The original design of this section is to take a little warm day, but it is only Sheng Yao who also teases Zhao Zeyan.

It's like a female rogue molesting a cold male God and being pushed away by the male god. But the reality is

After a brief frown, Yun Yixian suddenly clasped her neck, as if it were a kiss from a real gun or a knife at any time.

The director also pauses for a moment. Although the discerning eye can guess that this boss Yun will appear in this group, most of them are in pursuit of Shen Liyang. After all, rich people like to play cards out of common sense. It is not impossible to invest in a play in order to chase girls.

But what if there's a very different kiss scene from the script, and the director doesn't know he's stopping it? Or stop it?

After all This public eye, can not let the actress in the crew suffer losses, spread out, he this evening Festival is not guaranteed.

"Boss Yun, lines..." The director had to remind again, "say the lines."

Seeing this, Shen Liyang also wants to remind him that this is the shooting scene, so that he doesn't mess around: "you Well... "

But then, when Yun Yixian, buckled her neck and kissed her, Shen liyang's eyes widened in horror.

Yun Yi's envious eyes are very heavy. Against his white face, he is more like an abyss. At this moment, I don't know whether he is playing Zhao Zeyan, who is successfully lured in the play, or himself.

"You Seduce me... "

When Shen Liyang heard the speech, he suddenly pushed people away, staring like a copper bell.

The female workers who witnessed all this, one by one, were suffused with pink bubbles, and exclaimed in a low voice with the people beside them, "haotiao, Haosu..."

The director originally wanted to shout cards, but the picture presented was unexpected Harmony and brilliance.

So this to the mouth of the "Ka" so to swallow.

Keep watching them play.

Shen Liyang pushed people away, but she didn't hear the news from the director. She knew that she was ready to continue. Even though she was dissatisfied, as an actress with professional quality, she could only continue to follow the script.

Although, the goods in front of me, not according to the common sense, has deviated the lines and plot.

She can only be forcefully broken back, slender fingers touched the position of the corner of the lip, eyes like a demon also like Mei hook, interpretation of the real version, what is called - eyes driving.

"Dr. Zhao Taste, OK? "

Zhao Zeyan Mou color deep, as if to strip her into the abdomen, but also with the temptation of displeasure.

These two emotions meet in his eyes at the same time, complex, and seem to be the place of affection.

"Ka," the director happily looked at the screen, "good, very good."

This scene of the original small warm day without such processing deduction, more people blush and heartbeat.

High IQ female criminals and gifted psychological experts are the game of intelligence and emotional entanglement.

But Shen liyang's expression is not very good-looking.

Zhang Xu also witnessed the scene of the two shooting. She admitted that it was very beautiful to watch in the camera, but

But as long as you think of the reality of yunyixian is a man who cuts people's hands and doesn't even blink his eyes, Zhang Xu feels creepy.

"Goddess, you You don't want a sheep in a tiger's mouth. " Zhang Xu is like a little tail. After Shen Liyang finished shooting, she followed her and said in a low voice.

Shen Liyang raised her eyes and looked at her: "what?"

Zhang Xu has a subtle glance at the direction of the cloud's envy, which can't be understood any more.

Shen Liyang looked at her carefully, clearly want to say, but because of the appearance of Yun Yixian, who dare not express directly at the scene, he couldn't help laughing: "I still want to live a little longer."

Cloud envy?

As long as Shen Liyang thought of what he had done, the hair on his back was up.

She felt that, in this world, probably no one can successfully control this man, unless Life is hard enough, head enough iron.

What's more, Shen Liyang is really hard to imagine what it will look like when Yun Yixian falls in love with a person.

But cloud one envies after changing clothes, what words did not say, then drags her arm, takes her to own car.

Zhang Xu and a group of staff members who have not left are stupefied.

What's the trouble?

Of course, the heart of the most diaphragm should be Shen Liyang, in full view of the public under such a labouring, spread out how bad.

But she thought for a moment, if she had a dispute with Yun Yixian in the crew because of this matter, it seemed that the influence was even worse, so she could only let him drag it to the car.

As soon as the door is closed, Shen Liyang will open his mouth What are you doing

In the middle of her speech, Yun Yan suddenly approached her, and Shen Liyang unconsciously leaned back.

Cloud a envy arm "bang" of a sudden support in her face side, "kiss me."Shen Liyang stretched his hand on his forehead, "what nerve do you have? Have you got a fever

But Yun Yixian seemed to insist on this matter very much, and ordered: "hurry up."

Shen Liyang pushed him away. "Phophorus, I have a boyfriend."

Yun Yi envies the eye color very deep to look at her: " Does it matter? "

Shen Liyang:

It's her problem. There's no difference between talking about human nature and morality with him and casting pearls before swine.

"Dong Dong Dong Dong Dong."

When Shen Liyang was thinking about how to get out of the car, the window was knocked "bang bang", and I didn't know what was going on.

Shen Liyang obviously felt the shaking of the car body in this moment, and unconsciously firmly held the back of the chair: "what's the matter? An earthquake? "

Cloud a envy cold cut eyebrow eyes toward the window outside a glance.

Fu Chaolang on his line of sight, without fear of the back of their own, and then to Shen Li Yang called a: "get out of the car!"

After Shen Liyang saw who was the demon outside, he couldn't help but turn his eyes and lower the window, "brother, what the hell are you doing?"

Fu Chaolang didn't say anything at first. He just looked inside and said, "Shen Liyang, you wild woman."

Shen Liyang grinds his teeth and feels that the goods are not cleaned up.

"Come down, your brother is here. Let me show you to him." Fu said.

Shen Liyang smell speech, some silly eyes: "are you sure?"

Are you sure you can meet her brother without passing her?

Fu Chaolang showed some impatience, "I'm not sure about this. Hurry down. Are you a woman with a boyfriend who wants to shake someone else's car?"

I dare to say anything.

Shen Li Yang teeth bite very loud, angry "bang" suddenly kicked open the door, "if you can't find my brother for me today, I'll let you die very wonderful."

Then she dragged him away.

The cloud on the car one envies to look at two people to leave quickly the back figure, the lip angle picks out to wipe the extremely gorgeous radian.

His little Li Yang's courage is really It's getting bigger and bigger.