Shen Liyang avoided his outstretched hand and introduced himself with a smile: "Mr. Smith, this is Shen Liyang."

Smith wondered, "do we know each other?"

If he had seen a girl who looked like a little angel, he would never forget it.

Shen Liyang smiles: "I know Mr. Smith unilaterally."

Smith realized: "you are my fan." It's really a happy thing that his fans have such a lovely girl.

Shen Liyang: A little unclear.

"I'm a Chinese actor who plays the white sleeve girl." Shen Liyang can only introduce this, she thought: This is always simple and clear.

"Oh, my God, are my fans going to play against me? You're great, baby Smith seemed to be more excited.

Shen Liyang:

Forget it. Fans are fans.

She thinks that there is nothing wrong with the idols of many international movie stars, which may be conducive to shooting.

However, Shen Liyang obviously thought things too simple and underestimated Smith's enthusiasm. All morning, the whole crew knew that she was a big fan of her. In order to get close to her idol, she worked hard and finally got the chance to join the same crew. It was inspirational and touching.

When the news reached Jiang Wan's ears, Jiang Wan couldn't help teasing her.

"Why don't I know when you have such an idol?"

Shen Liyang unscrewed the cap of the bottle, drank his saliva, shrugged and helpless: "to tell the truth, I don't know."

Yeah, it's quite puzzling.

Jiang Wan clearly patted her on the shoulder: "Smith is outgoing, I can see that he has a good impression on you. With him brushing your face in the production team, you should be able to integrate faster, but..."

Jiang Wan looked at the extremely tall and sexy actress in the crew and lowered her voice: "however, I heard that Michelle, the No.1 girl, is deeply in love with Smith. She is extremely disgusted with any woman whom Smith treats differently. Be careful not to get too close to Smith, or you will be regarded as a thorn in her eye

Shen Liyang nodded, "I know, I will be careful."

Jiang Wan brushes domestic news, "Zhao Xuerou's studio official announced her new film, which is a new film by director Chen, who has won many awards. It is a literary film. It seems that It's about getting ready for the awards. "

Literature and art films are usually called "no box office", and the box office is not high, but they are the favorite of the major awards parties.

Whether they want to transform or reverse word-of-mouth, popular actresses usually choose literary films.

Shen Liyang has no interest in knowing any news of Zhao's family, so he doesn't even want to listen.

Jiang Wan continued to draw down, and her eyebrows were getting closer and closer. "She let out the news that you got the third girl in this movie when she was interviewed The implication is that you can get the role through the unspoken rules. "

For such a result, Shen Liyang did not even blink his eyelids, as if everything was expected: "she was driven out by director celite, how sweet she is to leave without a moth behind her. I have not experienced any rumors, which can not hurt me."

No matter how noisy the outside world is, the best way for an actor to wash white is to work.

For the work is the king.

Since I'm in this business, there's so little fuss.

"That's a good idea." Jiang Wan laughs.

Shen Liyang continued to read the script, "small scenes."

"Xiao Liyang." After finishing the training with the martial arts instructor, Smith came to Shen Liyang with a smile on her face and took the mineral water that she had drunk at hand.

"Mr. Smith, I've already drunk this water."

Shen Liyang wants to stop it, but Smith moves quickly. She speaks late.

Michelle looked at Smith's action from a distance, holding the script in his hand and came over: "Shen Liyang, I want to check with you now about our opponent's play."

She said that it was Shen Liyang who was high-heeled in the play, but whether it was her expression or state, it was written that the person who came here was not good, a few words.

Jiang Wan: "Miss Michelle, we Li Yang is a novice, you are a famous martial arts star, play or put back."

Mishir didn't put her peaceful words in the eyes, but looked at Shen Liyang provocatively: "you dare not?"

Jiang Wan holds Shen liyang's arm: "can't go."

Smith: Michelle, you are two big kids. Aren't you bullying others

At the beginning, mishir provoked Shen Liyang only out of dissatisfaction. Smith's words successfully provoked her anger: "do you like this weak chicken?"

When Yama fights, the kid suffers. Shen Liyang, who is implicated innocently, thinks that he is the poor kid.

"Miss mishill, I have a boyfriend."

The angry michaelton lived: "what?"Smith seems to have heard some bad news: "what?"

Shen Liyang thinks that some words can reduce a lot of trouble in the follow-up: "I have a boyfriend, we love Good. "

Michelle: really

Shen Liyang nodded and opened one of the photos Xiaobao sent her every day.

Although still closed eyes, but both the outline and facial features are impeccable.

Michelle couldn't help but exclaimed, "he's like the statue of David."

Michelangelo carved David, which should be the highest praise for a man's appearance.

Shen Liyang hears the speech and raises his lips slightly.

As expected, there are always people who can unify the beauty of the world.

"How long have you known each other? Are you ready to get married? Will he come to see you? " Michelle used her as a thorn in her rival's eye a second before, and changed her face in an instant.

Obviously, she also felt that since Shen Liyang had such an outstanding contact object, she would not compete with her for her sweetheart.

Michelle was happy and felt that he had lost a rival, but Smith was not happy. He felt that he was lovelorn.

Shen Liyang looked at Smith who walked away silently, and felt relieved. After all, what she said just now was not just for Michelle, but more for Smith, so that he would not waste time on himself.

But she seems to have underestimated Smith's tenacity. In the next week, Shen Liyang received roses in the hotel after work every day. What's more, she had a day of physical training, and it was very difficult to get up in the morning every day. She wanted to sleep a little more, but she had a second son, who called her on time and sang love songs on time.

It is to make her wake up in love and feel the beauty of the day.

Shen Liyang, wearing a black eye, clenched her mobile phone: she just wants this comrade to feel the danger of the world!

Jiang Wan came to deliver breakfast to her. Seeing her ferocious appearance, she was stunned: "you are You want to eat people? "