Yun Yixian, who didn't know what she thought, was surprised by her cooperation today: "is it so interesting today?"

Shen Liyang: "if you want to fight quickly, don't be like a woman."

Yun Yixian said:

"Sure enough, I was more obedient."

Put in the former South Gardenia Body, absolutely can't say this kind of words.

When the needle goes in, Xiao Bao looks at Shen Liyang nervously. When Bo Hansheng agrees to let him come, he has made arrangements with him. One of them is to let him take good care of Shen Liyang and not let her get hurt.

Naturally also mentioned with him yunyixian to give her the injection thing.

"Numb, do you feel pain?" The little guy looked at her with heartache.

Shen Liyang shook her head. She had already passed the age when she felt pain from an injection.

Yun Yixian: "kid, she's not you..."

"Yun Yixian, you have finished the injection, you can go." Shen Liyang suddenly cut off his words.

Yun Yixian knew what she meant: "I didn't expect that you were really concerned about this cheap son."

At this time, I don't want to make him sad.

Yun Yixian refused to admit that this time he actually It's a little jealous.

If the negligence had not happened, now He and Nan Zhi should also have children.

Looking at the picture of Shen Liyang getting along with the little guy, Yun Yixian suddenly has an idea that there is a child, in fact Not bad.

He'll be one more toy.

After such an idea flashed in his mind, Yun Yixian looked at Shen liyang's eyes again, which made him more straightforward.

Shen Liyang was aware of his eyes, because he didn't look directly at him. He just felt that the sight behind him was gloomy, which made her scalp numb and uncomfortable.

That night, after Shen Liyang had gone to sleep, Xiao Bao called Bo Hansheng. The child's immature voice described what happened today.

After hearing the cold voice, she was silent for a few seconds before she said, "she How are you feeling now? "

Xiao Bao: "Ma Ma is already asleep."

This means that there is nothing to be done for the time being.

At this time, Bo Hansheng also received all the information about Nanzhi.

He looked at the information at a glance, and sorted out the relationship between Nanzhi and yunyixian. There was almost no difference between what he said and yunyixian.

However, the information shows that Nanzhi died many years ago.

According to the time line, shortly after Nanzhi died, Yun Yixian appeared in front of Shen Liyang in the capacity of saving Shizu and took her back to the organization for training.

According to the identity of Yun Yixian, he taught a strange girl in person. It's no exaggeration to describe such behavior casually.

However, if Yun Yixian has been secretly nursing Shen Liyang after transplanting her memory, and waiting for the time to mature, he will bring her back to his side for protection, which seems to be able to explain.

Thin cold sound looks at the data in the hand, the next second the head again intense pain.

As the day of the court trial is approaching, Bo has not had a stable sleep for a long time. Even if he is asleep, he will be bound up by himself, so as to guard against the emergence of the second personality.

He was no stranger to the pain of a tearing headache, and he knew what it meant.

The trial will be held the day after tomorrow. At this time, he must keep his head clear In the morning... "

But his voice was so weak that he could only knock over the cup on the table to remind people outside.

Bo Xichen's nerves are also tense during this period of time. It is not too much to say that he is a frightened bird.

Hearing the news, without any hesitation, he rushed in with his bodyguard.

"Brother, you What are you doing in a daze? Tie up the people

When the bodyguard took the rope, it was a little late.

The first second is still lying on the table, the expression of the struggling man, the next second, has abruptly stood up, sharp eyebrows with forest and cold cut, straight straight straight over the time, let people feel cold.

Bo Xichen's heart sank, but it was another tough battle.

Fortunately, the security personnel in the villa are specially trained to prevent the occurrence of similar situations: "on!"

Thin cold voice of the hand has always been good, especially in uncontrollable time, the start is cruel.

The bodyguard who rushed up first was directly kicked to the ground by him.

The bodyguard who wanted to take advantage of the tranquilizer was even more directly broken.

Bo Xichen looked at such a situation, his head was broken and tight. "Brother, you are sober and sober. If you go on fighting like this, I can't carry it!"

"Brother! Think about my sister-in-law. If this madman goes out, what will she do? "

"Brother! Brother

When the fist blows on his cheek, Bo Xichen closes his eyes and cries out: "sister-in-law, help!"The expected pain did not come, Bo Xichen only heard the sound of heavy objects landing.

"Er Shao, er Shao can open his eyes. Bo Zong has already fainted." The bodyguard warned.

Passed out?

Bo Xichen opened his eyes carefully and looked at the cold sound of falling on the ground, which was lifted to the sofa and tied up. He breathed a sigh of relief. After that, his legs softened. If someone did not support him in time, he would fall to the ground directly.

When Su Yi received the news, Bo's voice was still in a coma.

"How's it going?" Asked Bo Xichen.

Su Yi: Second, personality will appear from time to time, and the situation has not been significantly improved. "

Bo Xichen frowned: "does your medicine work?"

Su Yi: "any medicine needs a certain time, the time of taking medicine is too short."

On hearing this, Bo Xichen whispered to himself: "it's not long since the court will be held soon."

His elder brother is in this state. If he goes crazy at the scene of the trial, isn't it confess everything without having received a single blow of the bamboo?

Even if there is a secret, the media and the public do not care so much. Even if the crime of mental problems can not be punished, but being locked up in a mental hospital is enough to make Bo Hansheng so proud and destroy his life.

Su Yi looks at the thin cold sound on the hospital bed. It seems that there is something strange about it. This time she has a disease There seems to be something wrong.

"Is there any abnormality in Uncle these days?"

Bo Xichen thought about it and shook his head: "just like usual. What's the matter? Is there a problem? "

Is his elder brother's condition getting worse again?

Su Yi: "no, I'll just ask casually."

Bo Xichen's heart is on the body of Bo cold voice, smell speech also did not ask much.

The next morning, everything seemed normal.

Shen Liyang also got up as usual, but at the moment when he opened the quilt and got out of bed, he felt dizzy. Everything around him had double shadow. His eyes could not be focused. The next second, he suddenly fell to the ground without any sign.

Xiao Bao came to her room and saw her fall on the ground. Her face changed: "numb!"