A little girl, only 16 or 17 years old, came to Sheng Yao Ye and asked in a low voice.

Sheng Yao did not answer, just said: "he will not bully you again."

The girl said thanks to her in tears, then took her hand and said, "sister, you are so nice I want to invite you to dinner. I'll make it for you myself. Let's go. "

Sheng Yao also looked at her smiling face. Her eyes flashed, but she still nodded her head and walked with her.

The girl's name is Wang Miaoke. The lawyer killed by Sheng Yao is her stepfather. She has violated her adopted daughter all the year round. Wang Miaoke has called the police many times, but she has not received the attention of the police because there is no conclusive evidence.

The reported cases did not escape the end of revocation every time.

Later, Sheng Yao also verified the incident, and then took action.

"Sister, try this. These are my best dishes. I hope you don't dislike them." Wang Miaoke took the initiative to bring her vegetables.

But Sheng Yao also only ate two mouthfuls of rice, and did not move the meal.

Wang Miaoke looked at her uneasily and said, "doesn't my sister like my cooking?"

Sheng Yao also put down his chopsticks, "why?"

Wang Miaoke looked at her innocently: "sister, what are you talking about? What? Why? "

"You want to kill me, why." Sheng Yao asked again.

Wang Miaoke: "sister, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand it? Why would I want to kill you? "

"Miaoke, you forget that I am a doctor, and my sense of smell is much more sensitive than ordinary people. Your medicine is colorless and tasteless, but it can't hide from my nose." So, from the beginning, she did not touch those dishes, just ate two mouthfuls of rice.

Wang Miaoke's face changed slightly, but he was still stubborn, "I I don't know what you're talking about. "

Don't know?

Sheng Yao also gave her a chopsticks dish, put in front of her, "eat."

Wang Miaoke didn't open his mouth, just looked at her nervously.

Sheng Yao also threw his chopsticks on the table with a "pa" sound. He took out a paper towel and wiped the corners of his mouth. It was a pity that he said, "it's really sad. I've got rid of the people who have hurt you all the time, but you want to kill me."

You can see that he has nothing to hide from me

Sheng Yao also sneered: "it turned out to be a Stockholm patient. You don't want him to die. Why didn't you tell me at the beginning that you are now voluntarily violated by him, eh?"

Wang Miaoke: "this is a matter between me and him. You don't need to care. You just need to know that you can't leave here alive! I want you to die with me and find him. "

"Still a madman." It was a waste of her mind and feelings.

"You are a madman, you deceived everyone! You murderer Wang Miaoke held the lighter and looked a little crazy: "as long as I press it down, the whole room will explode. You killed my last family, and I want you to die!"

Compared with her hoarseness, Sheng Yao also showed indifference and did not even move: "do you know that there are so many poor people in the world, why would I help you?"

Wang Miaoke: "why?"

Sheng Yao also leaned on the back of her chair: "because You make me think of myself before. I used to grow up in an orphanage. Later, I was adopted by a family. When I was adopted, my adoptive father and mother were in their forties. I thought I could finally have a family, but The adoptive mother can watch my adoptive father invade me... "

"When I cry to her for help, she pretends not to hear me. Sometimes, she puts a cloth in my mouth and hands me to my adoptive father's bed I lived in this environment for half a year Do you know what I'm going to do with them six months later? "

Sheng Yao also seems to be telling other people's stories. From the beginning to the end, she said, "half a year later I cut their arteries with a knife, like... "


The scalpel flew out of his hand and opened the artery of Wang Miaoke's hand with the lighter. The lighter fell to the ground.

Sheng Yao also picked it up.

With the scalpel against Wang Miaoke's neck, he continued, "it's a coincidence. I cut their major artery and ignited the gas in their home before they died. With a bang, the whole house was blown up Finally, the police decided that the death was caused by the gas leakage, because the bodies were split and charred by the explosion, and no one could find out. How did they "catch them with their hands?" you said Isn't it fun? "

Wang Miaoke tightly covered his wrist, which was constantly bleeding. "You dare not kill me. This is the third floor. If you kill me, you can't run away."

Sheng Yao also said, "who said I'm going to kill you? Clearly You killed yourself I'm just a victim. It's a pity that I made you into a puppet. It should be nice, but In order to leave evidence of your suicide to the police, I can only regret that... "With that, Sheng Yao cut off the artery on her neck and dragged her aside. At the same time, she poured the food on the table into the garbage can, and then walked to the window.

Just listen to a loud bang.

Sheng Yao also jumped down from the upstairs, in a blaze in the sky, from the window fell to a car downstairs.

Soon, the sirens and the ambulance sounded one after another.

Firemen emergency fire, Sheng Yao was also the first time sent to the hospital.

When she woke up again, there was a man standing by the hospital bed.

It's Zhao Zeyan.

"Sure enough, you did it again." He said, "if you killed that lawyer, why don't you let go of his adopted daughter? You should not be like those morbid patients who only know the pleasure of killing, just to kill. Why did you kill that girl

Sheng Yao also had a hanging needle in her hand, "Dr. Zhao, what are you talking about?"

Zhao Zeyan: "you don't have to act with me. There are only you and me here. I don't have any recording equipment on me. You don't have to guard against me. I'm only interested in you. I'm not interested in helping the police solve crimes."

The idea of genius is always different from that of ordinary people. They are more like madmen than genius.

Sheng Yao also heard the speech and waved to him with interest, indicating that he lowered his head.

Zhao Zeyan approaches her, and Sheng Yao also shows a charming smile, and then Kiss the corner of his lips.

Then, in his stupor, the corner of his lips pressed on his ear and breathed like a blue, saying, "Mr. genius, do you want to play a game? Do you think the talented psychocriminologist will fall in love with Your opponent, eh? "

"Boss Yun? Boss Yun says words, lines! " The director called out with a trumpet.

But after being kissed by Shen Liyang, Yun Yixian's whole body is still with him. He just looks at her with a frown and doesn't say a word for a long time.