Seeing this, Lawyer Chen walked to Bo Hansheng's side and said in a low voice, "Mr. Bo, you can't leave your seat during the trial. You will leave a very bad impression on the judge."

Thin cold voice slowly released his hand, but his eyes have not been able to move away from Shen Li Yang's body.

The judge read out the order of the trial scene again, and if there is disturbance for personal reasons, he will be severely punished.

Whether it is the noise under the stage or the warning of the judge, Shen Liyang has always lowered his eyebrows and eyes, hiding all the changes in his expression.

"Plaintiff, please state your words carefully and be responsible for what you have said and done."

The trial went on, the judge said solemnly.

The impression and discussion of this case on the Internet are very large. Shen liyang's words just now undoubtedly overturned the positive and negative speculation on the Internet.

It's no exaggeration to say that it's flat land.

In full view of the public, when the audience on the stage cast their burning eyes on her, Shen Liyang closed his eyes and said his own answer: "in those days, it was me Voluntary. "

Even after listening to her statement, the scene was still rioting.

This result is not to say that the media, even if the simple gourd eating masses are not satisfied, what is voluntary?

Such a big social news, in the end, it's going to end in thunder and rain?

There's no war of words they want to see.

There's no tearing and swearing that they want to see.

There is no party to the story of that year, is a understatement: I am voluntary?!

Why didn't you say it earlier?

Why don't you say anything when voluntary things start to ferment online?

Is it just for hype?

Can you live up to the expectation of the gourd Eaters?!

Some of the people who felt cheated became excited. "Is Shen liyang's voluntary sentence over? You must give us an account of this matter! "

When Shen Liyang was escorted away by security personnel, I don't know who suddenly screamed out.

We need an explanation! We speak for you on the Internet, but you are cheap to do men's toys, you have lost our women's faces! You don't want face

"Women's shame, you can't do without men, you loser!"


Angry feminists want to throw rotten eggs on her.

Jiang Wan did not have any preparation for Shen liyang's practice. If Shen Liyang simply turned things into small ones, it was still within her expectation, but Now it's all about taking things into their own hands

"Li Yang, why do you need to..."

According to the ability of the Bo family, even if the final decision is made, there is a way to win a reprieve. No matter how bad it is, she will be limited to part of her freedom. However, Shen Liyang is different. She is a public figure, and she is still in the red. Once her words and deeds are put on the public platform, she will destroy her performing career.

Because there were too many angry and discontented people, Shen Liyang was escorted all the way to the direction of the car in order to avoid the stampede.

Originally came to cheer Shen Liyang fans, see this scene, completely stunned.

There are loyal fans who want to maintain, but they are held down by their companions.

When they learned about the court scene, they were completely stunned: "fake it How could that be possible. "

"Could it be What did Bo family say to Li Yang privately? Li Yang is threatened, isn't he? That's why she said that? "

"Yes, it must be like this. Bo's family is big and its business is big. Li Yang is just a little star. How can her arm twist her thigh, she must be forced to do so."

Some people try to find a reasonable explanation for Shen liyang's behavior.

But the fans who went to the scene turned red: "No. The judge also asked the same question. Shen Liyang said She said that no one threatened her and said that they knew each other many years ago, so That's why I cooperated, and I also showed the evidence of studying abroad at that time. "

If the lawyer with a cold voice took them out, maybe they would like to exonerate their employers, but Shen Liyang said these things herself.

"When the jury didn't believe it, she said she had a tendency to be abused before, and everyone heard that at that time." This is what makes them fans can't accept.

When Shen Liyang said this, he was destroying himself.

Fans were shocked, and then there was a dead silence.

Some people throw the aid card into the garbage can, and some step on the silk ribbon wrapped around their wrists

Undoubtedly, what Shen Liyang did today hurt everyone's heart.

"She doesn't take us fans seriously at all!" Otherwise, how could you have said that in court."Brother, you can't go!"

Bo Xichen firmly grasped Bo's cold voice's arm and shook his head: "you can say anything in private. But now there are so many people and so many journalists here, even if you don't care, you should think about it for your sister-in-law."

Shen Liyang is now on the crest of the storm. Bo's cold voice will only make the on-site media more crazy.

"Let's go back first."

Bo Hansheng looks at Shen Liyang who gets on the bus persistently. He hasn't been able to recover from the shock at the scene of the trial just now.

No one knows how he felt when he heard Shen liyang's sentence "when things were voluntary in those years". It was like a thunderbolt, followed by a spiritual blank for several seconds.

If Lawyer Chen hadn't stopped him, he would have rushed forward to ask her, "why do you say that? Do you know what the consequences are? Don't you say you are Nanzhi? Since it's her, what are you doing with me? "

He had a thousand words to ask, but they were all stuck in his throat.

Bo Xichen was also in a complicated mood. He thought his sister-in-law was no longer the old sister-in-law, but what happened today clearly told him that Shen Liyang was still Shen Liyang.

It's just that he has the same question as Bo Han Sheng.

Cloud one envies not to say, in front of this Shen Li Yang already became that what South Gardenia?

In the end What's going on?

"I want to see her." Thin cold voice clenched his hand and said in a deep voice.

Bo Xichen: "I'll get in touch with Jiang Wan immediately. We can't stay here any longer. We'll still Go first. "

In the car.

Jiang Wan looked at Shen Liyang without saying a word, "what do you think? What are you going to do about it? Shen Liyang put aside that I am your agent. I think we are also friends with happy cooperation. Should you give me an explanation? "

Since getting on the bus, Jiang Wan's mobile phone has been shaking wildly. Everyone wants a response from them.

However, Jiang Wan did not have a perfect solution now, so he did not dare to connect to the telephone.