Jiang Wan shakes his head. She doesn't know the situation there.

Fu Chaolang twisted his eyebrows. It seems that the situation is worse than he expected.

"Why is there nothing in there?" Fu Chaolang cocked up his ears and did not hear any sound coming from the room.

He wanted to go in several times, but he was stopped by Jiang Wan.

"Fu Chaolang, what are your feelings for Li Yang?" Shen Liyang has been hacked several times. He is the first person in the circle to stand up. If he is not a friend with similar temperament, he will only have

Fu Chaolang had already put his hand on the door of the rest room. He took a deep breath, raised his jaw, and interpreted his rebelliousness and indifference to the extreme. He said, "are we not partners? I am a man of natural justice, can't I? "

The more you try to hide something, the more affectionate.

There are actually three things that can't be concealed: illness, cough and Love.

Jiang Wan has also seen all kinds of life in the circle. Seeing him like this, he opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Half an hour later, Shen Liyang opened the door of the rest room.

She should have washed her face, because the hair on both sides of her cheek has some water meaning, and she has put on makeup again. She has a lot of spirit, but

Some red eyes.

Like, crying.

Fu Chaolang's palm on one side silently clenched.

Jiang Wan didn't say anything, just patted her on the shoulder placidly.

"The rest of the crew is still waiting. Let's go."

Shen Liyang did not speak, but nodded lightly.

She is quiet, as if, everything has not made anything, but suddenly people, too quiet down.

At the end of the shooting, Shen liyang's acting skills also played as usual, without any big fluctuations.

When she sat down in the middle of the play, she just couldn't stop to study the script. In fact, she didn't stop to study the script.

"Since you don't want to see it, don't watch it. If you don't say, it's better to sleep with your eyes closed if you don't want to see it."

Fu Chao Lang sat down and said.

Shen Liyang closes the script gently, reclining on the back of the chair, with his eyes closed, as if Really sleeping.

Fu Chaolang:

He said, this woman, is not likable!

"Thank you."

When he wanted to leave, he heard a voice behind him.

Fu Chaolang stopped You don't have to... "

"Dong Zhao, this is the crew. Non crew members are not allowed to approach. Please leave!"

Zhao Lingfeng rushed in with people, the security personnel rushed to stop, but even so, Zhao Lingfeng has also stepped into the crew.

The noise that didn't belong to the crew went on.

"I'm here to see my daughter, and I need to say hello to you?! Get out of the way

"Li Yang! Shen Liyang

"Shen Liyang, my father's good daughter, my father has come to see you!"

"Go away, what are you! It's only natural that I come to see my daughter! "

Because repeatedly blocked, this time Zhao Lingfeng, who came prepared, is full of momentum.

The noise here is really too big. The staff of the crew follow the sound and look at Shen Liyang naturally.

Shen Liyang opened his eyes and glanced in the direction of Zhao Lingfeng. At the same time, Zhao Lingfeng also looked over. Zhao Lingfeng immediately walked towards her like a fly seeing the target.

Fu Chaolang wrung his brow, stood up, stretched out his arm to block Zhao Lingfeng, and also blocked the line of sight between Zhao Lingfeng and Shen Liyang.

"This is the crew."

He didn't even address him. Naturally, he didn't really know Zhao Lingfeng, but he was disgusted and didn't want to say hello.

"Who are you? Can the crew stop me from seeing my own daughter? " Zhao Lingfeng said in a deep voice.

Your own daughter?

Shen Liyang behind hears the speech but just wants to sneer.

"The crew can't, I can." Fu Chao Lang was proud of himself.

The agent next to him only supported his head.

Zhao Lingfeng looked at his dress up and knew that he was an actor. He didn't pay attention to it. He looked back at the bodyguards behind him, and someone came forward directly. It seemed that he wanted to give him some color to see.

Fu Chaolang rolled up his sleeve, and this is what he intended to do.

"My ancestor ah, calm down. This is a thug. If you hurt this face, how do you shoot the next part?" The agent quickly stopped it. More importantly, his face was insured. If something happened

Fu Chaolang pushed the man away: "don't get in the way. Just these scum. I'm...""Bang -"

before he finished his words, Shen Liyang threw the unopened mineral water bottle directly out of his hand, and hit the face of the attacker who was in front of him.

"Go away!"

The crew are watching, Zhao Lingfeng some down: "Li Yang, what are you doing?"

Shen Li Yang's eyes were pale: "I should ask Zhao Dongcai about this. You come here to disturb me in filming. Is it What do you want? "

Zhao Lingfeng: "I come, of course, because I don't trust you. After all, so many things have happened. As your father, I can't watch my daughter gossiping."

His righteous words, but Shen Liyang listened, but only wanted to laugh, because it was really ridiculous.

"My father? He died a long time ago. Dong Zhao was joking

Zhao Lingfeng: "you What nonsense are you talking about! Forget it, I know that you are also because of things on the Internet. Now that you are not in a stable mood, you can rest assured that since dad knows, he will not be bullied. Let's go. I will certainly seek justice from Bo for this matter. "

The meaning of claiming justice from Bo instead of Bo Han is clear.

What we discussed with Bo was not justice, but interests.

How naive Zhao Lingfeng felt that she would believe his lies.

"It seems that the older this person is, the more naive he is. Zhao Dong thinks that now I will be used by you? Is it that I have made too fast progress, or has Zhao Dong degenerated too seriously? "

Zhao Lingfeng was angry: "is this your attitude to talk to your father?"

"I'm sorry, my father died a long time ago. Zhao Dong's identity is competing with a dead man for his name. He is not afraid of bad luck." Before Zhao Lingfeng got angry, Shen Liyang spoke again in a deep voice: "get out! No matter what benefits you want from me, I can tell you plainly today that it is impossible. If Dong Zhao doesn't want to abandon his wife and son, and connive at his wife's madness, don't challenge my endurance limit again! "