When Shen Liyang said these words, he did not deliberately lower his voice. It can even be said that many people on the scene could clearly hear him. For a moment, he looked at Zhao Lingfeng with some strange meaning.

After all, no matter when it is, abandoning the wife and abandoning the daughter is always despised.

In particular, this is after the daughter's accident, but also want to reverse the blood sucking.

Fu Chaolang was still worried that Shen Liyang, who was not in the state, would suffer losses at this time. However, after hearing her calm oaths, he suddenly felt that maybe Jiang Wan was right.

They should believe that she can stand up again in any situation.

Because she is Shen Liyang.

Zhao Lingfeng's face was red and white.

Shen Liyang looked at the security personnel who had come in and waved his hand, indicating that they should drive the people out.

Zhao Lingfeng naturally will not leave so easily. There are some frictions between the two sides. But obviously, although the number of fighters Zhao Lingfeng brings is large, it is not the opponent of Bo's carefully selected security personnel.

Finally, he was asked out.

Originally, everyone thought that this thing was over, but three days later, on the day when the story of the demon princess was killed, the police appeared at the scene and said frankly that they hoped Shen Liyang would cooperate with the investigation of a case many years ago. Only then did they realize that the matter would not end because of evasion.

Not because The party doesn't want to go into it and disappear.

Bo's group is deeply rooted, but also should that sentence - big trees attract wind.

Once the following enterprises are bound with interests because of envy, then their behaviors will be highly unified in order to maximize their benefits.

Once the head of Bo's group is in prison, countless enterprises and individuals can benefit from it. Therefore, even though they know that they are in danger of military action, some people are willing to take risks for huge interests.

When Shen Liyang sat in the police station, looking at the policeman who kept asking himself, he didn't say a word.

No matter how much they try to wake up Shen liyang's dusty painful memories, she is replying with one sentence: "sorry, it's been too long, I've forgotten."

Or: "I have lost my memory. The things you want to ask have been removed from my mind. I can't help you."

There was no anger in her victim or in her.

Two police officers who asked each other a look at each other, "Miss Shen, you are not the same as the victims we met. Even if you lose your memory, you will always see the video on the Internet. You really don't hate so many painful memories that happened to you?"

Shen Liyang raised her eyes. This is the first time that she looked at the police officer after she entered the police station. "Since you also said those are painful memories, why You want me to remember? If you're finished, I think I should be able to go. "

They have met many victims who do not cooperate with each other, but they are unwilling to say such a word. It is the first time for the police to see them.

They did ask a lot of questions, but mainly She didn't say anything.

After Shen Liyang left, two police officers sorted out the data and whispered: "how do I feel about Shen Liyang Seems to be defending someone? "

"You mean Thin cold sound? Do you suspect she has Stockholm disease? "

The police officer shook his head: "she's in normal condition, no It should be said that It's a little too normal. "

Too normal, not like a victim.

"So, the last thing I like to ask is actors and people who have learned psychology. It's too hard to do."

Shen Liyang front foot out of the police station, back foot river came over late: "what's the matter?"

Shen Liyang shook his head: "let's go."

As they got on the bus with their front and back feet, the reporter who was stationed in the garrison would not let go of this hot spot, and tried to find out what Shen Liyang said. Unfortunately, there were security personnel around her all the time, so there was no way to get close to her.

In the car, Shen Liyang leaned against the window and rubbed the position of his temple. Jiang Wan said, "I pushed your next journey, and I'm trying to fight for the Hollywood project for you Shooting abroad can avoid the limelight for a while, and it will make you less troublesome. "

Shen Liyang murmured "Hmmm".

It's not just Shen Liyang who wants to win a role and take the opportunity to break into Hollywood. Those who have no ambition in this circle are doomed to be popular soon.

It is just that Shen Liyang can't describe it too much with trouble.

Separated from the environment of the crew, reporters, paparazzi and media are like omnipresent flies that surround the world around Shen Liyang.

They were afraid of the cold sound of thin, persimmon soft pinch, Shen Liyang was disturbed by the interference, Lianxue Xiyu two assistants were not able to escape, go out to buy necessities were directly chased.

Now it seems that anyone who has something to do with the word "Shen Liyang" will be disturbed. Some people have already voiced in the media, saying that they are not people in the circle and are not familiar with Shen Liyang. I hope the media will not disturb their lives any more.Jiang Wanshou Shen Liyang, has thought of all possible ways.

"Dong Dong --"

the door of her apartment is knocked, and two assistants are stunned: "the media is coming?"

Jiang Wan: No, I'll go to the door

The people outside are really not the media, but - Yun Yixian.

As an actor who worked with Shen Liyang in a play, Jiang Wan was impressed by his wealth, "you look for..."

Da Wei blocks people aside, so that Yun Yixian can walk in directly.

"You can't go in!"

Jiang night's cry didn't play a role, because it was ignored directly by Yun Yixian.

Li Lianxue and Li Xiyu are startled at the sound, and come in a hurry to stop him from approaching. However, after being swept by Yun Yixian with a cold eye, they stop on the spot, as if they have lost their power of action.

"Why are you here?" Shen Li Yang glances at Xiang Yun.

Yun Yixian sat down: "you should know the purpose of my coming."

Shen Liyang shook his head: "I will not go with you."

Yun Yixian: "as long as you completely restore the memory, you will follow me."

Shen Li Yang stares: "my memory has been restored."

Cloud one envies smell speech Mou color very deep to say: "what you restore is only a part of wrong memory, I am talking about you The real memory belongs to Nanzhi's memory. "

South Gardenia?

A name that is absolutely strange to Shen Liyang.

But she saw that when she said the name, there was a light in Yun Yixian's eyes.

"I don't know what nonsense you are talking about. Who is Nanzhi?"

What is the true memory of South Gardenia?

"Nanzhi, my fiancee, is your real name."