Xiao Bao's eyes were red when she came to see her. Her first reaction was to rush over, the same as before, but she stopped in Shen liyang's cold eyes.

He anxiously rubbed his hands, stepped on small feet to come to her in front of her, raised his small face, and cried out to her: "numb, can you, want me?"

No matter what his birth represents, Shen liyang's love for him is not fake, just

She couldn't do the same to him as before.

"Go back to your father."

Xiaobao tugged at her sleeve, tears like the uncontrolled faucet, "Wuwuwuwu I don't want to leave Ma Ma. You said that you like Xiao Bao best. You cheat, you cheat... "

In the end, she is young, and her emotions are easy to fluctuate. In addition, she has been worried about being abandoned by Shen Liyang, and her crying body is shaking.

The driver who sent him couldn't look down: "Miss Shen, the young master has been crying all the time, and his voice is almost broken. No matter what happened between you and Mr. Bo, the children are innocent. The young master has always liked you very much. Why do you have to To break his heart like this. "

The little guy hugged her leg and held her very close. He didn't want to relax at all. Shen Liyang looked at his crying red eyes, and he didn't feel good in his heart.

When cloud one envies to come in, what see is this kind of picture, the crook of the lip Cape of mockery.

"Bo's voice is a good idea, even his own son can use it."

If you want to play the family card with your child, you just have to make sure that Shen Liyang will be soft hearted. The president of Tang Bo's group used this method, which is ridiculous to the extreme.

Shen Liyang is not a fool. On the contrary, she is very clever. How can she not guess the intention of Bo Han Sheng, but

She was still soft hearted.

Nanshan No.1 Hospital.

The driver who sent Xiaobao to shenliyang came back: "Mr. Bo, the young master has already sent him."

"She What did you say? "

Driver: "Miss Shen didn't say anything, just Later, a foreign man came. He saw your intention and said in front of Miss Shen that you were doing this to make use of the young master to achieve your own goals. "

Even if the driver didn't describe the man's appearance too much, Bo's voice had already guessed who the foreign man was.

"What is he going to do?"

The driver shook his head: "Miss Shen let me leave after she promised to keep the young master."

Thin cold voice smell speech, like a sigh, but also like a melancholy said: "go out."

At this stage of the network, everywhere is the discussion between Shen Liyang and Bo Hansheng, which seems to have become a carnival of netizens.

"My wonderful girlfriend" was released in this situation.

Because the events of Shen Liyang and Bo Hansheng have already occupied the headlines of all kinds of video news pages, even without any publicity, the play still went on the hot search with lightning speed.

It is easy to attract the attention of young people.

At least when she learned that the film had been broadcast in the evening, she didn't want to delay the film after the opening of the court.

However, due to the interests of the film company, they did not agree to it. Instead, they planned to end the play on the day of the opening of the court.

In order to squeeze all Shen liyang's contribution to this play, because everyone knows that once there is a problem with the leading role in the play, the first one to be affected is the play that has not been broadcast. Therefore, the film makers should work overtime to ensure that the play is released in advance.

Jiang Wan: "this group of people put forward is to suck blood!"

To get the money back, it's hard to do anything.

They are the victims, not the perpetrators. They are so anxious to make money that they are clearly consuming Shen liyang's current popularity, which is disgusting.

But the so-called interest circle is like this, bustling for profit.


"There's one last shot left."

In the dark study, there is no light on. In addition to the sound, we can only vaguely see the figure of two men.

Yun Yixian sneered and hit the table top. He said, "I'm very curious. When Bo Hansheng knows that you are the troublemaker behind you, what kind of wonderful look will you have?"

The man lowered the voice line, but vaguely still can show a little familiarity: "this is the retribution due to the thin family."

Yun Yixian stretched out his hand: "since it's your family business, I don't have time to mind more, but She is my man, and if you do too much and hurt her heart, I will probably not let you go. "

The man pauses slightly It was Shen Liyang who was damaged, and she It's not, even if it's damaged, when she recovers all her memories, when you go back to Italy, everything will start all over again. "

"Ho." Cloud a envy sneer, "that can't do, I can't see her sad."His people, he can bully any way, if others want to move, he must let him lack arms and legs.

Man: "man I can only promise that I won't embellish her affairs, but as you can see from the outside world's attention to this matter, it's beyond my control. "

Yun Yixian is knocking on the desktop, as if thinking about something.

The success or failure of a man is at one stroke. Naturally, he is not willing to succeed: "Shen liyang's reputation is ruined, and she can't get along in the circle. When she wants to be free from interference in China, she has to leave. You can easily take her back to Italy. Isn't that what you want?"

If you want to persuade a person, you should choose the result he wants.

Cloud one envy ponders for a few seconds, "the last stitch, take it out."

The man put the needle on the table, "when she recovers her memory, there will be no reason to protect Bo's cold voice on the day of the trial. By then, if you eradicate a rival in love, I can get the result I want."

Yun Yixian: "you are wrong. He has never been my rival in love. I just want to return everything to the original position when I help you. If not, you are not worthy to sit with me and talk to me

He has been superior to others since he was born. Naturally, there will be no room for him to speak.

The man looked at him with the potion to open the door of the study, the outside light suddenly shot in, stabbing people can not open their eyes, in the face of cloud envy of disdain and ridicule, he clenched his hand.

Three days later, there will be a court trial. Today, this last shot, Yun Yixian, as usual, went in person.

Shen Liyang watched him come on time. This time, he was no longer extremely exclusive.

She has figured it out. Every time she accepts the so-called truth passively from others, she would rather think of it thoroughly instead of being the one in the dark.