When President Bo was distracted by the attacks on the Internet, Bo Xichen silently observed his brother's expression, and those individuals who were looking for trouble in his heart secretly squeezed a sweat.

You say you attack who is not good, want to pull down who can't, but move to the younger sister-in-law's head, then my brother can be what kind of good-natured person?

“…… Find out, let the lawyers group send lawyer letters one by one, and don't delete these unrealistic remarks within an hour. As for these accounts... " Bo president Mou Guang Ling ran, "check out his bottom carefully and treat him with his own way."

Since it is slandering others with mental illness, then let him feel what it is to be pointed at.

Bo Xichen swallowed his mouth and said, "OK, I know. Then I'll go out first..."

When Bo Er Shao went out of the study, he happened to see Shen Liyang who was not far away from the stairs: "sister-in-law."

Shen Li Yang saw her action of wiping cold sweat and asked with a smile, "two little, are you very hot?"

Bo Xichen puffed up a smile, but he didn't smile Hot? I am clearly afraid of it. "

His brother just watched the video that would kill people. How could he not.

Shen Liyang looked behind him and asked, "what's the matter? Did the president scare you? "

She looked like nothing happened, but Bo Xichen was a little puzzled and surprised, "sister-in-law, you don't know that you have been besieged by the internet yet?"

otherwise, it's all right, it's how big your heart is.

But obviously, Shen Liyang belongs to the category of big heart: "online? You said that those rumors about my psychosis are just like the netizens who want me to accept the destruction of humanity? "

Bo Xichen: "it is That's right... "

Shen Liyang pondered and turned his long hair falling on his chest: "I never put black powder in my eyes."

If she suffers from other people's nonsense and insane comments every day, she probably doesn't have to do anything all day.

"It's not a big deal, but it's just a matter of trouble. Let's send out the lawyer's letters one by one, and those who refuse to mend their ways will not have to be polite to them." Shen Liyang patted him on the shoulder and said.

Bo Xichen: "you and my brother are really a couple Wait, what did you mean by that Do you know anything, sister-in-law? "

Shen Liyang raised her eyebrows: "you know, you and your brother injected new moon entertainment on my back, and asked me to be my agent? Or do you know that the actor of "spring in the palace" was temporarily changed to Fu Chaolang because he was the same rumor? Or... "

"No, no, no more." Bo Xichen quickly raised his hand and made a gesture of surrender. Then he said with a smile: "no, I don't need to continue talking, but those Those are my brother's attention. I'm a errand runner. If you have any dissatisfaction, you can go to my brother. He means the emissary

Two little busy on his brother betrayed thoroughly.

Shen Liyang eyebrows a pick: "really?"

Bo Er Shao: "really, really, more real than real gold."

Shen liyang's "Oh" long voice looked behind him, "what he said is true?"

Bo Xichen:!! "

Bo Er Shao's back suddenly became stiff. Then he turned around a little stiffly. Of course, he saw his brother standing upright. He didn't know how long he had been standing and how much he heard.

"I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I With that, he ran away.

Shen Liyang looked at his desperate escape posture, shrunk his mouth, looked at the direction of President Bo, complained: "you must be too fierce, scared him."

Thin cold voice came over, pinched her very warped nose, "do not in front of me, pay attention to other men."

Shen Li Yang pursed his lips: "that's your brother."

Bo president Jianmei micro Yang: "Pro son is not allowed."

Shen Li Yang Tucao: "you make complaints about it."

"Well, I'm very careful, so Yangyang should be nice and keep a distance from other men." He said.

Shen Liyang yawned lazily, then stretched out his arm to him and said, "I feel sleepy, embrace."

The thin cold sound stops the waist to pick up the person, the footstep calmly walks toward the bedroom direction, "..." I will deal with things online. You should stay at home for a few days. "

Shen Li Yang circled his neck and nodded her head. She was really sleepy.

After being put on the bed by him, Shen Li Yang's hand around his neck did not loosen.

President Bo raised his eyebrows: "I want to make I'll sleep with you? "

"Hum." Shen Li Yang tooted his lips and let go of his hand.

The thin cold voice chuckled and scratched her nose Angry? "

Shen Liyang: "if I don't find out, are you going to keep it from me?"Facing her question, President bo No objection.

Shen Liyang: "...?!"

"Well, you go, I'm going to bed."

Looking at the girl who covered herself with a quilt, she gave a slight smile and stretched out her long arm. She held her in her arms together with the quilt, "darling, don't be angry, I just I want to clear the way for you and give you a level playing field. The height you are walking at is all earned by your own efforts. I didn't intervene. "

He just couldn't see anyone targeting her.

Shen Liyang revealed a round head from the quilt Really, really? "

"Don't believe in yourself?" He chuckled and rubbed her tiny tip with his high nose.

Shen Li Yang skimmed at the beginning and murmured in a low voice: "don't think you can reduce the fact that you deceive me by your sweet words."

"Well But the punishment is based on Yang Yang. " His sexy thin lips pressed against her ears, in a low voice.

The sound line silk's drilling Shen Li Yang's ear, stare round eye: "you this is in seduce me."

President Bo whispered, "well," I'm making amends. "

Shen Liyang pushed him away and rolled himself into a silkworm chrysalis again with a quilt, "not accepting physical bribes."

Bo Shuo smiles and shakes his head.

When Bo Er Shao was directing the lawyer team to work overtime to collect evidence and issue lawyer letters, Shen liyang's suspected anti social personality was still in full swing on the Internet.

Many actors and actresses who had met with Shen Liyang were asked when they attended the activities.

Many people are vague and don't want to get entangled in this matter.

Of course, there are also some people who are more rigid and have a good relationship with Shen Liyang, such as Fu Chaolang.

"Antisocial personality? If it's a crime to play realistically, does it mean that all actors who have played criminals need to go to jail?! You are so just. Why don't you go directly to Africa to help refugees? Your parents opened your mouth and asked you to spread rumors?! Hide behind the keyboard for the tiger, how, want to let everyone know, you are not a disabled, are you? "