Shen Liyang may have at one time resented the unfair fate and made her suffer hardships. But at this moment, in the tolerant eyes and conniving words of this man, she felt that everything was worth it.

If all the ups and downs that fate had given her were to meet him one day, she thought, all the pain would not be so painful.

Shen Liyang took his hand and said, "Mr. President, we Go to a place. "

He asked nothing and said nothing. He said, "OK."

There was no hesitation, no hesitation. When she spoke, he agreed.

Shen Liyang raised his head and looked like a star in his eyes: "don't ask me, where to go?"

President Bo, who was so dignified that she couldn't look directly at her, was obedient to her, "well, where to go?"

Shen Liyang hugged his arm with a smile and half leaned on his shoulder, "go Sanatorium. "

She wanted to take him to meet her only close relative.

This thought flashed in a flash, but Shen Liyang wanted to take him to meet his mother, just like some evil spirits.

Thin cold sound image is to know what, big palm placate nature touched her long hair.


"Here comes Miss Shen..." Special care of Shen Pingfeng nurse saw her coming, said hello, "you chat, I go out to look around."

The nurse looked at the man with extraordinary temperament brought by Shen Liyang and left the space for them.

In the past few years, Shen Liyang came alone, but now he suddenly brings a beautiful man. There is invisible intimacy between them. As a former person, it is not difficult to guess the relationship between them.

Shen Liyang nodded to her slightly, "it's hard for you."

Nurse: "yes." Then he had already brought the door to them.

Shen Liyang went to the sofa and looked at Shen Pingfeng, who was stupidly dazzled. He picked up a comb and combed her hair. "Mom, I've come to see you Another man came to see you today

She and thin cold voice looked at each other, eyes light with a smile: "this is my mother, mental state is not very good."

The thin cold voice actually does not have the slightest dislike the appearance, the heartache hugs her, "my rippling, had been very hard before." He said, "later I will take good care of you and make up for all the care and love you lack these years. "

Give her all the care and love she lacks.

This is probably the most beautiful love words Shen Liyang has ever heard.

Shen Pingfeng, who has been in a trance, also raised his head and looked at the two people in a twinkling of an eye, as if he were in a trance.

And then

Even reached out to push the thin cold sound, although not heavy, but obviously with exclusion.

Then he dragged Shen Li Yang to his side.

Even though her mental state is not normal, Shen Pingfeng still protects her daughter. Although she is crazy, she still has a kind of intuition that "sweet talking men can't believe".

She was not willing to follow her own example.

Even though she may not remember them, instinct always exists.

Shen Liyang: "Mom What's the matter with you? "

President Bo observed in detail: "Auntie, she It seems a little unhappy. "

Shen Liyang: "hmm? unhappy? What's up? We were just What's wrong? Or did you do something wrong? " Why are the good ones unhappy?

Bo cold voice tentatively approached her slightly. Shen Pingfeng was immediately on guard and pulled Shen Li Yang to his side, and his eyes were also a bit defensive.

After two successive attempts, Bo came to a somewhat dispirited conclusion.

"Auntie It seems that I don't want me to be too close to you

Hearing this, Shen Liyang raised his eyebrows and eyes, squatted down, took Shen Pingfeng's hand and said in a soft voice, "Mom, the president, he is a good man He, too, is very kind to me

"No, I can't Letter, all, all Bad heart Heart Liver. " Shen Pingfeng, like a child, said intermittently.

When Shen Liyang heard the speech, he looked at the cold voice and said, "my mother seems to be I think you're a bad person. "

This is what Shen Liyang didn't expect. According to the personality charm of the president, she thought that no woman could escape such magic. As a result From the bottom of her heart, her mother decided that President Bo was a bad man.

In this regard, President Bo is also helpless with a bit of dispirited, after all, is the first face has not been recognized by the future mother-in-law.

Shen Liyang shook his hand and said, "don't mind, my mother, she Maybe once bitten by a snake, I'm afraid of the well rope for ten years. To make it this way, I may be subconsciously cautious about the people I want to spend my life with in the future, for fear that I will make the same mistakes as her. Don't you care Why are you looking at me like thatThe burning look of his eyes made Shen Liyang think he was wrong.

As a result, the next second, his slender fingers have been hooked on her jaw, and then lean over, force kiss up.

At first, it seemed like a runaway kiss. She had some pain, but after she couldn't stop sobbing, it turned into the sentimental and tender like the spring equinox drizzle.

"Yangyang, what I said just now, say it again."

He is the one she wants to spend her life with in the future.

Shen Pingfeng turns his head and looks at the kissing together. To be exact, it is the man who "forcibly kisses" her daughter. He picks up the pillow on the sofa and stands up, and then "bang bang bang" hits at the thin cold sound.

"This bad boy! Bad boy! Let you take advantage of it! Bad boy!! Bullying my daughter, I'll kill you, I'll kill you! "

This pass without any reason "bang bang" hit, Shen Liyang are muddled, when the reaction came, quickly stopped her action: "Mom, he didn't bully me, don't hit."

Shen Pingfeng is not believe, the action of his hands did not stop, is to call him a bad boy.

Shen Liyang couldn't persuade him to do it. He couldn't do it too hard. He could only look at Bo's cold voice and said in a hurry, "are you stupid? Just stand there and let her fight."

President Bo: "the future mother-in-law's instruction, should receive."

Shen Liyang: "you..."

"Well said." Shen Yang just thought about it, but he didn't come to see him.

Shen Liyang: "Uncle Chen, you are here."

President Chen nodded to her with a smile. Naturally, her eyes fell on the man beside her. As a result

It didn't matter. He almost lost his chin. "President Bo, what are you doing today?"

How do you dress like this?

He really didn't recognize it.