Shen Li Yang dizzy, "cloud one envy? Which cloud envies? Who... "

Who is Yun Yixian?

She patted her head, as if some familiar, who is it

Who is it?

"You came back in his clothes yesterday." President Bo reminded her in a deep voice.

"Clothes?" Doubts flashed in the girl's eyes, and when she thought she hadn't thought of it, she heard: "I don't know That's the clothes of phophorus, not a cloud of envy... "

Speaking of this, she patted her head again, "Yun Yixian is phospherus, his Chinese name, I forgot..."

The cloud one envies is photospherus

The news came out of her mouth, and she was stunned for a long time.

Therefore, whether it is close to her on the phone, even if there is a man who regards her as his property, he is a person from the beginning to the end!

"What is the relationship between you and him?"

Shen Li Yang bit his lips, as if he were not happy, and some of them were angry: "I have nothing to do with him."

Who would be happy to have something to do with serpentine.

"Yangyang, darling, tell me, you What's going on? "

What's the matter?

Shen liyang's memory was blurred and fell into some heavy memories.

Before that year, she was the apple of Zhao's family.

She thought that she was the happiest little princess and had the parents who loved her most. But all these things became fragmented with the appearance of Zhao Xuerou's mother and daughter.

The good father in her eyes had always coveted the huge property left by her grandfather.

What she thinks of as a happy family is just an illusion, an illusion that has been carefully woven out.

Her mother resolutely divorced with the slag man and moved out with her.

At the age of 17, she was admitted to a famous university in Italy because of her excellent grades. She didn't want to go, but her mother wanted her to pursue her dream.

Shen Li Yang left and set foot on a foreign land.

But not long after she left, she cut off contact with her mother, who would call her every month to call her card for money. Suddenly, there was no news.

But I want to call someone in China Everyone was shaking their heads, saying they didn't know her current news.

Shen Liyang thought of returning home. Even though her tutor told her that she could not leave school without authorization, she still decided to go back.

But just when she wanted to get her passport and rushed back to her residence, she found that all her documents had disappeared and her living place had been smashed.

She became a person with no identity, and the school even She was fired for She has a bad style.

Shen Liyang, who has no money, no certificates and nothing, can only live on the streets.

There are street gangsters looking at her graceful appearance, they moved a crooked mind, two people hit a wink, want to be against her.

They blocked her in the alley and began to tear her clothes. She screamed, panicked, but useless.

In the dim light, she saw a rusty pair of scissors on the side of the debris.

At that time, she did not know where the courage came from. She held up the scissors and thrust it into one of the people's chest. The blood flowed to her hand. It was a time for her to hurt people. The sticky feeling still can be clearly felt today.

She didn't know whether she was scared to be silly or what was going on. She pulled out the scissors without expression. When another man rushed over, she was kicked down, and then He put the scissors under him.

The screams continued.

Shen Liyang got up from the ground.

She was frightened to lose the scissors on her hand, but at this time, a man in a windbreaker came to her. He was wearing a dark red windbreaker and a black tuxedo. His skin was white and seemed to glow at night. His gloved hand clapped for her.

He said, "well Come with me? I can give you a new life... "

His smile was like a devil.

But at that time, Shen Liyang felt that no matter how bad it was, it would not be worse than the present life.

He held out his hand to her, Shen liyang's handle Put it on.

Under the moonlight, Shen Liyang got on his car.

Later, Shen Liyang knew what kind of road he had chosen. He said that the man who wanted to give her a new life was the leader of the Italian mafia. He was young but did not blink his eyes.

He named her "s" to teach her the rules of survival in the hunting ground and the skills to survive.

Yes, the hunting ground. For phospherus, the world is a hunting ground.

They believe in the survival of the fittest and the winner as the king.

But at that time, Shen Liyang was so weak that she couldn't lift her hands and shoulders. Even if she was asked to shoot, she could make her hands full of blood. She could lie on the ground for half a day after running for a kilometer, not to mention other training.Weak chicken is what they call her. In the Mafia world, there is no pity for women. The weak women are nothing but comfortable to sleep.

The girl who dares to bring her back has no idea.

Shen Liyang was easily put down on the training ground, high-intensity training, and this heavy fall, so that she couldn't get up for half a day.

All around were the voices of cold hiss and boos.

But almost in an instant, all the voices around him disappeared.

All of them stood at attention, looking at the men who came step by step with reverence and fear.

Shen Liyang in front of, appeared a pair of black leather shoes, the next second, in front of her eyes, again appeared the hands.

Once again, the white palms were in front of her.

The moment Shen Liyang put her hand up, she was suddenly pulled up. The next second, the man picked her up and dropped a sentence to the public, "from today on, s will be trained by me alone."

Memories end, Shen Li Yang's voice slowly disappeared.

Bo Han Sheng sat by the bed, looking at the girl leaning on his shoulder Does it still hurt? "

Shen Liyang raised his eyebrows and looked at him. Doubts flashed in his eyes.

She thought

He will have a lot of questions to ask.

For example: why does photospherus appear in China under the pseudonym yunyixian?

How did she get away from Italy?

Or Did she come back for another purpose?

But he I didn't ask anything.

He asked, "well Does it still hurt? "

"It's all over." Bo cold voice will be held in the arms, "after, no one will bully you."

Shen liyang's nose was slightly sour. He took a puff and raised his head: "thin cold voice, you don't have Do the others want to ask me? "

"Yes." He said.

Under her gaze, he closed his thin lips and asked, "do you like him?"


"Yun Yixian, or You're more used to calling him phospherus. " Said the thin voice.

Shen Liyang shakes her head. If she hadn't met the man in front of her, she might never know what it's like to be in a heartbeat.