When Zhao Xuerou saw that director celite had made it clear that she was going to stand on Shen liyang's side, she was furious. Her mouth was not controlled by her brain, and she called out: "did you help her so much? Did you reach any agreement just now? What did you two do just now, closing the door? Celiette doesn't disclose the hidden rules of actresses. Can you believe that if I tell you about it, your reputation will be ruined? "

Director celite was shocked: "what do you want to do? Threatening me in this way? "

Zhao Xuerou sank: "I didn't want to threaten you, but since I brought money into the group, I couldn't see this kind of woman on top."

Celite is a well-known Hollywood director. It is highly respected to go to any country to select actors. But now she is threatened by the little actress Zhao Xuerou, and even says that she wants to destroy him. Such things also set off celite's anger: "you -"

"director celite." Shen Liyang stopped the angry Celite and handed his mobile phone to him: "don't worry about anything with this kind of person. I have recorded all what she said just now. If she talks nonsense outside, the first person to fall into the storm of public opinion must be herself."

With the evidence at hand, celiette's face was much better.

"Shen Liyang, I despise you. You are so mean." Zhao Xuerou hated the voice.

Shen Liyang didn't even give her a look.

Celiette: "I don't care how much money you paid for the role, I can tell you directly now that the contract is invalid, and my film will not use your kind of immoral actor."

This is Zhao Xuerou's mockery of Shen Liyang just now, which is all used by Zhao Xuerou herself.

When Zhao Xuerou's agent arrived, it was already late. Zhao Xuerou had fallen out with Celite and had the intention of continuing to fight tit for tat.

During this period, Shen Liyang withdrew from the circle. Previously, Zhao Lingfeng publicly said that Shen Liyang was his own daughter. People naturally thought that Shen Liyang and Zhao Xuerou were sisters.

Shen Liyang had something to do. Many programs that originally wanted to invite her turned to Zhao Xuerou one after another. For a while, she was a favorite in the circle, which also made her a little erratic. Therefore, otherwise, she would not make a tit for tat with Hollywood directors. You should know how much effort they spent in order to win the chance.

"Director celite, misunderstandings and misunderstandings are all misunderstandings. We Xuerou always have great admiration for you. She is your little fan sister, she..."

The agent wants to calm things down and try to keep this opportunity, but Zhao Xuerou obviously doesn't think so. In her opinion, her participation will not only bring the box office of China, but also bring capital into the group. Where can we find such a good thing?

"There's no misunderstanding, this play, I don't have her!"

The agent is anxious: "snow soft!"

Shen Liyang looked at the domineering Zhao Xuerou and thought that she had at least a little brain before, but she didn't even know where she had forgotten her brain for a period of time. It seems that everything is going smoothly, and it is not necessarily a good thing.

"Lady, you can rest assured that from now on, none of the films I'm involved in making will find you." Celite also has the confidence to express her dissatisfaction.

This is similar to the death sentence for Zhao Xuerou's march into Hollywood.

Zhao Xuerou doesn't care. She has money, beauty and fans. Even if she angered celite, there are countless directors willing to cooperate with her.

"I won't make you feel better!"

Zhao Xuerou looks at Shen Liyang, coldly drops the cruel words, and then turns to leave.

The agent knew that he had fallen out. Even if he apologized to director celite, he couldn't change anything. He could only catch up with him in a hurry.

Shen Liyang looked apologetically at director celite: "I'm really sorry, because of my personal reasons, you lost an actor."

Celite shook his head in disappointment: "I should thank you. Working with such a person is a disaster. I thought that you Chinese actresses are equally lovely to you. It seems that I was wrong. "

"We still have many excellent actresses in China. This is just an example. If you need to, I can recommend some good artists to you."

Celiette nodded: "I'll ask you if it's needed later."

When Shen Liyang came out, Jiang Wan had been waiting for a long time.

When she saw Zhao Xuerou come out in anger, she was afraid that Shen Liyang would encounter something bad in it. This is a good opportunity once in a blue moon, and she has a premonition that as long as Shen Liyang performs well, all the things ahead will be turned over because of the success of the film.

"How's it going?"

As soon as he saw her coming out, Jiang Wan immediately inquired. His expression was more anxious than Shen Liyang himself.

Shen Liyang nodded to her: "the interview passed."

Jiang Wan hugged her excitedly: "I knew that this role must belong to you."

Only she is the best fit for the role.On the way back, Shen Liyang looked at Jiang Wan, who was in a good mood, and said thanks to her: "evening sister, thank you."

Thank you. Even if I'm in disrepute now, you'll still be on my side.

Thank you, even if I am embarrassed to withdraw from this circle, you are still willing to send good resources to me.

Thank you for your concern for me from the moment I became my agent.

Shen Liyang had a lot of gratitude to Jiang Wan to say, but when he got to his mouth, he swallowed it again. Finally, he said, "thank you.".

Jiang Wan sighed: "you don't have to thank me. Thank you yourself. Even if I help you get an interview, it's up to you to be successful or not. "

After all, opportunities will be left to those who are capable and prepared.

"Take a good rest and keep your energy up. Director celite has a high requirement for the physical quality of the actors. You should be prepared for the following challenges." Before Shen Liyang got off the train, Jiang Wan reminded him.

After the interview, she needs a period of physical training with the other stars.

Compared with Europeans, Asians, like children standing next to adults, are not only differences in height, but also faces.

By contrast, Asians will look younger, especially when Shen Liyang is not on camera. She does not make up much. She has a plain face, a high horse tail and a flexible and convenient sportswear. She looks like a junior high school student.

"Oh, what do I see, little lovely asian girl, whose daughter is this?" The male star Smith is reading the script. After seeing Shen Liyang come in, he abandons the script and strides towards her.

Smith is very strong, with clear muscle lines visible to the naked eye.