The appearance of Xiaobao children's boots today left a deep enough impression on those present.

There is no way, some people voluntarily to do his shock opening stepping stone, want to be unobtrusive is difficult.

Although Bo Fu was dissatisfied with what the Wang family had done, he was still satisfied with the effect.

In the follow-up entertainment, Xiaobao small basin friends of the big name rate is particularly high.

As long as the business legend of Bo Jin's family can be rebuilt, as long as he can't be brought up by the sun's family, he can be reborn.

With this in mind, many people have repeatedly lamented the good fortune of the Bo family.

Shen Liyang looked at the little guy who was repeatedly praised by the public, and was even happier than his own scenery.

During the period, the little guy also "inadvertently" to her side to gather together, small face serious, but Shen Liyang but know, he mostly want to go back.

Xiao Bao is still young, and it is inevitable that he will not adapt to this kind of thing for the first time.

So Shen Liyang went to the corner and quietly sent a message to Bo Han Sheng, saying that she wanted to take the little guy home first.

President Bo, who is toasting, suddenly stops his actions. People think it's something big, but he calmly returns a message: let the driver take you back, pay attention to safety.

Everyone looked at each other and peeped into each other's eyes: what is the holy place that can make President Bo reply to the message so quickly and without delay in a second?

Shen Liyang received the mobile phone and gave the little guy a wink, indicating that they should go back first.

Xiao Bao's eyes lit up immediately. He was very clever.

After coming out of the banquet hall, Shen Liyang breathed a sigh of relief, and Xiaobao standing beside her also took a long breath of relief from her.

The same thing happened between them.

All of a sudden, when they got into the car, they were about to be stopped by two tall men.

The driver will get off the bus, but in a twinkling of an eye, he was subdued, the dagger against his waist, "don't move."

Xiao Bao's first reaction was to stand in front of Shen Liyang. Shen liyang's heart was warm. However, he didn't use him as a child to protect him. He held his little hand and let him lean back. Then he said, "David, you are You want to do it with me? "

David: "s, you misunderstood me. I dare not do it to you without the instruction of photospherus."

Shen Liyang smell speech, line of sight toward walk a circle, sure enough, in the distance saw a car parked.

"What do you want?"

David: phopherus wants to see you

"This is the territory of the Bo family. You are bold." Shen Liyang said in a deep voice.

David made a "please" gesture.

Shen Liyang hesitated for a moment and said, "let the driver and the children get on first."

Davy: "phospherus wants to see this kid."

Shen Liyang hears the speech to defend a way: "what does he see this child to do?"

David: "I'm only responsible for delivering the message. I'm not qualified to ask."

Shen Li Yang pursed his lips: "no wonder he takes you everywhere. You are very obedient."

For her slight sarcasm, Dawei only thought that nothing had been heard, and he remained unchanged.

Shen Liyang doesn't know why phospherus wants to see Xiaobao, but according to his style that he has no trace to find and does things as he pleases, she is really afraid that he will suddenly go mad and do something.

Compared with her tension, Xiaobao is very indifferent, he can protect Ma Ma.

So, in the car.

Phopherus looked at the child who looked at him at a close distance, but there was no timid child at all. His eyes flashed and he wanted to stretch out his hand and pinch his small, fleshy face.

Shen Liyang was on guard to hold Xiaobao in his arms: "what do you want to do?"

Phopherus looked at the girl in front of her and sneered: "I want to kill him. Can you stop him?"

Shen Liyang: "if you can't stop it, you can't touch him."

The carelessness on the surface of phopherus slowly converged, "Xiao Liyang, how can you protect this little boy like this? Did you give birth to it? "

Shen Liyang rolled his eyes. "I said yes, do you believe it?"

When Xiaobao was born, how old was she.

If phophorus looks at her thoughtfully for a few seconds, then I was in a good mood.

I don't think of anything.

That's good.

"Come here, I'll see what the thin cold voice's son looks like." The sullen breath of phopherus dissipated and waved to the little guy.

Shen Liyang hesitated and took precautions.

But it was the little guy. The master craftsman bravely walked towards him, but when he reached for his hand, he dodged, but his voice was clear: "I've seen you."Phopherus raised his eyes: "Oh?"

He said: "he didn't like the smell of numbness in his body, but he didn't like it, but he didn't like it."

Then he went straight back to Shen liyang's arms.

I'm not afraid of him at all.

"Can you smell me?" he said

Even David in the front row turned his head.

Phospherus has a habit of cleanliness. Even if he starts his hands, he seldom let blood stain the places beyond his hands. This is his hobby. Moreover, he will be carefully cleaned every time, and he will never let the bloody smell remain.

But the little guy in front of me said He smells of blood?

Is it true that you have a keen sense of smell, or just say something?

The little guy nestled in Shen liyang's arms, his round eyes looked pale, and said, "I'm afraid The dagger pierced his heart and lungs, and blood spattered two inches on the lower right arm of your coat

Phospherus looked down and, of course, the color of his clothes was slightly dark, but if it was not carefully identified at close range, there was no difference at all.

Shen Liyang and Dawei are also shocked to see Xiaobao.

Xiao Bao closed his eyes as if he were witnessing the scene at that time He was afraid and struggling, but you put one hand on his shoulder, and the other put the knife into his heart and lung. He was not dead, but he could beg for mercy, but you pulled out the knife inch by inch You are very careful. Except for your hands, you only have a drop of blood on your body... "

In this way, Xiaobao thinks that he can be as good as his father.

Shen Liyang swallows his saliva. The little guy is always cute in front of her, but now he can say these things without changing his face. It's really

Let her, for a moment, some, difficult to accept, shocked.

"Kid, how do you see that?" Phopherus is also a rare curiosity.

The little guy's eyes moved nimbly and said, "if you let me go with mom, I'll tell you on the phone."

Phopherus turned the ring like a smile and looked at them. His eyes slowly turned to Shen liyang's body: "Ho, do you know how that man died just now?"

He said, "well Bargain with me. "

Shen Li Yang suddenly wrung his eyebrows, "he is a child."

Phopherus: "children? I don't think that a kid who can tell these things is a plain little kid. "