"Don't be too close to him in the future." He said softly, holding her long hair.

She was drunk and did not know whether she heard clearly or not. She nodded faintly.

See, thin cold voice originally wanted to teach people's mind, also light.


She couldn't open her eyes.

Shen Liyang slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep in his arms.

It's heartless.

Is also true to him as Liu Xiahui, will not take advantage of her unconscious, bullying her.

When the girl fell asleep, the little guy who should have fallen asleep early stood at the door of the bedroom with her slippers on.

Thin cold sound see shape, in to Shen Li Yang Ye Ye quilt, get out of bed.

Father and son walked into the study one after the other, even the posture of walking was the same.

"Dad, boys shouldn't bully girls." The flesh of the small face, it was born to make a very serious appearance, whether like it or not, but the momentum is full.

Thin cold sound leaned on the sofa and patted his position beside him, indicating that he would sit down.

The little guy didn't sit there, but sat opposite him. He thought it was more serious.

"Between lovers, this is not bullying, you are still young." President Bo said.

"Xiaobao is no longer a three-year-old, but a four-year-old."

In a cold voice:.... "

"There's no difference between three and four. When you're grown up, talk to me about it."

Xiaobao children's shoes carefully calculated their time from adulthood:

His cheeks were puffy, like a little frog.

President Bo hit the bone of his leg with his knuckle

Xiao Bao snorted and ignored him.

"It seems that It failed again. "

President bo used the method of encouragement to his son. He didn't feel that he was too much to treat a child like this.

The little guy opened the computer angrily and projected it on the wall of the study.

He won't fail.

Bo Hansheng looks at the relevant information on the wall about the leader of the Italian mafia, which is the secret information intercepted by the little guy using the virtual network information to invade the internal network of the Italian Security Inspection Bureau.

Encryption coefficient layer by layer, even if the young genius such as him, also wasted most of the day's time.

How long has Bo Chen been able to solve this problem

President Bo was working on the report, and gave him a dim glance Two hours. "

Bo Xichen said Why don't you come by yourself

In this regard, President Bo wrote lightly: "I can also manage Xingyao entertainment, and I will deal with hundreds of large and small companies under Bo's group. In this way, you can all be laid off?"

Bo Er Shao, who has been critically hit:

This is intelligence crushing, naked intelligence crushing.

At that moment, Bo Er Shao felt that he was severely despised.

Bo Hansheng looks at the materials transferred from Xiaobao's children's boots and ponders the purpose of phospherus's coming to China.

Unlike Italy, there are no Mafia empires and other organizations in China, and even guns are strictly controlled. It is impossible for phospherus to be stupid enough to expand its territory in such a country.

Not out of the cause, what else is worth such a man, the appearance of thousands of miles?

When President Bo fell into deep thinking, the little guy was also tilting his head to look at the information above, as if There is something different.

Xiaobao children's boots can be unforgettable, so even if you just take a casual glance, you can also find many details that others don't notice.

Round eyes stare at, "here..."

When Bo heard his voice, he looked at him at the same time.

"Here, it has been changed." This is not what he saw.

Since only a few changes have been made to the growth experience of photospherus, there is no change in other major directions, so it will not be noticed.

That is to say, someone noticed the little guy's behavior. After he intercepted the information, he unconsciously intruded into his computer and modified some contents during the period when Xiaobao went to find him.

At that time.

"It has been processed. I have contacted the Italian government to change your information..."

Photherus, sitting on a spacious sofa, shakes a red wine glass in his hand, with a flat plate in front of him.

"Now this is Even a child can find my information. Can my head be taken off some other day? " The voice does not have any ups and downs, but with a chilling cold.

The person on the other end of the video: "sorry."

"Ho." Phopherus sipped a sip of red wine. "I don't leave useless people under me. I'll give the position to A. as for you Go to Zhongnan and change r back. "With that, the screen went dark in an instant.

Dawei has been standing on his side. "Bo's influence in Sifang city and even in China can't be underestimated. His son has been rumored to have autism, but according to our current observation, it is very likely that his IQ is too high, which makes him incompatible with other children The Italian information system is not someone who wants to invade, can invade... "

That's the firewall of the State Department, and the other party is just a baby.

If this is spread out, I am afraid that the Congress will become the laughing stock of the international community.

"A group of useless waste," said phospherus with a sneer

In his words, of course, even the Italian officials scolded him.

Naturally, Dawei couldn't express any opinions on this, but just observed his face and said, "maybe If s was not allowed to return home, he would Better. "

Phospherus rubbed his glass with his belly rubbing, his eyes darkened.

The dark tide surges between the two sides, but Shen Liyang, as the party concerned, doesn't know anything and is still sleeping soundly.

When he woke up the next day and his consciousness was slowly revived, he suddenly sat up from the bed, rubbed his uncomfortable head, looked around and determined where he was before he opened the quilt and got out of bed.

And at this time downstairs, feel the thin Er Shao after the rain, but also looking at his brother suspiciously.

"So now it's Have you made up? "

Although I don't know what happened last night, the low pressure in the villa has disappeared, so the two young people can't restrain their gossip spirit.

“…… Am I going to have a lovely little niece soon

He came over with a strong thirst for knowledge.

However, he did not notice that Shen Liyang had already gone downstairs when he said this.

"What little niece?"

Her voice suddenly rang out from behind, and Bo Xichen was so frightened that she almost fell off her chair.

Shen Li Yang looked at him suspiciously: "Er Shao, what have you done?"

"Second uncle, he's asking dad when he'll have a little niece."