This moving picture is put together, pointing out that Shen Liyang himself has a tendency of violence, and maybe even has an antisocial personality. Otherwise, how could it be so lifelike in the play.

There are even so-called people who have studied psychology come forward to blog, saying that Shen liyang's state, eyes, expression and tone in the play are very similar to the abnormal examples he has been exposed to.

One can do this either by spending too much time in special institutions, such as prisons and mental hospitals, or because of their own problems.

The appearance of this speech undoubtedly pushed Shen liyang to the top of the storm.

It was originally a blockbuster drama, but now there are so many discussions about Shen liyang's mental health, this drama naturally has an unprecedented heat.

With the increasing voice of discussion, many parents begin to prevent their children from watching. However, children always have rebellious psychology. The more things you don't let them do, they will burst out with unprecedented interest.

A student in his own space, sent photos of self mutilation, he carved bloody Chinese characters on his arm, is the name of Sheng Yaoye.

Under this, Sheng Yao and Shen Liyang in the play were demonized directly.

The excited parents regarded Shen Liyang as the main culprit who instigated their children to commit crimes and self mutilation, and began to send complaint letters to the Education Bureau and radio and television in an organized and large scale.

Although Jiang Wan carried out public relations at the first time, in the face of the excited parents and the organized water army, the unilateral resistance seemed to be inadequate.

In this circle, in the face of an artist's explosion-proof work, several brokerage companies and artists' studios can always reach a consensus with one eye.

The cake that can divide up the interests is so big. If you step on one, the artists can have more interests. No one wants to kill another Shen Liyang from the fixed circle.

The discussion of "beauty is hell" continues to be at a high level. In the video broadcast, because things seem to be more and more serious, in order to recover the original and recover the remaining interests before the intervention of the relevant departments, the video broadcasting platform has completely compressed the series that should have been broadcast in two months.

The audience is naturally satisfied, but Jiang Wan

"This group of blood thirsty capitalists, human blood steamed bread is so delicious?" Jiang Wan called the producer in a hurry If the broadcasting time is shortened by half, the broadcasting volume and popularity will be reduced by half, and the influence will also be... "

"My agent Jiang, there is no way to deal with it. You can see how much trouble the Internet is now, and the platform can still finish broadcasting under pressure. This is very interesting. Now a special group has been set up. If it is finally determined that the play has caused adverse effects, it will not only be the advance on demand, but we will all be interviewed. "

"Who's going to be interviewed?! Our artists are just acting according to the script. Even if there is any problem, it is also... " Jiang Wan said half, Shen Li Yang pulled her arm and gave her a wink.

Jiang Wan calmly hung up the phone.

“…… Don't you know Wen Yu Nian well? Give her a call. She wrote the script. You shouldn't be responsible for it Jiang Wan said.

Shen Liyang low smile, "since the script can pass the trial, it shows that there is no problem. The night elder sister stayed in this line for so long, should be clearer than me."

In the present situation, it is obvious that many people want to make a big fuss about things, so that before she reaches the top, she will paste out the sky first.

"The current situation is no longer controllable by a studio. The capital behind other brokerage companies has come to an end. I have already told two young people about this matter. I believe that there will be action in Yaoxing entertainment soon. During this period, you should pay attention to safety when you go in and out. When you meet extremists, you can hide when you can..."

Shen Liyang listened to her instructions and nodded all the time. Just listening, it seemed that there was something wrong with him.

"Wait a minute. You said Looking for two less? Let Xingyao entertainment show up? But am I not a new moon entertainer? "

Jiang night is dumb, a careless, said a slip of the tongue.

Shen Liyang is such a smart person. Seeing the twinkle in her eyes, she keeps in touch with how a famous gold medal agent in the circle has taken him in as a young rookie in the circle

She soon figured out the key to this. She was a little bit amused by her own slow reaction, and now she found that there was some warmth in her heart.

"So He has arranged for me from the very beginning. "

She was rescued from the oppressed environment, and the best agent was arranged for her, so that she could film in peace of mind without worries.

And these, he has never mentioned, if not for Jiang Wan this time to say the slip, she is afraid to be still in the dark.

Jiang Wan thought of her, patted her on the shoulder and said, "Mr. bo I really care about you

At first, Jiang Wan had no doubt about President Bo's purpose.After all, Shen liyang's appearance really has the capital to fascinate these bosses, but this kind of fascination is no different from keeping a pet. One day, if he gets tired of playing, he will be left aside.

But through such a long period of observation, even if Jiang Wan has any fault of finding fault again, there is no way to deny Bo's sincerity.

If you really love someone, you can't fake your eyes.

Shen Liyang nodded with a smile, "I know."

When she was about to leave, Jiang Wan stopped her Do you want me to find you two bodyguards Or you can talk to President Bo yourself. The people he is looking for must be much more secure than the one I am looking for. "

Shen Li Yang waved his hand: "no, ordinary people can't get close to him. It's late. I'll go first."

"That..." Jiang Wan coughed twice and said, "if I say something that leaks, don't mention it to President Bo."

She can't bear the cold eye of President Bo.

Shen Liyang chuckled: "I know."

After Shen Liyang left, Jiang Wan's smile at the corner of his mouth also closed. Looking at the excited comments on the Internet, he pressed his temple heavily.

If you want to make an artist popular, you should not only act virtuously, but also guard against other people stabbing at the back. It's really that 's going too far!

Nanshan No.1 courtyard, study.

"Brother, take a look at these. Jiang Wan can't carry it any more. I want the company to calm down." Bo Xichen gives Bo Hansheng the first thing Jiang Wan sent.

It was a minute without delay.

After all, the second young man knew that everything that happened to his sister-in-law was a big deal for his brother-in-law.