liyang looks at Lego, which is only half finished, and hesitates.

However, when she hesitated, Xiaobao had already stood up and took her hand: "I want a lion, too."

Lion, is in the beginning, with the little guy in the hospital to guard Shen Liyang that mongrel dog.

Shen Liyang pinched the little guy's fleshy face, and the three walked to the grass behind the villa.

In the dim light, the dog trainer is training the lion so that it can better protect its owner's safety and understand the owner's instructions to the greatest extent.

This is a training that needs to be conducted every once in a while, which is also the reason why Shen Liyang has not seen it recently.

"Lion." Xiao Bao called out.

The lion, who had been following the trainer's instructions, ran towards him with his tongue out.

Affectionately rub his neck with his head to express his missing.

Shen Liyang looked at the lion's hairy hair for a moment, and he wanted to touch it twice. As a result, the lion, who was tame the previous second, suddenly became alert. However, he did not make any dangerous movements. After a few seconds, he put his nose together and sniffed at her.

After He stretched out his tongue and carefully and tentatively licked her hand.

Shen liyang's licked palms itched, and he couldn't help laughing. The lion was very clever, as if he understood her joy, and immediately became more attentive.

Bo Han Sheng looks like a girl who takes this professionally trained mongrel as a playful pet. Her thin lip corners are bent down and her beautiful radian is drawn out.

The little guy is also a child's temperament. Naturally, he did not interfere. His pet took all Shen liyang's attention, so he played with him.

Two people and a dog soon played together, the lawn issued bursts of pleasant laughter.

The dog trainer looked at this scene, hesitantly called out: "Mr. Bo this..."

You know, he trained this mongrel dog, which is almost suitable for the police dog's ability for special training. Now, how can this picture change and become a domestic Cute?

The contrast is too large.

The dog trainer thought Bo Hansheng would say something about it, and President Bo did, but what he said was"You go down first."

This is Connived.

When the dog trainer heard this, he had to retreat.

Bo Hansheng looked at the girl who was playing, and went to a slightly distant position to let people check what happened to her today.

"Look, president."

Not far away, the girl held the lion's paw and asked him to act like a cat for money. Then she performed in front of the cold voice. The girl's pretty cheek became crimson because of playing. It was like painting the most gorgeous Rouge in the world. It was so beautiful that people could not bear to break this beautiful side.

However, in the next second, the girl was knocked down on the ground, and the lion pressed her on the ground with his huge body. When he began to lick her neck with his tongue, President Bo's face immediately changed.

But Shen Liyang didn't notice anything. Instead, he laughed because of the lion's action.

President Bo came over and looked down at the lion on the girl. The air pressure was cold and the momentum was threatening. He looked like he was wrapped in a boundless chill.

So the lion who was still playing in the first second, whimpered in the next second, and quietly lay down on his side.

"Well?" Shen Liyang looked at the lion which suddenly had no movement. He could not help but have some doubts.

Thin cold voice long arm will pull her up, gently and carefully remove the debris on her head, "sweating, then blowing, it's time to catch a cold, it's late, go to rest first."

Shen Liyang looked at the lion reluctantly, and his fingers touched its soft fur with nostalgia, "but I want to play with the lion for a while, and Xiao Bao wants to, too, doesn't he? "

In order to increase his credibility, Shen Liyang did not hesitate to pull up his comrades in arms.

Xiaobao has always been only from her. Naturally, what she said is what she said. When she heard the speech, her head didn't even think, so she nodded directly: "Mm-hmm."

Thin cold voice see shape press under the girl's face, slightly lean down, bow down, "play can, can't let it press on you, eh?"

Shen Liyang raised his eyebrows slightly: "eh?"

She obviously didn't understand.

Shen Liyang was really smart when he was smart, but I don't know why he was so stupid in President Bo's office. He was not willing to think about anything.

As time went by, the thin cold voice also felt her temperament, some helplessly wiped her neck licked by the lion with a paper towel Yang Yang, he is a male. "