Shen liyang's mood sank when he heard the speech.

It seems that Zhao Lingfeng did not take her warning seriously.

It was she who forgot that Zhao Lingfeng had the character of not seeing rabbits and not scattering eagles. What's strange about doing this.

But she didn't expect that Zhao Lingfeng had the courage to openly find the trouble of Bo Hansheng, and made trouble to the court.

Is there any reason behind him, or who has given him enough benefits?

"A week after the trial, this thing Zhao Lingfeng has been publicized on the media platform, and the media has already known about it. " Jiang Wan came over with a heavy face and said.

It's all over the place. They can't even try to hide.

It's directly cut off.

Shen Li Yang Mou color Dun live, blame her, should early public cut off the relationship between Zhao Lingfeng.

It will not lead to the passive situation.

It's just that she can't imagine who, one after another, made these things, the purpose What is it?

She is Who did you offend?

She thought about it and couldn't figure out why.

On the other side of the thin cold voice, has also received the court summons.

In the study, Bo Xichen sat in the opposite position, suddenly a group of tables: "this old man, I look down on him!"

Bo Hansheng stood up, went to the window, opened the window, and a cigarette was sandwiched between his bony fingers. The green smoke covered his beautiful facial features more mysterious.

Bo Xichen was so angry that he couldn't help it when he saw that his brother didn't make any noise: "brother, don't stop talking. What can we do now? The subpoenas of the court have all come out, and the public trial begins. At that time, the media still don't know what kind of messy things will be written. After all, the network is too developed now, and the possibility of mainstream media talking nonsense before the matter is settled is low. However, some we media marketing and small reports that like to attract public attention and engage in gimmicks do not know what kind of drama will be derived... "

It has always been sought after by netizens. According to the scope of the video fermentation on the Internet, the court trial will only usher in a peak once again.

"Looking for someone to stare at Zhao Lingfeng."

Bo Xichen:

Bo cold voice: "find out the messenger behind him."

The enemy is dark and I am in the light. Only when we find out some clues can we start.

"I'll go now."

Bo Hansheng: "you can do it yourself I can't find out anything. I'll find someone who hasn't shown up and has nothing to do with the Bo family. "

Bo Xichen heard something else in his words: "brother, do you know something?"

The smoke on the tip of his finger was burning to the end. He accidentally burned it to the tip of his finger. President Bo then put it out Check it out first. "

Bo Xichen really heard it this time: "do you already have a suspect?"

He sat on his chair and whispered, "well."

Bo Xichen: "which son of a bitch is behind us? I killed him. "

For so many years, they have not suffered from this kind of dumb loss!

Bo's voice glanced at him with no definite answer.

He also needs time to verify his conjecture. Otherwise, few people would believe it even if he said it directly.

If you want to find out what's going on, you always have to come up with good evidence.

Otherwise, I'm afraid even the second elder in my family will not believe it.

"Then this trial..."

Thin cold voice eyes deep like the sea, do not see the background color: "on time to attend."

Bo Xichen nodded, but there was still some uneasiness in his heart: "but Little sister-in-law, would you like to talk in advance? If she says something she shouldn't have said that day, things will be more out of control

Bo Xichen's words are just a warning to prepare for a rainy day, but they remind him of another thing.

"It seems that the man who gave you the tip off didn't convey his words clearly What did I do to her? I just remind her of her original memory You've been holding her for so long. It's time to return to the owner. "

"Shen Liyang, who was injured by your imprisonment in those years, has long been dead. Now the living people are Nanzhi, my fiancee, just borrowed her skin

A girl who has been with him for such a long time is really Someone else?

What Yun Yixian said is too shocking, but He had a certain look that didn't look like a fake.

"Mr. Bo."

Jiang Wan again received a phone call from Bo Hansheng, and there was no accident.

"She Are you asleep

Jiang Wan walked quietly to the balcony, closed the door, isolated the contact with the inside, and lowered his voice: " It's back in the room. "

Thin cold voice ground rubbing finger belly: "Su Yi how to say?"

Jiang Wan: "Dr. Su took the needle away, saying that it was necessary to carry out component analysis in order to reach a conclusion."For this matter, Bo Han Sheng Xiang didn't care much about it: "is there anything wrong with her body?"

Shen Liyang was thirsty and wanted to pour a glass of water. Unexpectedly, the rest of the light swept to Jiang Wan, who was talking on the balcony.

Even if nothing is heard, Shen Liyang seems to have telepathic sense of who is talking with Jiang Wan.

In fact, she always knew that Jiang Wanyou would deliver her message to Bo Hansheng on time. Otherwise, she would not have any situation every time. Bo Hansheng would appear in time.

But now --

it is no longer necessary for Bo Hansheng to know her news.

Jiang evening hung up the phone and came out from the balcony. Seeing Shen Liyang sitting in the living room, he looked stunned: "how come you haven't had a rest yet?"

Shen Liyang didn't beat around the Bush, but chose to go straight to the point and say: "night sister, later There is no need for my news to follow He did

Jiang Wan knew the meaning of her words, but still felt a great pity: "maybe, you should find a chance to have a good chat. I can see that Mr. Bo treats you It's a real heart. "

One's sincerity can't deceive people.

“…… This court session is a severe test for you and Mr. Bo. When the media will rush in, things between you will only be magnified infinitely. Now it is a wise decision to discuss a solution calmly. "

Shen Liyang shook his head: "I'm ready for what happened on the day of the trial. I don't need to discuss anything with him."

Jiang Wan: "but..."

"Night sister, you are my agent, I hope you can respect my decision."

"So before that, should you tell me what you are going to do on the day of the trial?"

Shen Liyang didn't speak. Jiang Wan's eyebrows twisted, and his heart went up and down.

Since Shen Liyang suddenly disappeared from the crew and came back, it was like a completely different person.

The next morning, two groups of people appeared in the apartment.

The driver with Xiao Bao, and Yun Yixian with the potion.