But these are not all. Puxi bank is also suspected of money laundering, which has attracted the attention of the above. Many shareholders began to withdraw their shares after hearing about the incident.

The stock price of Puxi bank has fallen sharply all the way after making such a big noise. However, in just one or two hours, it has already dropped to the limit.

Puxi bank headquarters gathered tens of thousands of shareholders and angry masses.

For a while, it can be said that it was stormy and stormy, which made people angry.

Such a big move, naturally, makes people think of Bo's cold voice of withdrawing money from Puxi bank by thunder means at the beginning.

After all, there are very few people who can possess such means and skills.

Not only did outsiders guess this, but even Bo Xichen specially called to ask, "brother Did you do anything about Puxi bank? "

"Although They are responsible for the little sister-in-law's affairs, but it's a big blow to let all the enterprises of Bo's group withdraw their money. In In this case, also I'll kill them all. Will you Not so good? "

After all, it is a large listed bank, not a small company. If you want to get rid of it, you will lose it. Although Bo's group has such ability, it is afraid that it will arouse the fear of others, and suspect that their intentions are sinister and their means are vicious.

This is not a good thing to build a good brand image, especially They are still unable to disclose Shen liyang's identity. Ordinary gourd eaters do not know that the staff of Puxi bank hurt their future mistress.

"It's not what I mean."

Bo Xichen is stupid: "clam? Not you? It's not you. Who else can do that? "

Bo Xichen almost believed it was made by Bo Hansheng.

But now, his brother says Not him?

Bo Han Sheng stood by the window, looking down at the cloud who was preparing to get on the bus.

Yun Yixian is keenly aware of his sight, and their eyes collide. Yun Yixian's index finger is arched up on the extended middle finger, comparing with a shooting posture, "Bang --"

the thin cold voice and the light of his eyes are slightly heavy, and he sees the slow provocation.

"Xichen, let people check all the industries in China."

He thought, perhaps, that he knew whose hand it was.

"Chief, the matter has been settled, and the price limit of Puxi bank has fallen to the limit. Now everyone is doubting that it is Bo Hansheng who is behind the scenes."

On the bus, David reported the latest developments.

Yun Yixian leaned on the back of his chair, and his mobile phone was pounding: "I didn't expect that the man who was lying on the ground like a dog had become a commanding president of Mr. Bo. It's really Things don't change. "


"Mr. Bo, I want to see Mr. Bo!"

"President Bo, President Bo, I'm Wu Shigui of Puxi bank!"

"President Bo!! Let's have a good talk, President Bo. Be merciful

The next day, amidst the howling and discontent of the board of directors, Mr. Wu had no choice but to brazen out the cold voice again.

However, Bo's cold voice had already been prepared, and he was kept outside the ward. He did not give him a chance to step on his feet.

Shen Liyang heard the cry outside, suspicious look to the side of the calm self-contained man, "looking for you?"

Bo Han Sheng: "nothing, you keep looking."

Shen Liyang heard the speech and continued to read the script, but -

the voice outside was getting louder and louder. The yelling man even wanted to break in directly. Shen Liyang couldn't concentrate on it, so he took another look at the thin cold voice.

Seeing this, President Bo slowly stood up.

When Wu Dong saw him come out, the arrogance and determination of yesterday had long ceased to exist. Instead, he was filled with red blood and looked tired and haggard.

"President Bo, please hold your hand high." Wu Dong and the Secretary behind him bowed to the thin cold sound.

This is what Bo Xichen saw when he came.

"Go back. It's none of my business with Puxi bank." Bo Hansheng stood at the door and looked down at Wu Dong's deep voice in front of him However, if Wu Dong continues to make trouble, Bo's group will not mind adding fuel to the fire. "

"No, not you? How could this be Who would that be? "

Bo Hansheng always has a critical word in his speech. If he never denies his identity and status, if he says no, it is really not.

Although Wu Dong still had doubts in his mind, he had already believed more than half of them.

"Who is the problem? Dong Wu needs us to help you to find out?" Bo Xichen came up and said.

Wu Dong: "but..."

Bo Xichen: "Wu Dong, if you're OK, I advise you to clean up your own mess instead of wasting time here. My brother said no, that's not true. Instead of guessing here, you'd better find out who's behind the scenes. If you don't get it, you won't even have a coffin left. I don't know who will calculate it. "In the face of Bo Er Shao's "good intention" reminder, Wu Dong left in a hurry.

"Have you found out?"

The two brothers went out to the position of the stairway in the inpatient department.

Bo Xichen: "at present, there is not much we can find. What you said about yunyixian is that in the past six months, yunyixian has opened two companies in Sifang city and acquired five companies in the whole country of China. It can be said that it is a fierce tiger suddenly killed by the industry. However, there is very little information outside, and few people have seen his true face Why do you want to look him up all of a sudden? "

After all, no matter whether yunyixian is a tiger or a jackal, according to the current development scale, it will not become the opponent of Bo's group in a few years.

"Puxi bank, he did it." Thin cold voice light way.

Bo Xichen's surprised mouth opened for O: "Puxi bank? He's got it? "

Puxi bank is deeply rooted. As a newcomer, he can downplay the destruction of a powerful bank in a short period of time?

"If What you're saying is true. I'll take back what I said when I first came here. I'm afraid it's a match for what you have

"But why did he do it? How did Puxi bank offend him As for the next cruel hand?

I don't know. I thought someone else dug his ancestral grave.

How to offend?

Thin cold voice looked at the direction of the ward.

On the fifth day in hospital, Shen Liyang was discharged from hospital.

Because of the delay in the process of the crew, she was also very embarrassed, the wound has begun to heal, no major hindrance, she insisted on joining the group.

When Bo Han's persuasion failed, she had to go, but repeatedly told her to pay attention to safety.

But obviously, this time, the Shenli Yangjin formation is doomed to be restless.

In just five days, Puxi bank was just about to declare bankruptcy, and Wu Dong lost his hair under pressure.

Under all kinds of inquiries, this found Yun Yixian. On the same day, he came to the crew and knelt down in front of him in front of everyone.