The contrast is too great.

When Shen Liyang heard the president's surprise, he touched his nose in silence. He changed his dress. The difference was Is it really that big?


"You Do you know? "

Before donating money, the president of the hospital has been able to improve the living conditions of the hospital In the middle of his speech, he suddenly stopped, and after a sudden realization, he continued to say: So, is president Bo for Li Yang

No wonder, no wonder he couldn't figure it out. How could president Bo, who is busy with expensive people's affairs, pay attention to their hospital for no reason. Now maybe All got answers.

Bo didn't say anything, but he didn't deny it.

Shen liyang's eyes turned and blinked. Half a year ago?

Isn't that when they just met?

"You I was in love with me from the beginning She sighed.

President Bo's eyebrows are slightly selected, "you can be proud."

Shen Liyang: "that is It's really something to be proud of. "

Let president Bo fall in love at one glance, and then fall in love secretly. Who can believe this? Who can believe it?

However, Chen Yuan Yuan clearly denied president Bo's good intentions, but Shen Pingfeng, as the party to be taken care of, did not know at all. He still did not want to let Bo Hansheng get close to his daughter and kept holding Shen liyang's hand tightly.

Finally, Shen Liyang had to sigh and say, "Mom, he..."

"Yangyang, it's OK. Take your time. You'll accompany your aunt. I'll talk to President Chen." Thin cold voice admonishes a way.

With that, he went out with Dean Chen.

Shen Liyang looked at her mother, who was holding her hand as obstinately as a child. She sighed in a low voice and continued to comb her hair. When she found more and more white hair in her hair, she felt a bit uncomfortable in her heart, "Ma I'll come to see you often

Shen Liyang knew that even if her mother was crazy, she would recognize her own.

Otherwise, I would not have done that just now.

Shen Pingfeng answered that he didn't mean to talk to her. Then he fell asleep. Shen Liyang called for a nurse. They helped her to the bed and covered her with quilts.

"How is mother doing recently?"

"You can rest assured, Miss Shen. Madam is in good health, and according to the attending doctor My wife's condition is getting better, maybe It is possible to restore the purity of life. "

Shen Liyang suddenly raised his head: "really?"

Nurse: "yes, didn't you notice that you came here? Madam, I have been able to have a serious conversation for many times. Even if you didn't come today, I was ready to call to tell you the good news. "

Shen Li's lips were smiling. He was bitter and astringent. He was excited about more things: "that's wonderful Mother At last, my mother will recognize me

Nurse: "yes, ma'am, you are kind-hearted, and you will be rewarded."

Knowing that her mother's condition had improved, Shen Li was in a good mood on the way back.

Looking at the scenery outside the window, I will hum a tune from time to time.

Bo Han Sheng looked at her smiling appearance, and was also infected unconsciously: "happy for the improvement of aunt's condition?"

Shen Liyang: "you know..."

"Buzzing, buzzing --"

SHEN liyang's mobile phone rings. It's a call from Jiang Wan.

"Li Yang, the premiere of" spring in the palace "is quite good, and it has already broken through 10 million. For a movie that is not a big hit, it is OK. You should not care too much about the voice of the outside world when you are the heroine for the first time..."

After all, this time, the battle that President Bo wants to promote people is very obvious, and the early warming up is also sufficient, and Fu Chaolang is in charge.

It's just

There are many factors contributing to the success of this film. Although Shen Liyang is now showing signs of being popular, but I still can't support the role of the big girl, especially This is her first play.

“…… The industry still recognizes your acting skills. The theme of this film is relatively small, so Don't take it too seriously

Jiang Wan said a lot of encouraging words and euphemistic about the achievements of the film.

However, Shen Liyang knows that the so-called box office is more than ten million, and most of them are only because of Fu Chaolang's status as a hot fried chicken. As long as he takes part in the show, countless fans will pay for their support.

At the beginning, the result was only a bonus for fans, and then the key point to test the quality of the film. According to Jiang Wan's action of giving her preventive injections in advance, I'm afraid Some are not optimistic.

Although Jiang Wan said that she was not allowed to pay attention to the voice of the Internet, Shen Liyang could not help looking at the online evaluation.

Not many people talked about her acting skills in the film, instead, they labeled her as a porn star. What's more, she said that her acting skills in the film were natural, and the evil spirit in the demon was revealed from the bone. When she was in the production team, she would frown with many male workers. It can be said that it is a drama like life, and it is a natural performance.In the case of one-sided comments, Fu Chaolang's fans naturally avoid suspicion immediately, and do not want to be tainted with the title of "many male workers" among the public.

"Xuerou, the matter has been settled. Shen Liyang can't wash off her porn star's hat in a short time."

The agent went to the dressing room is removing makeup Zhao Xuerou side, said.

Zhao Xuerou: "what can't be washed out? She's a star in a three pole movie, and she's a porn star, so she can't get on the stage. Now that netizens have recognized her identity, let's continue to add another fire. Isn't she conceited about her beauty? Since she is so beautiful, and she is a star of the 18th line, how can she partner with a popular male star to appear as a heroine? Isn't it obvious that we are being fostered? Since the style is like this, should we do good deeds to let fans know about it? "

The agent's eyes turned: "yes, Xuerou, you are right. Since she has done it, she should let everyone know."

Zhao Xuerou looked at her in the mirror: "what are you waiting for?"

Agent: "I'll go now."

As a well-known female Internet star, Zhang Xu usually needs to brush the data for her goddess after it is off the air. Especially on the day when the goddess movie premieres today, she must go to the show. Even if it is already early in the morning, the night movie will go to Kangkang.

She always said that the wind is the rain. She had to buy a ticket with her mobile phone. Then she rowed down to see the comments. It would be better if she could just brush the amazing screen shot of goddess in the movie.

As a result, it doesn't matter. The more you look at it, the more angry you get, "TMD, when did this water army go blind?"?! Porn star? You're deaf, aren't you? The beauty of my goddess is pure and beautiful, where is she obsessed with vulgarity? "