Chapter 1241

In the police station, I was asked by a group of people and answered their questions. But looking at their expressions, I was a little confused and said, "what happened?"

One of the policemen looked at me and said, "are you sure the person you are with is your husband? He's just injured and taken away. Is there anyone else?"

The policeman was stunned for a moment and said, "when we found the body, the body had been corroded by sulfuric acid, so we can't tell who the body is. Take a look at his clothes and the things he wears. If it's your husband, you are familiar with his things at least."

I walked over, the palm was pinched out of blood, forced the heart of the pain to see the pictures on the wall, but when I summoned up the courage to look at the past, I could not help but be stunned, some doubt looked back to the police.

My heart kept sinking and lifting. This repeated fear almost broke me. Because the body had been sent to the planning room by the police, there were only photos taken from the crime scene.

Several policemen nodded and made way.

The policeman said, "I asked her to come and see the body at the scene of the crime and see if it belonged to her husband."

In the other room, several policemen stood and saw us coming in. Some of them looked at the policeman who took me in, and their eyes were full of questions.

It's just a few steps from the interrogation room to another room. I feel like I've been walking for a lifetime.

The policeman looked at me and said, "let's go!"

I nodded, my heart had been raised to my throat, and my hands were shaking.

The policeman looked at me and suddenly turned pale. Maybe he was a little worried. He took a breath to comfort me and said, "you don't have to worry. If you say your husband was abducted, then he may not be your husband. We took photos of the dead. You can go and have a look with us."

I was stunned, "how could it be? Who is it? " When I asked this, my voice trembled a little, my hands held together unconsciously, and my fingertips pinched the palm of my hand, hoping to ease my fear.

Male corpse?

The policeman looked at my ferocious face and said, "lady, you don't have to be too nervous. We just want to confirm, because we found a man's body near the crime scene."

It's Bao Kun, it must be him!

I was so surprised that I couldn't say a word, so this is really a premeditated plot?

The policeman looked at me and shrugged, "sorry, madam, all the cameras there are broken, so we can only record your confession!"

I nodded and said seriously, "yes, I'm sure our car was I don't know why the tire was flat, and then the car didn't stop. We almost died. After the car stopped, my husband told me to run away. He was taken away by several people in black. They were driving. You can watch the surveillance! "

I look at the corpse that has been destroyed beyond recognition. The clothes on my body are a black suit. It seems that his height and body shape are very imaginative to Fu Shenyan, but I don't think he is Fu Shenyan.

Fu Shenyan is so powerful and dazzling. How can he leave like this?