Cloud a envy eye light straight look at her.

Shen Liyang pondered for a moment and summed up the words carefully.

"This is China. It's against the law to kill people." The little guy suddenly raised his head at this time, and the voice of Meng Meng's grandmother immediately rang out.

Shen Liyang nodded in agreement: "yes, kill..."

"But if you can make sure you don't get caught, you can count on it." Xiaobao then added another sentence.

Shen Liyang:

"Baby, even if we can avoid being found, we can't commit crimes." She felt that it seemed necessary for her to set up a correct three views for the little guy. You know, if a genius wants to commit a crime, it is more disastrous than ordinary people.

The little guy looked up at her and killed her with a crooked head: "Xiaobao knows acridine, so I didn't want to kill. "

Shen Liyang couldn't refute it for a moment It seems that it is No,

"It's wrong to abet others." He almost fainted.

Xiaobao: "but..."

Shen Liyang stretched out his hand and pinched his soft face. He said solemnly, "no, but, you can't. You have to remember, do you know?"

Although Xiaobao wanted to say something, but finally did not argue with her, but very clever nodded, "I know."

Shen Li Yang "bar Ji" kiss his small face, "good."

And at the moment was forgotten in the side of the cloud a envy smile not smile at this scene.

After Shen Liyang found out who he had forgotten, he stopped for a moment, "I..."

"My little Li Yang really has the appearance of being a good wife and good mother." It is that soft smile, let people all over the goose bumps up, "better, I have a, better, you do a stepmother, raise children for others."

A child envied by cloud?

Shen Liyang seemed to see a little devil who could not change his face when he was up and down with a knife. Instead, he was enjoying himself on his face.

Rejection is written on the face, "no You're welcome. "

Cloud one envies carelessly turns the ring on the finger: "you this is to despise me?"

Shen Liyang shook his head crazily, and then vowed: "no, no."

Give her a hundred courage, she also dare not despise a snake spirit disease, who knows when he will get sick.

"Is it?" He spoke lazily.

When Gao Yao comes in, she almost bites off her tongue when she hears that she wants to have a baby.

Especially She was followed by a cold face, silent, but covered with a low pressure of thin cold sound.

Standing behind yunyixian, Dawei sees two people standing at the door. He bends down and whispers a reminder in yunyixian's ear.

Four eyes opposite, this is the first positive face of Yun Yi Xian and Bo Han Sheng.

Neither of them opened their mouths, but it seemed like a silent smoke of gunpowder at the end of their swords.

Yun Yixian, who cares about the country, can be said to be a horizontal role, so naturally no one dares to look at him so strongly, and never let him down, which makes him have a kind of game of enemies and opponents.

"I haven't seen you for many years, but you've improved a lot."

This is what Yun Yixian said.

But who is Bo's cold voice, can be called a camera like memory, who has seen the intersection of people and things, he will not have an impression.

He has never seen dealing with Yun Yixian, which he can be sure of.

But Yun Yixian's words, but vaguely let him have a sense of inexplicable familiarity, like

He had heard it before.

This, it seems particularly strange.

"Oh, I'm sorry. It seems that the person concerned doesn't remember." Yun Yixian seems to enjoy the feeling that he knows everything unilaterally and looks at him with doubts.

Shen Liyang listened suspiciously No, or more accurately, Yun Yixian's unilateral dialogue, "do you know?"

Bo cold voice to her side of the position: "do not know."

"Ho." Yun Yixian heard his answer, only a mocking smile.

This laughter made president Bo's intuition unhappy, even hate.

He is thin and cold, and seldom shows disgust in his expression, but at the moment, there is no cover up.

Shen Liyang saw it, frowned, and said, "phospherus, I remember you have a part in the play today. Otherwise, you'd better go back to the crew first?"

When she mentioned the word "crew", the expressions of the two men present changed.

Yun Yixian: "the crew? What do you think it is that can control my coming and going

Bo Hansheng: "are you in a crew?"

Yunyi envies such a person, how can he be happy to be a little star?

Naturally, Shen Liyang first answered Bo's question, "he was later..."Yun Yixian: "originally thin always don't know? Li Yang and I are not only in the same crew, but also lovers, close lovers who love and kill each other. "

Shen Liyang:

"No, don't listen to his nonsense. He took money into the group and ran away the actor It's the characters we play in the play who have emotional problems

"The role played" is a few words, Shen Li Yang bite very heavy, for fear of causing the misunderstanding of Bo Han Sheng.

But President Bo will not misunderstand, but Yun Yixian is not happy.

"Xiaoliyang, are you complaining with me, not outside the plot, with you ML?" Too white face, said warm words, but the voice line is quiet and cool.

Shen liyang's scalp felt numb, "can't you stop talking?"

And because of the "ml" of the cloud's envy, the thin cold voice has also turned the God, and the whole body is covered with boundless cold and deep cold.

In the past, no one dared to reply in such a situation, but Yun Yixian seemed completely undisturbed.

Even David, who was behind him, had been alert to danger.

"That Sister in law I'll take you to have a review. Time and time seem to be here. "

Gao Yao also received Shen liyang's eye hint, took a deep breath, and opened his mouth in the situation of dragon and tiger fighting.

Xiaobao looks up suspiciously at Shen Liyang. The memory of the little guy is inherited from his father, so he clearly remembers that an hour ago, Ma Ma just went to have a review.

Shen Liyang shaved the bridge of his nose and blinked at him. He didn't want to expose himself at this time.

Xiaobao is very smart, "I will go with Ma Ma."

And in the three out of the ward, want to temporarily rest this silent smoke, thin cold voice of the mobile phone rang.

The Secretary said with a heavy voice: "Mr. Bo, something happened The woman who hurt Miss Shen Two arms were cut off, her mouth was sewn with thread, and the leg of manager Wang, who recruited her, was interrupted... "

When the Secretary received the news and saw the photos, he almost vomited the dinner overnight.

Too bloody