The president added, "no doubt, the girl whispered."

He thought he had made it clear.

But the suspicion on Shen Li Yang's face is deeper.

President Bo suddenly felt powerless, "Yang Yang..."

"Pooh!" Shen Liyang couldn't help it. He broke his acting skills and frowned with a smile: "Mr. President, you are so cute."

Can lovely president Bo???

For a man like Bo Hansheng, who has been killed by the business world, it's really It's a bit shabby.

And a little bit It's hard to accept.

The girl's eyebrows and eyes were bent and her hands folded on her lips. She was coquettish to him: "play for a while, half an hour Well, twenty minutes A quarter of an hour, no less. "

Thin cold voice heart again sigh a sigh, touched her thick hair, "half an hour, go to play."

He indulged her with no bottom line.

"Well, it's very kind of you, president."

The girl left such a sweet and soft praise, but in a twinkling she went to another male creature's side.

Seeing this scene, Bo Xichen said, "sister-in-law, this is the attribute of a slag girl. Oh, baby, people love you so much Oh, this is so handsome. I like it too You're bad, but I love it... "

Originally not how gas smooth thin president, facial expressionless side eyes looked at him.

Bo Xichen's hind legs two or three steps, to ensure that he maintained in a safe area, "injustice has a head, debt has its owner."

So the next second, Bo Er Shao heard it.

"I'll take the lion to the hospital tomorrow and have the sterilization done."

Bo Xichen: It's true that injustice has its head and debt has its owner.

Shen Liyang and Xiaobao were sweating on the lawn with the lion. They went back to the villa and took a bath. President Bo in the study also got the results of the investigation by the following people for the first time.

"Miss Shen went to the production team to shoot in the afternoon, and everything went well. According to the staff of the crew, they didn't notice any abnormality. They should be in a good mood. However, we made a calculation based on the time Miss Shen usually takes from the crew to the villa. It took nearly twice as much time as usual. So we took the relevant monitoring and found that

Miss Shen seemed to have been followed, so she changed her direction at one of the intersections, and then smashed the front windshield of the tracking vehicle with her helmet

In that person finish saying, Bo president's deep eye color several times change, "tracking the vehicle to check?"

“…… It's a licensed car. We can't find out the specific personnel. But according to our observation, Miss Shen seems to What do you know? After she broke the windshield of the tracking vehicle, the car quickly ran away. Miss Shen then dialled a telephone to go out, and the communication lasted for 20 minutes. "

According to the calculation of the time of the evolution of the situation, there is no second theory that can explain except knowing the person behind the scenes of the follower.

Thin cold voice in hang up the phone, dark pupil you mang.

Shen Liyang came out of the bathroom wrapped in a bathrobe and found that there was an extra person in his room.

"Well? President, do you have anything to do with me

"There's something wrong with the mobile phone. Can I borrow it from you?" He asked.

This small matter, Shen Liyang naturally has no reason not to say no, and gave him the mobile phone without saying a word, without any precautions.

Take the mobile phone to return to the thin cold voice in the study, click open the address book, no accident to see the familiar number.

The number of times this man appeared beside Shen Liyang was so many that he had to arouse high attention and suspicion.

In particular, even in the family network, there is no trace of the role.

This man and Shen Liyang are What's the relationship?

What signal does this tracking represent?

There is a question in the heart of thin cold voice, but this question can not get any answer.

After receiving the mobile phone from President Bo, Shen Liyang, who had already dried his hair, was lying on the bed, brushing his cell phone.

When she got to the latest hot search, she watched the hot Search about the temporary replacement of the protagonist in the shooting process of the online drama beauty as hell, and fell into deep meditation.

Compared with Zhao Xuerou's white lotus, she is more willing to face Gao Shanshan who writes "I am a bad man" on her face.

If the female leading role is really changed to Zhao Xuerou, and the male stars are Gu Huai and Shen Liyang, but if you think about the pictures that the crew will have every day, I feel that I can't bear to look directly at them.

After a few seconds of hesitation, she called Wen yunian's mobile phone to ask her about the real situation.

The mobile phone was connected when it was about to hang up.

"Well People also want to Don't you love me anymore? Why should I answer the phone? I'm not as important as your broken phone? "As soon as the mobile phone is connected, Shen liyang's ear tip hears the breath like gossamer, plus the panting sound of dissatisfaction.

That voice is not strange, if she did not misjudge, it is Gao Yao.

Immediately, Shen liyang's expression on some words can not describe: "that, I have nothing to do, Wen Bian you first busy, you first busy ha."

Finish saying, she is about to hang up the phone, she can really pick the time, how to choose in this kind of time.


Wen Yu Nian smell speech to know that she is misunderstood, helpless explanation way: "Li Yang, not what you think."

Lying on the sofa, Gao Yao also saw that she even called to explain to another woman. At that time, she was not happy to say, "Wen Yu Nian, do you have a conscience? I lie here waiting for you, but you follow "No, no, no..."

Wen Yu Nian covers her mouth of nonsense and reverie.

Gao Yao is also dissatisfied with the voice.

"Yao also sprained her foot. I'm helping her with the medicine." Wen Yu Nian explained.

Shen Liyang didn't know whether it was a letter or not, so he found a reason to hang up the phone.

Wen Yu read to see, some helplessly looked at Gao Yao, who was pressed by himself on the sofa, "enough trouble, eh?"

Gao Yao also blinks her eyes and signals her to release her hand.

Wen Yu read for a moment and let go. As a result, Gao Yao jumped down on her and asked her angrily, "do you think you have a dog outside?"

Wen Yu Nian lifted her eyes to remind her: "Yao also, we broke up, I have any situation, are normal to get along with, do not violate any bottom line."

Gao Yao also smell speech, red eyes to see her, a few seconds later, mouth a shrink.

Shen Liyang, who hung up his mobile phone, touched his nose and felt that he was a little hot.

So he opened the window of the room and let the wind down. He sighed that spring was coming.

The next day, in the morning, Shen Liyang, who was asleep, vaguely heard the sound of the mobile phone shaking. She closed her eyes and searched for the location in her memory. It was an email.

And it was this email that dissipated her drowsiness

There is only one line on the email: s, phosphorus will arrive in China soon.