Facing Jiang Wan's query, Shen Liyang was silent for a long time, "sister Wan, the stigma always needs to be borne by one person. Since I have to withdraw from the circle, I will leave here soon. Reputation It doesn't matter. "

As for her indifferent attitude, Jiang Wan was angry: "I promised you to leave the circle temporarily, and I didn't let you cut off all your back ways. If you want to leave for a while, calm and calm, I'll let you, but now you tell me that you won't touch movies and TV series for the rest of your life? You so good talent, your own efforts to fight down the cause, so what do not want? Now I think I'm wrong. I always think I'm rational

It is not that she has artists who are decadent because of emotional frustration. However, it is the first time for her to see Shen Liyang who wants to leave without anything.

"You let me..." Some of Jiang Wan hated iron and steel and wanted to scold her, but when she lifted her eyes, she saw Shen liyang's pale lip color and swallowed her words forcefully. What she said was only one sentence: "you don't regret it."

Shen liyang's eyes look out of the car window. She looks at the rapid passing of light and shadow outside, and her expression is boundless desolate.


She thought, this has nothing to regret, as a tangle between two people.

There's nothing wrong with that.

"Night elder sister, the one standing in front seems to be Mr. Bo. " The driver looked at the man in front of him and whispered.

Jiang evening heard the sound and looked at the past, but it was not surprising to see the tall thin voice standing there.

"I'll release the news of your press conference today, and I'll come back to you early tomorrow morning."

Shen Li Yang nodded and got out of the car.

Jiang Wan looked back at them, sighed in a low voice, and said to the driver, "let's go."

Shen Liyang walked step by step toward the thin cold sound, and stopped at a distance of two meters. However, Bo's long arm stretched out and held her in his arms. He held her close and close: "why?"

He asked in a hoarse voice, "why do you do that? Don't you say you're not her? Don't you want to leave with Yun Yixian? Why... "

Why help him, in a way that destroys itself.

Shen Liyang closed her eyes, then slowly pushed people away. She said, "Mr. Bo, you misunderstood me."

Thin cold voice: "what?"

Shen Liyang: "I help you, just to completely cut off the relationship between us, just as I Took her body, the last thing I did for you

Her cold words and expression showed no love for him at all.

This makes thin cold voice that thinks things still have room to turn around.

Shen Liyang raised eyebrows and eyes: "the connection between you will be finished with this matter. I don't want to have any more involvement with you."

She said that and was leaving.

The thin cold voice but from behind firmly clasped her wrist, the deep eyebrow eye is deep like the sea, "rippling."

Shen Li Yang face expressionless push away his arm: "don't call me that again."

Thin cold voice as if to hold her hand, but Shen Li Yang to avoid, "don't touch me."

At this moment, he saw in her eyes Resistance and disgust.

This disgust, like a knife suddenly raised, pierced into the heart of thin cold voice, so that he could not move for a long time, until, with his own eyes, Shen Liyang disappeared from his eyes.

He stood downstairs for a long time, until his legs were numb, and he did not move from day to night.

Shen Liyang above the tall building, quietly leaning against the window, overlooks the man below.

Bo Hansheng stood downstairs until midnight. He didn't leave until Bo Xichen found him.

Because Shen Liyang took all the responsibility on himself, the people who ate melons were greatly disappointed, and the passers-by who watched also came to an end, expressing their disappointment at Shen Liyang, not to mention those black powder who were originally against their families.

According to common sense, this is the time when fans and studio reviews and reviews are in the loop, but

Fans are disappointed with Shen liyang's actions. No matter whether the incident was voluntary or not, they said that they had a tendency to be abused in full view of the public. This is not a direct way to defend her and say that she is the face of the victim fans?

In this case, disappointed fans will not open their mouth to maintain.

And the studio

Shen Liyang has decided to quit the entertainment industry. It is not necessary to wash white or not, especially now At the top of the seal of public opinion, no matter how much money is spent on public relations, when netizens are excited, it is like a stone sinking into the sea, even a voice can not be heard.

Shen liyang's name is almost even It stinks.

The official blog of the studio has been occupied by abusive voices. Shen liyang's microblog is full of insulting curses. Fu Chaolang wants to make a voice and is directly taken away by his agent: "if you are still a little calm and don't want to be scolded together, be honest. At this time, if you dare to say a word, everyone will think that you are not clean, and there is no hard to obey that black powder can't scold! "Fu Chaolang was calm and did not speak.

The agent's tone softened a little and said, "this is between Shen Liyang and Bo Hansheng. You don't do anything now. You are helping her. You think about your girlfriend fans. Once you get involved with Shen Liyang, they will join the fight and push Shen liyang to the cliff."

Not all fans are rational fans. Once they think their "husband" is "stained", they will want that person to wear the earth's heart, or even I wish that man would die.

No injustice, no hatred, even no intersection, can also have such a big malice, just because she thinks that the maintenance.

Such a situation is normal in the circle. After Fu Chaolang calms down, he can only admit that he can't speak at this time.

Or it's adding fuel to the fire.

Nanshan No.1 Hospital.

"Little Shen Liyang will hold a press conference tomorrow. " The news has spread in the circle, because there are limited media people who can enter, so it can be said that all the people are rushing to get in.

I'm afraid to miss this big play.

This is undoubtedly a carnival of media people. They have a premonition that as long as they have enough information, Shen liyang's event will not be a problem for the first half of a month.

The target of completing KPI ahead of time is tomorrow.

Thin cold voice did not speak, just looking at the hands of the South gardenia and cloud one envied the data of trance.

"Xichen, help me with one thing."

Bo Er Shao turned his head: "what?"

Bo Hansheng coldly closed the information in his hand, "inform Su Yi to come over, and I agree with his electric shock treatment."

Bo Xichen's eyes widened: "brother, are you crazy? No way

Absolutely not. This is an adventure with little success rate, which is no different from self mutilation.