Chapter 1240

It was so powerful that I almost flew out of my seat. I finally recovered my consciousness. When I looked back at Fu Shenyan, I saw that his mouth was overflowing with blood.

Half of his body was almost hit by the obstacles flying in front of him, and he was injured.

I nodded and said calmly, "OK, Fu Shenyan asked me to go to Huo's house to find Huo Tianlin. Maybe he knew how to save him!"

Because I didn't have Huo Tianlin's phone number, I had to wait until the man arranged by my father came. The man who came was a middle-aged man. He looked at me after he was sure I was safe and said, "the police will come later. Maybe they will take you to the police station to take a statement. I sent someone to chase Mr. Fu. The opposite party seems to have arranged the station ahead of time. I'm afraid we'll have a long-term plan."

I nodded and answered.

The other end of the phone was silent for a while and said, "OK, but we may come first to ensure your safety!

It was the man my father arranged in Macao. I relaxed and said, "Fu Shenyan and I were chased. He was injured and taken away. The car was burned. Can you find Fu Shenyan as soon as possible?"

However, I didn't go far. I just avoided the sound of car explosion behind me. After confirming my safety, I called the police directly. Originally, I wanted to call Huo Tianlin, but because I didn't have his phone number, I could only give the phone number that Mo Zhicheng left me. I dialed the phone. After a while, someone said, "miss!"

It's going to explode. I pursed my lips and took a look at the multi million car. I took a breath of air and left in the other direction.

The cigarette butt fell on the gasoline on the ground, and the fire suddenly excited. Then the whole car was suddenly ignited. The fire seemed to be carried by the strong wind, and immediately burned all over the car.

They pulled Fu Shenyan out of the car. In order to protect me, Fu Shenyan was crushed by the car and was seriously injured. Several men pulled him out of the car. Regardless of his injury, they took him directly into the black car behind. Then one of the men came forward, took out a cigarette from his clothes, took a few puffs and left the cigarette butt in Fu's car Be careful. I didn't pay attention to the big g. the fuel tank of the car broke down and the tires of the car ran out of gas. Therefore, the reason why the car was suddenly out of control was that someone hit the tire and then couldn't drive it.

The black SUVs stopped, and there were some big men in black.

Almost just in a few seconds, I moved my body out of the car, and then stumbled to hide behind the wall not far away.

The cars behind are getting closer and closer. I know that if I don't go, not only can I not save Fu Shenyan, but we will all have an accident in the end.

I realized later that there were several black off-road vehicles near the back of the car. Fu Shenyan's urging voice rang out, "go, or none of us will be able to go."

"Fu Shenyan, Fu Shenyan." I moved close to him and reached out to help him. I called several times before he regained consciousness. Looking at my weak voice, he said, "let's go and find Huo Tianlin. He has a way to save me!"


The man my father sent to protect me is Lin Shen, who arranged for the management of assets in Macao. Over the years, he has almost left a lot of things to his hands.