In all sorts of conjectures, Wang Qiming looks at his nearly compiled code and looks at Xiaobao. The irony is obvious.

What if you just happened to get it right?

There are no loopholes in computer programming to let you drill, relying on solid ability.

Go to hell, I see what you take arrogance this time!

In this emotional surge, Wang Qiming hit the keyboard faster.

"As expected, he is a young genius. With such a level of code, he has reached the absolute professional level. It is hard to imagine that he is only in his teens."

"I heard that not long ago, he just won the first prize in the youth computer competition. He is the youngest leader in ten years Such talent and ability are really worthy of it. "


When Bo's father arrived, he just saw the scene of his grandson's competition. What made him angry was that no one looked after his precious grandson.

Shallow, shallow, no brain.

His golden sun is a rare talent in a hundred years. What is a provincial youth champion?

His family treasure invades the national security inspection bureau to be able to withdraw completely, what has been publicized outside?

If he has some skills, he would like to be publicized all over the world. How can he be compared with Jin Sun, who has deep achievements and fame, is ridiculous.

"The last five minutes..."

When the countdown began, people's eyes were on Wang Qiming, trying to see what step the young genius could do.

But at this time, almost all to sleep Xiaobao children's boots, began his performance.

Pry open the screen that has almost entered the sleep state, and a short finger flies on the keyboard.

The speed of hand is so fast that people have the illusion of speeding up the speed.

"Hiss -"

when someone inadvertently saw it, they immediately took a breath of cold air, and then they could no longer take their eyes off him and poked the people around them.

Soon, many people's attention was shifted from Wang Qiming.


When Xiaobao's last keyboard rings, Wang Qiming's computer is on the blue screen in an instant as the totem of victory is displayed on the screen.

Obviously, it was in the last five minutes that he went from winning to losing, and at the same time

They also hacked the computer directly.

"Why Yes, so... "

Wang Qiming widened his eyes and couldn't believe it. He couldn't accept the fact.

"You lost." Calm, Xiaobao stood up and declared his failure.

"No, no, it's impossible!" Wang Qiming dropped his computer and made a heavy noise. He was not reconciled with his anger and ferocity on his face.

"If you cheat, you must have let people do tricks on the computer! You can't win me, my dad said, you are an idiot, a fool, I'm a genius, if you don't play tricks, how can you win me! "

His hysteria itself has disappointed many bosses and celebrities who still feel that he can be expected in the future.

Now I hear him so grandiose at the home of Bo's family and abusing his only son in front of President Bo's, there are only four words in my mind - suicide.

If the other party is not a child, Shen Liyang must slap him in the face and teach him how to be a man.

You are an idiot. The whole family is a fool!

"Mr. Wang, do you want to give me an explanation?" President Bo lowered his eyebrows and eyes and lowered his voice. Even the surrounding air dropped a little bit.

Mr. Wang's cold sweat has come down at the moment, and he never thought that he, a gifted son who has always been proud of himself, would say such words in public.

"Bo, President Bo, this is This is, misunderstanding, misunderstanding, children do not understand, I take his place to apologize to you and your childe After that, he yelled at his son in a quick voice: "if you don't roll over, you're talking nonsense. I'm sorry to Mr. Bo."

He wanted to calm things down, but the child had already been spoiled by him and had just lost two games in a row. How could he be willing to apologize at this time, "I'm right, he just cheated, otherwise, he can't win me!"

Shen Liyang felt that, regardless of the child's talent, he was despised only by his pretentiousness. If others won, he would cheat. He was doomed to go too far.

Or Before he reaches adulthood, when he shows his talent to the full, he has been abandoned.

"What are you talking about Mr. Wang was a little anxious, and his face was a little ugly.

When Wang Qiming saw his father who had always loved him a lot, he suddenly changed his face and immediately felt that he could not accept it. He pushed him away and ran out directly.

Mr. Wang felt compelled to apologize to Bo. However, how could president Bo pay attention to him? He took Xiaobao's hand and walked to the stage. Today's main purpose is to introduce Xiaobao's identity to the public, rather than wasting time with someone who doesn't know what to do.The reason why Bo Hansheng was able to indulge in this ridiculous competition is to want people to understand what is real talent and what is real talent.

And stupid people, after all, is to pay for their own ridiculous.

In such a scene, Wang Zong also understood that he would not get any benefits if he stayed any longer, so he could only pursue his son first.

That's the future of their royal family. There can't be any mistakes.

When passing by Shen liyang's side, Bo's cold voice gave a slight pause, and his eyes paid off the icy cold just now.

But as she stood beside Gao Yaoye, everyone knew that the Bo family and the Gao family were close friends. Subconsciously, they thought that this pause was for Gao Yao.

"At ordinary times, brother Hansheng will probably walk straight past me. Today's meal, I don't know, thought it was my exceptional tenderness." Gao Yao also bit her ears with a voice that only two people could hear.

Shen Li Yang lip corner slightly Yang.

Xiaobao wants to find her, but in order not to add trouble to her, and because Bo Hansheng firmly grasps his little hand, he can only walk on the stage honestly.

It's just this little look in the eyes, I can't stop looking at her side.

"It seems that the little prince is very dependent on Miss Gao..."

"Can we not rely on it? Miss Gao is the only lady who can freely enter president Bo's villa. Bo's family and Gao's family are friends. It's possible that all the good things have been decided..."

"If you want me to say, Miss Gao is really a lucky girl. President Bo is the dream lover in many women's hearts, not to mention the family background and wealth, it's just her appearance Many people would like to post upside down... "


Among all the women's chatter, Gao Yao almost spurted out the red wine in her mouth.

"I, I don't have this good life. I can't control it, I can't control it..."

Shen Liyang didn't pay much attention to it. She just looked at the two men on the stage, one big and one small, in a low voice: "it's not very cost-effective to buy one and get one free."